Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88749-02


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Post-Installation Configuration

After you have installed the Standard Management Pack, configure the components listed in the following table:

Components  Where to Find the Information 

Performance Manager 

Setting Up Performance Manager on page 2-1 

Data Viewer 

Obtaining Trace Data for Use in Trace Data Viewer on page 2-4 

Setting Up Performance Manager

The following setup tasks are required before you use Oracle Performance Manager:

The following setup tasks are required before you use Performance Manager:

The following sections describe each of these setup tasks in more detail.

Configuring Oracle Intelligent Agent to Collect Data

Performance Manager and Capacity Planner require the use of the Intelligent Agent data gathering service. For monitoring operating system data, the Oracle Intelligent Agent must be installed on the same node as the operating system you are monitoring. For monitoring other target types, such as databases, the Oracle Intelligent Agent can run on the same node as the target you are monitoring, or it can run on a different node, depending upon your configuration.

Refer to the Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide for information on how to configure and start the Oracle Intelligent Agent.

Enabling Disk Statistics Collection on Windows NT

To collect disk statistics on Windows NT, enable them by typing:

diskperf  -Y 

Disk statistics are enabled the next time the system is restarted. For more information about the DISKPERF tool, refer to the Microsoft Windows NT documentation.


Enabling disk statistics is not required. You can still monitor other operating system statistics with Performance Manager or Capacity Planner even if disk statistics are not enabled. 

Converting User-Defined Charts From Previous Releases of Performance Manager

If you created user-defined charts using Performance Manager release 1.5.0 or earlier and want to use them with the current Performance Manager release, you must first convert them to release 1.6.0.

Performance Manager Release 1.6.0 user-defined charts are converted to the current release when you migrate your existing performance data to the Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 repository.

For more information, refer to the following sections.

Note: Release 1.5.5 of Performance Manager did not include the functionality of user-defined charts.:  

Converting Performance Manager Release 1.5.0 User-Defined Charts

To convert user-defined charts created using Performance Manager Release 1.5.0 or earlier:

  1. Run vmmmig.exe. This executable creates a text file named vtmusr.txt in the $ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\ADMIN directory. This text file contains data about the user-defined charts created using Performance Manager release 1.5.0 or earlier. When you run vmmmig.exe, specify the user name, password, and service for the Enterprise Manager repository that contains the user-defined charts that you want to convert, for example:
    vmmmig joseph/password@my_rep

    Note that my_rep in the previous command line is the service name for the Enterprise Manager repository.

  2. Run vmm2vtm.exe. This executable uses the data in the vtmusr.txt file to create user-defined charts in the repository that can be used with Performance Manager release 1.6.0. When you run vmm2vtm.exe, supply a user name, password, and target for the Enterprise Manager V2.x repository and the name of the target under which you want the user-defined charts stored for Performance Manager release 1.6.0, for example:
    vmm2vtm.exe joseph/password@my_rep my_db

    Note that my_rep in the previous command line is the target name of the Enterprise Manager V2.x repository and my_db is the name of the target service under which you want the user-defined charts stored. In other words, after the previous command is run, all the user-defined charts are converted and stored under the my_db service in the Performance Manager release 1.6.0 tree view.

    If any error messages are generated when you run vmm2vtm.exe, edit the vtmusr.txt file based on the error messages. For example, the error messages may state that there is a problem with a chart or that a chart does not exist. Since the vtmusr.txt file contains a list of the charts, edit the file to remove any problematic charts.

    Then, run vmm2vtm.exe again.

Converting Performance Manager Release 1.6.0 User-Defined Charts

If you created user-defined charts with Performance Manager Release 1.6.0, you can convert those charts for use with the current release of Performance Manager. User-defined charts created with Performance Manager 1.6.0 are converted when you create a new Enterprise Manager repository and migrate your existing performance data to the new repository.

For more information about creating a new Oracle Enterprise Manager repository and migrating your existing data, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.

Using Performance Manager in a Parallel Server Environment

To use Performance Manager in a Parallel Server environment, two database instances must be started, otherwise Performance Manager does not treat the server as a Parallel Server.

There are two scenarios for using Performance Manager in an Oracle Parallel Server environment, and different configuration steps are required for each scenario.

The two scenarios and their configuration steps are:

  1. If you are using Performance Manager to monitor an Oracle7 Parallel Server environment, do the following:
    1. Ensure all instances are running.
    2. Run the ops_gdl.sql script. This generates an appropriate ops_dbl.sql file. The ops_dbl.sql file shipped with the product is only an example. The actual contents of ops_dbl.sql depend on your database name, instance names, and the number of instances which exist.
    3. Run the ops_mon.sql script, which runs ops_ctab.sql, ops_dbl.sql, ops_pack.sql to create Performance Manager tables and views to fetch and display Oracle7 Parallel Server data in charts.

      Oracle7 does not have global V$ (GV$) tables; these files install a set of PL/SQL procedures, database links, and O$ tables that are used by Performance Manager in the absence of GV$ tables.

  2. If you are using Performance Manager to monitor an Oracle8 Parallel Server environment, you do not need to run any of the Parallel Server scripts. For example, if you use any release of Oracle that has GV$ tables (namely Oracle release 8.0 and later), you do not need to run these scripts.

Obtaining Trace Data for Use in Trace Data Viewer

To obtain data to view, see the chapter, "Using Oracle Trace" in the Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference for information about collecting Oracle Trace Data via the command line interface.

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