SQL*Plus® Release Notes Release E16608-01 |
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Release Notes
August 2010
This document summarizes requirements, differences between SQL*Plus and its documented functionality, new features in this release and support information.
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SQL*Plus is certified against the operating systems set out in the operating-system specific Oracle Database documentation.
SQL*Plus is certified against Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) and all supported versions of the Oracle Server.
SQL*Plus Release is a superset of SQL*Plus Release 11.2.
This section describes new features introduced in this release of SQL*Plus. Some features may be affected by the SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY setting. See the SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY Matrix in chapter 12, "SQL*Plus Command Reference" in the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference.
This section lists new features introduced to SQL*Plus in previous releases.
Editions Option
FAN Events in a RAC Database
SET ERRORLOGGING command enables error logging of SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus errors.
SQL*Plus supports standard querying of tables and objects containing BLOB and BFILE datatypes.
SET ESCCHAR command enables specific characters in file names to be escaped.
The SQLPLUS command -F argument enables SQL*Plus to receive FAN events from a RAC database.
XQUERY is a new SQL*Plus command that enables you to run XQueries against your database from SQL*Plus ERRORLOGGING command enables error logging of SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus errors.
Glogin and Login Calls
SQL*Plus Site Profile and User Profile Changes
Predefined Substitution Variables: _DATE, _PRIVILEGE, and _USER
APPEND, CREATE, and REPLACE Extensions to SPOOL Command
Whitespace Support in File and Path Names in Windows
Improved Messages and Prompts
Windows Specific Information
The following section lists bugs fixed in SQL*Plus. Numbers in parentheses following the problem description refer to bug numbers in the Oracle Bug Database.
SPERRORLOG now correctly displays the full statement (9559937)
SQL*Plus unexpected termination in NLS environment fixed. (9575131)
SQL*Plus WHENEVER commands can now be disabled. (9298298)
Wildcard behavior in EDIT documented. (9046816)
SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE no longer hangs. (8299200)
Internal changes (9587831, 9587716, 9587244, 9370232, 9437352, 9379339, 9370460, 9370232, 9328006, 9226453, 9299444, 9226453, 7676775)
The -F option is no longer required to receive FAN events from a RAC database on UNIX/Linux computers. (6660746, 8352590)
SQL*Plus no longer hangs when using the HOST command on Apple Mac (7529591)
Disabling the SQL*Plus DEL command in the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE no longer disables the SQL DELETE command (7462252)
When SQL*Plus is started with the -S option, the ACCEPT command with HIDE option no longer displays the value entered (3863763)
DESCRIBE procedure @ db link now displays the procedure name correctly (7259464)
Correct feedback message is now displayed for PASSWORD command (7258594)
SQL*Plus now runs SQL scripts with file names containing spaces (7150873)
STARTUP command with READ ONLY option no longer generates an internal error (6981649)
AUTOTRACE command for huge amount of data no longer generates an internal error (6718674)
Control-C now works during the running of a script (6499532)
Executing RDBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL no longer truncates output in the JA16SJIS client character set (6459688)
SQL*Plus no longer generates an internal error when NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set incorrectly, (6376008)
The SPOOL command now has the same behavior as previous releases (6214990)
Error ORA-1031 no longer occurs when SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NONE) (5997159)
SHOW ALL no longer generates an SP2-0308 message on IBM zSeries platforms (3989135)
AUTOTRACE no longer generates an ORA-1012 message after DB shutdown and startup in the same session (3445839)
EXIT command now returns the correct status code (2697996)
SHOW ERROR now shows the correct error for ALTER PACKAGE with embedded comments (2223969)
Internal changes (8356309, 8337410, 8337402, 8337395, 8308134, 8229404, 7571278, 7521006, 6605695, 6350579, 6340232,6261618, 6110590, 5081837, 4176440, 3975044, 3243405, 2833775, 1134891)
For SQL*Plus support, please contact your local Oracle Support Services Center.
This section gives advance notice of the desupport of SQL*Plus commands and interfaces. It is not official notice of desupport dates, nor is it intended to replace the Oracle obsolescence process. This information provides you with advance warning that Oracle Corporation intends to desupport these features/interfaces in upcoming releases.
SQL*Plus Release Notes, Release
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