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Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96612-01
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DBMS_RULE, 2 of 2

Summary of DBMS_RULE Subprograms

Table 63-1 DBMS_RULE Subprogram
Subprogram Description

"EVALUATE Procedure"

Evaluates the rules in the specified rule set that use the evaluation context specified

EVALUATE Procedure

Evaluates the rules in the specified rule set that use the evaluation context specified.


Rules in the rule set that use an evaluation context different from the one specified are not considered for evaluation.

The rules in the rule set are evaluated using the data specified for table_values, column_values, variable_values, and attribute_values. These values must refer to tables and variables in the specified evaluation context. Otherwise, they are ignored.

The caller may specify, using stop_on_first_hit, if evaluation must stop as soon as the first TRUE rule or the first MAYBE rule (if there are no TRUE rules) is found.

The caller may also specify, using simple_rules_only, if only rules that are simple enough to be evaluated fast (which means without SQL) should be considered for evaluation. This makes evaluation faster, but causes rules that cannot be evaluated without SQL to be returned as MAYBE rules.

Partial evaluation is supported. The EVALUATE procedure can be called with data for only some of the tables, columns, variables, or attributes. In such a case, rules that cannot be evaluated because of a lack of data are returned as MAYBE rules, unless they can be determined to be TRUE or FALSE based on the values of one or more simple expressions within the rule. For example, given a value of 1 for attribute "a.b" of variable "x", a rule with the following rule condition can be returned as TRUE, without a value for table "tab":

(:x.a.b = 1) or (tab.c > 10)

The results of an evaluation are the following:

To run this procedure, a user must meet at least one of the following requirements:


  rule_set_name        IN   VARCHAR2,
  evaluation_context   IN   VARCHAR2,
  event_context        IN   SYS.RE$NV_LIST               DEFAULT NULL,
  table_values         IN   SYS.RE$TABLE_VALUE_LIST      DEFAULT NULL,
  column_values        IN   SYS.RE$COLUMN_VALUE_LIST,
  variable_values      IN   SYS.RE$VARIABLE_VALUE_LIST   DEFAULT NULL,
  attribute_values     IN   SYS.RE$ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST,
  stop_on_first_hit    IN   BOOLEAN                      DEFAULT FALSE,
  simple_rules_only    IN   BOOLEAN                      DEFAULT FALSE,
  true_rules           OUT  SYS.RE$RULE_HIT_LIST,
  maybe_rules          OUT  SYS.RE$RULE_HIT_LIST);


This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure has the column_values and attribute_values parameters, and the other does not.


Table 63-2 EVALUATE Procedure Parameters (Page 1 of 2)
Parameter Description


Name of the rule set in the form [schema_name.]rule_set_name. For example, to evaluate all of the rules in a rule set named hr_rules in the hr schema, enter hr.hr_rules for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the schema of the current user is used.


An evaluation context name in the form [schema_name.]evaluation_context_name. If the schema is not specified, then the name of the current user is used.

Only rules that use the specified evaluation context are evaluated.


A list of name-value pairs that identify events that cause evaluation


Contains the data for table rows using the table aliases specified when the evaluation context was created


Contains the partial data for table rows. It must not contain column values for tables, whose values are already specified in table_values.


A list containing the data for variables.

The only way for an explicit variable value to be known is to specify its value in this list.

If an implicit variable value is not specified in the list, then the function used to obtain the value of the implicit variable is invoked. If an implicit variable value is specified in the list, then this value is used and the function is not invoked.


Contains the partial data for variables. It must not contain attribute values for variables whose values are already specified in variable_values.


If TRUE, then the rules engine stops evaluation as soon as it finds a TRUE rule.

If TRUE and there are no TRUE rules, then the rules engine stops evaluation as soon as it finds a rule that may evaluate to TRUE given more data.

If FALSE, then the rules engine continues to evaluate rules even after it finds a TRUE rule.


If TRUE, then only those rules that are simple enough to be evaluated fast (without issuing SQL) are considered for evaluation.

If FALSE, then evaluates all rules.


Receives the output of the EVALUATE procedure into a varray of RE$RULE_HIT_LIST type.

If no rules evaluate to TRUE, then true_rules is empty.

If at least one rule evaluates to TRUE and stop_on_first_hit is TRUE, then true_rules contains one rule that evaluates to TRUE.

If stop_on_first_hit is FALSE, then true_rules contains all rules that evaluate to TRUE.


If all rules can be evaluated completely, without requiring any additional data, then maybe_rules is empty.

If stop_on_first_hit is TRUE, then if there is at least one rule that may evaluate to TRUE given more data, and no rules evaluate to TRUE, then maybe_rules contains one rule that may evaluate to TRUE.

If stop_on_first_hit is FALSE, then maybe_rules contains all rules that may evaluate to TRUE given more data.

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