Oracle Database Master Index: L
11g Release 2 (11.2)
Shortcuts to Letters
Index Entries
L numeric format element
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
L variable in SQLDA
- how value is set
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- purpose of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
label column width
(OLAP DML Reference)
- branching in a program
(OLAP DML Reference)
- for error handling in programs
(OLAP DML Reference)
label components
- defining
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- in distributed environment
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- industry examples
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- interrelation
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- valid characters
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
Label control
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
label evaluation process
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inverse groups, COMPACCESS
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- read access
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- read access, inverse groups
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- write access
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- write access, inverse groups
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LABEL function
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
label name
- maximum length of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
Label Security Integration Audit Report
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
Label Security. See Oracle Label Security
label tags
- converting from string
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- converting to string
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- distributed environment
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- example
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inserting data
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- introduction
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- manually defined
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- strategy
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- using in WHERE clauses
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
label template
- Comments
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Definition
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- editing
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Error Display
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Name
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Subscription
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Substitution Strings
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
LABEL variable
- SHOW command
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- and labeling functions
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- authorizing compartments
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- authorizing groups
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- definition
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- importing unlabeled data
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inserting labeled data
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- with enforcement options
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LABEL_TO_CHAR function
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- and labeling functions
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- and privileges
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- definition
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- evaluation process
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- with enforcement options
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LabelableConnection interface
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
labeled connections
- apply label
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- borrowing
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- check unmatched
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- implement callback
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- overview
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- remove label
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
labeled LOOP statement
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
labeling callback
- create
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- example
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- register
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- removing
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- run-time algorithm
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
labeling functions
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- creating
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- example
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- how they work
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- importing unlabeled data
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- in force
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inserting data
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- introduction
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- override manual insert
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- specifying
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- testing
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- using
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- with enforcement options
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- about
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- administering
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- and performance
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- data and user
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- in COMPUTE command
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- in programs
(OLAP DML Reference)
- merging
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- non-comparable
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- relationships between
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- syntax
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- valid
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- with IFNONE
(OLAP DML Reference)
- with inverse groups
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- See also Oracle Label Security
label-based security
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LAG function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #5] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #6] (SQL Language Reference)
lag method
- example of
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
(OLAP User's Guide)
(OLAP User's Guide)
LAG/LEAD functions
(Data Warehousing Guide)
LAGABSPCT function
(OLAP DML Reference)
LAGDIF function
(OLAP DML Reference)
LAGPCT function
(OLAP DML Reference)
LAN environments
- vulnerabilities of
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
LANG environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- database default language
- default setting for indexing
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- defining for application
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- detecting with Globalization Development Kit
(Globalization Support Guide)
- method for determining
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- multibyte
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- preference
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- select
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- setting
(Text Reference)
- SQL*Plus Instant Client
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- used by software
(2 Day DBA)
language abbreviations
(Globalization Support Guide)
Language and Character Set File Scanner
(Globalization Support Guide)
language attribute
- of route request
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
language column
(Text Reference)
language definition
- customizing
(Globalization Support Guide)
- overriding
(Globalization Support Guide)
language elements and features, support
(TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide)
LANGUAGE environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
Language parameter
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
language specific features
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
language support
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
language support (globalization support)
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
language support and installation
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
language, SAP
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
language. See globalization.
- specifying
(User's Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- supported
(User's Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- [entry #2] (Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- access through the gateway
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- adding to Oracle Database Vault
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- consistency between Oracle Database and operating system
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- error messages
(Globalization Support Guide)
- finding with DVF.F$LANG
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- finding with DVF.F$LANGUAGE
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- indexing
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- installing Oracle components in different languages
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #5] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #6] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- name
- Lang default factor (Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- Language default factor (Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- Oracle9isupport postinstallation step
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- specifying for an attribute
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- SQL*Plus
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- using Oracle components in different languages
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #5] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #6] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
languages and character sets
- supported by LCSSCAN
(Globalization Support Guide)
language-specific knowledge base
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
LAPACK Driver Routines (Linear Equations) Subprograms
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK Driver Routines (LLS and Eigenvalue Problems)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GBSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GEES Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GEEV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GELS Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GESV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_GTSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_PBSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_POSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_PPSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_PTSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_SBEV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_SPEV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_SPSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_STEV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_SYEV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LAPACK_SYSV Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
laptops, installing Oracle Database on
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #3] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #5] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #6] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
large aggregation contexts
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
large binary datatypes
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
large character datatypes
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
large node handling
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
Large Object (LOB)
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- Oracle Objects for OLE support for
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
large object functions
(SQL Language Reference)
large object, see LOB
Large objects
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
large objects
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- external
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
Large Objects (LOBs)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- using
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
large objects. See LOB data types
large page support
- Linux
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
large pool
large updates
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
large volumes of data
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- Oracle ASM instance
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
larger value of two expressions
(OLAP DML Reference)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
LARGEST function
(OLAP DML Reference)
largest value of an expression
(OLAP DML Reference)
LAST bind variable
(2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
LAST collection method
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
LAST function
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
last sent position
- monitoring
(XStream Guide)
LAST_DAY function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
LAST_DAY SQL function
(Globalization Support Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
LAST_ROW_ID function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
- resource attribute
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
- resource attribute
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
LAST_VALUE function
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
(XML C++ API Reference)
lastrpt parameter
- Database Character Set Scanner
(Globalization Support Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
LastServerErr property
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LastServerErrText property
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
latch contention
- library cache latches
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- shared pool latches
(Performance Tuning Guide)
latch free wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- actions
(Performance Tuning Guide)
latch wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- definition
- enqueue
- parsing and
- sleeping
- spinning
- tuning
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
late binding
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
- on logical standby databases
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LATEST savepoint
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
latest time conflict resolution
- configuring
(2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
- [subentry #2] (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
latest time stamp
- conflict resolution method
(Advanced Replication)
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- collection
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- topology geometry
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- transforming
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- validating with context
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
layer numbers
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- constraining data to a geometry type
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
layerInfo element
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- description
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- dimension
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- ID
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- metadata stored in layerInfo elements
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- ordinate
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- altering using item attributes
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- controlling
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
layout template (BI Publisher)
(OLAP User's Guide)
lazy type conversions, definition, Glossary
(XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
lazy XML loading (lazy manifestation)
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Security Guide)
LBAC_LABEL datatype
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LBACSYS account
- about
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- auditing policy
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- factor integration with OLS policy requirement
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- See also Oracle Label Security
LBACSYS administrative user name
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LBACSYS schema
- and labeling functions
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- auditing policy
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- creating additional databases
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- data dictionary tables
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- export restriction
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
LBACSYS user account
(2 Day + Security Guide)
LBS, See Lob Buffering Subsystem (LBS)
- Instance Enqueue Process
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
LCR Cast operator
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
LCR Splitter operator
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_LOB_INFORMATION member function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_LOB_OPERATION_SIZE member procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_LONG_INFORMATION member function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_POSITION member function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_ROW_TEXT member procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- GET_WHERE_CLAUSE member procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- SET_LOB_INFORMATION member procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- SET_LOB_OPERATION_SIZE member procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LCR_TO_XML Function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LCRs. See logical change records
- error messages
(Globalization Support Guide)
(Globalization Support Guide)
- supported languages and character sets
(Globalization Support Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
LCSSCAN command
- BEGIN parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
- END parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
- examples
(Globalization Support Guide)
- FILE parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
- HELP parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
- online help
(Globalization Support Guide)
- RESULTS parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
- syntax
(Globalization Support Guide)
LD command
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- environment variables
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- [entry #2] (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- [entry #3] (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, specifying
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- environment
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable (TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
LD_OPTIONS environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- remote and multiple connections
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- setup for OCI version 8
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- and SSL
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- odisrvreg
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- oidca
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- queue/topic connection factory
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- registering ConnectionFactory
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- schemasynch
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- system requirements for (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- unregistering ConnectionFactory
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
LDAP parameters
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
LDAP registration of publish-subscribe notification
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LDAP schema
- attributes
(Net Services Reference)
- object classes
(Net Services Reference)
LDAP server
- adding alias
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- adding AQ agents
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- deleting alias
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- removing AQ agents
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
LDAP_DIRECTORY_ACCESS initialization parameter
LDAP_DIRECTORY_SYSAUTH initialization parameter
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- which directory SSL port to use for no authentication
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
ldap.ora file
(Net Services Reference)
(Net Services Reference)
ldapwrite tool
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LEAD function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #5] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #6] (SQL Language Reference)
(OLAP User's Guide)
(OLAP User's Guide)
(SQL Language Reference)
leading whitespace
- definition
- trimming and SQL*Loader
leaf blocks, index
leaf edition
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
leaf element
- defined
(OLAP Customizing Analytic Workspace Manager)
leaf-level attributes
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- scalar
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
Learning R Series presentations
(R Enterprise User's Guide)
LEAST function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
least privilege principle
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + Security Guide)
- [entry #3] (Security Guide)
- about
(Security Guide)
- granting user privileges
(Security Guide)
- middle-tier privileges
(Security Guide)
least privilege schema migration
(SQL Developer User's Guide)
Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide)
least recently used (LRU) algorithm
- database buffers and
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- full table scans and
- latches
- shared SQL pool
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
least recently used aging, See also LRU
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- inverse groups
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
leaves of a hierarchy
- defined
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
LEFT clause
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
left correlation
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
left outer joins
(SQL Language Reference)
Left property
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LEFT reserved word
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
left-truncated searching
- improving performance
(Text Reference)
legacy metadata objects
- namespaces for
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- supporting
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
legacy mode in Data Pump
legal host names
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- [entry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
legal hostnames
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
legal process status type logical dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- an internal persistent LOB
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- getting BFILE
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- SDO_LENGTH function
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
LENGTH function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #5] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
- [entry #6] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
length indicator
- determining size
LENGTH IS field-2
(Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
length of basic names maximum
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
length of object names
- maximums for Workspace Manager
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
LENGTH return value for LOBs
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
length semantics
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #3] (Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- replication
(Advanced Replication)
LENGTH SQL functions
(Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
LENGTH2 function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LENGTH4 function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LENGTHB function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LENGTHC function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
length-value pair specified LOBs
less than tests
(SQL Language Reference)
level 0 incremental backups
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
level 1 incremental backups
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
LEVEL clause
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LEVEL column in PLAN table
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
level columns
- specifying default values
(SQL Language Reference)
LEVEL pseudocolumn
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
LEVEL pseudocolumns
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
level relationships
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- purpose
(Data Warehousing Guide)
Level Security
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
level thresholds
- services
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- adding to a dimension
(SQL Language Reference)
- as dimensional data objects
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- creating
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- defined
(OLAP User's Guide)
- definition
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- dimension
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
- dropping from a dimension
(SQL Language Reference)
- example
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- MdmDimensionLevel objects
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- multitier materialized views
(Advanced Replication)
- of dimensions, defining
(SQL Language Reference)
- security
(Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- setting authorizations
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
levels in a dimension
- skipping
(Data Warehousing Guide)
LevelViewerPlugin class
(OLAP Customizing Analytic Workspace Manager)
level-based dimensions
(OLAP User's Guide)
level-based hierarchy
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- about
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
lexer types
(Text Reference)
- and CTXRULE index
(Text Reference)
lexical compiler
(Text Reference)
lexical unit
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
LGWR (log writer process)
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
LGWR background process
LGWR process
(2 Day DBA)
LIA See lineage and impact analysis
- shared library
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- shared library
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
LIBPATH environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
LIBPATH variable
- environment
- LIBPATH variable (TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- adding
(2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
- client shared and static
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- creating
(SQL Language Reference)
- foreign function
- exporting (Utilities)
- importing (Utilities)
- importing (Utilities)
- granting system privileges for
(SQL Language Reference)
- oci.lib
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- Project Properties dialog box
(2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
- removing from the database
(SQL Language Reference)
- re-creating
(SQL Language Reference)
- security guidelines
(Security Guide)
- alias
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- ASMLib support for Oracle ASM
(High Availability Best Practices)
- creating
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- dropping
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- explicitly recompiling
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- shared
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
library arithmetic
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
library cache
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- latch contention
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- latch wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- lock
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- memory allocation
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- pin
(Performance Tuning Guide)
library database object
(Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
library file
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
library manager
(Java Developer's Guide)
library units. See Java schema objects
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
licence agreement
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS initialization parameter
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
LICENSE_MAX_USERS initialization parameter
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING initialization parameter
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
licensed software options
(2 Day DBA)
- maximum sessions
- maximum users
- warning for concurrent user sessions
life cycle of a broker configuration
(Data Guard Broker)
Lifecycle Events
- Lifecycle Management
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
Lifecycle Events Calendar
- Lifecycle Management
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
Lifecycle Management
- Event Scan History
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Information Lifecycle Management Assistant
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Lifecycle Events
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Lifecycle Events Calendar
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
lifecycle of a data system
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
lifecycle of connection pools
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
Lifecycle Setup
- Information Lifecycle Management Assistant
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Lifecycle Definitions
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Lifecycle Tables
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Logical Storage Tiers
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- Preferences
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
lifecycle states
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
(Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #3] (Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #4] (Data Mining Concepts)
lightweight directory access protocol
- See LDAP
lightweight jobs
(Administrator's Guide)
- example
(Administrator's Guide)
- example of creating
(Administrator's Guide)
lightweight OCI package
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
lightweight queue
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
lightweight timer implementation
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
lightweight users
- example using a global application context
(Security Guide)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
(Security Guide)
LIKE clause
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LIKE condition
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
LIKE conditions
(SQL Language Reference)
LIKE conditions in SQL statements
(Globalization Support Guide)
LIKE escape characters, JDBC escape syntax
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
LIKE operator
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #3] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
LIKE parameter
- archivelogRecordSpecifier subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- maintQualifier subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LIKE parameter, BACKUP command
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LIKE predicate
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- defined
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- in search conditions
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- pattern matching
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- pattern matching of NCHAR and NVARCHAR strings
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- SQL syntax
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LIKE reserved word
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LIKE2 SQL condition
(Globalization Support Guide)
LIKE4 SQL condition
(Globalization Support Guide)
LIKEC SQL condition
(Globalization Support Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
LIKENL option
(OLAP DML Reference)
LimboError exception
(Java Developer's Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
LIMIT clause
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
LIMIT collection method
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
LIMIT command
(OLAP DML Reference)
- using LEVELREL
(OLAP DML Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- using parent relation
(OLAP DML Reference)
- using POSLIST
(OLAP DML Reference)
- using related dimension
(OLAP DML Reference)
- using values
(OLAP DML Reference)
LIMIT function
(OLAP DML Reference)
limit maps
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- order of processing
(OLAP DML Reference)
- syntax
(OLAP DML Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- prebuilt code templates
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
limitations and restrictions
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
limitations of JPublisher
(JPublisher User's Guide)
limitations on setBytes() and setString(), use of streams to avoid
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- alias dimensions
(OLAP DML Reference)
- dimensions
(OLAP DML Reference)
- multidimensional valuesets
(OLAP DML Reference)
limiting database links
(Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- Oracle ACFS
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
- Oracle ADVM
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
limits on the database
limits, SQL*Plus
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- file
(Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- converting polygon to
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- data
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- length
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
line continuation
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LINE function
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LINE procedure
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
line size for report heading
(OLAP DML Reference)
line string
- boundary of
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- compound
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Spatial Developer's Guide)
- reversing
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- self-crossing
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- populating attribute hierarchy values
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
lineage analysis
- displaying on metadata
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
Lineage and Impact Analysis (LIA)
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
lineage diagram
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
lineage diagrams
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
linear features
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
linear geometries
- adding
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
linear measure
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
linear referencing system (LRS)
- 3D formats of functions
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- not supported with geodetic data (Spatial Developer's Guide)
- conceptual and usage information
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- data model
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- example
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- Get_LRS_Dim method
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- limiting indexing to X and Y dimensions
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- LRS points
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- segments
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- subprogram reference information
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- tolerance values with LRS functions
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
linear regression
(Data Mining API Guide (Virtual Book))
- [entry #2] (Data Mining API Guide (Virtual Book))
- [entry #3] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #6] (Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #7] (Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #8] (Data Mining Concepts)
linear regression functions
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
linear scalability
(Performance Tuning Guide)
linemap option (sqlj -linemap)
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
LINENUM option
(OLAP DML Reference)
- adding at beginning of buffer
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- adding at end of buffer
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- adding new after current
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- appending text to
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- changing width
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- continuation
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- deleting all in buffer
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- deleting from buffer
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- determining which is current
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- editing current
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- listing all in buffer
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- maximum length
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- removing blanks at end
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
lines on a page of report output
(OLAP DML Reference)
LINES precompiler option
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LINESIZE variable
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
line-continuation character
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- SQLJ source to class file
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- SQLJ source to class for jdb
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
Linguistic definitions
(User's Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
linguistic index
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
linguistic sort
- accent-insensitive
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- case-insensitive
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- monolingual
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- multilingual
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
linguistic sort definitions
- supported
(Globalization Support Guide)
linguistic sorting
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
linguistic sorting and string searching
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
linguistic sorts
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- accent-insensitive
(Globalization Support Guide)
(Globalization Support Guide)
- BINARY_AI, linguistic sorts
- BINARY_CI (Globalization Support Guide)
- case-insensitive
(Globalization Support Guide)
- controlling
(Globalization Support Guide)
- customizing
(Globalization Support Guide)
- characters with diacritics (Globalization Support Guide)
- characters with diacritics (Globalization Support Guide)
- levels
(Globalization Support Guide)
- list of defaults
(Globalization Support Guide)
- parameters
(Globalization Support Guide)
- adding to Home page
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- creating
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- database
(SQL Developer User's Guide)
- database link
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- document
- definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- folder
- definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- hard
- definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- repository
- definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- weak
- definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
Link Column
- about
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- excluding
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- linking a single row view
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- linking to a page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- linking to URL
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
link direction
- getting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
link geometry
- getting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
link level
- getting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
link levels
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
link name
- definition
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
- getting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LINK Procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
link service definition
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
Link Station
- creating
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
Link Station profiles
- on AIX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- using smit to start, on AIX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
link table
- definition
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
link, also see Database Link
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
link, database
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LINK_EXISTS function
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LINKFILE command rule
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
LinkIn event, repository
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- [entry #6] (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
- deep, about
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- OCI application
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- OCI with Oracle XA
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- on UNIX
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- on VMS
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- to another page
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- two-task
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- XA Library
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
linking applications
- AIX considerations
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- OCI applications
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- on UNIX
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- on Windows
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- Pro*C/C++ applications
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- references to related information
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- Solaris considerations
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- Windows
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- with driver manager
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- with TimesTen driver
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
Linking in an XA Library
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
linking, repository
- definition
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
LINKREL function
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LINKREL procedure
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LINKREV function
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LINKREV procedure
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (Licensing Information)
- [entry #3] (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- adding
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- altering
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- checking if exists
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- checking if temporary
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- child links
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- configuring Messaging Gateway links
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- co-links
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- definition
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- deleting
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- determining if directed
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- directed
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- direction
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- getting geometry for
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- getting name
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- getting parent link
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- getting percentage of point on link
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- getting sibling links
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- invalid
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- MGW_LINKS view
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- relationship to paths
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- removing
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- setting cost
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting end node
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting geometry
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting geometry ID
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting hierarchy level
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting measure values
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting name
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting parent link
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting start node
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting state
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- setting type
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- state of
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- temporary
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- TIB/Rendezvous, creating
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- undirected
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- WebSphere MQ base Java, creating
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- WebSphere MQ JMS, creating
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- See also undirected links, inbound links, outbound links
- See database links
links getting maximum link ID
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LinkTo event, repository
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
link-properties document
- definition
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
LINQ to Entities
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LINQ to Entities, Preface
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- checking version
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- Client/Server requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- cvuqdisk package
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- determining distribution of
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- displaying attached disks
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- IMDB Cache requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- installing SQL*Plus Instant Client
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- kernel errata
(Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- large page support
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- large pages requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- replication requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- rp_filter setting for multiple interconnects
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- semaphore requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- shared memory requirements
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
- SQL*Plus Instant Client files to copy
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Linux (32-bit)
- software requirements for
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
Linux commands
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
Linux on IBM System z. See IBM: Linux on System z
linux requirement
(R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide)
Linux tools
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
Linux x86 operating system
- configuring kernel parameters
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
Linux x86-64
- software requirements for
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
Linux-to-Windows conversion (example)
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- adding list entries
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- adding sublists
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- adding to a page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- changing parents of list entries
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- creating
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- creating hierarchical
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- editing
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- editing multiple
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- example
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Lists page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- removing parents of orphaned entries
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- reports
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
list attributes
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
(SQL Language Reference)
- of ANALYZE statement
(Administrator's Guide)
LIST clause
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
list clause
- parameter descriptions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- syntax diagram
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LIST command
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #6] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #7] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- determining current line
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- FAILURE option
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- list clause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- listBackupOption subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- listObjectSpec subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- maintQualifier subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- making last line current
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- recordSpec subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- recoverableClause subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- using an asterisk
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LIST Function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
List of Cluster Databases page
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
list of themes
- definition
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- obtaining
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
list of values
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- about
(Application Express Application Migration Guide)
- bulk edit of static LOVs
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- creating
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- creating at application-level
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- creating dependent LOVs
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- editing
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- List of Values History report
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- List of Values page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- List of Values Subscription report
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- List of Values Utilization report
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- named
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- referencing null values in items
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- referencing session state
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- reports
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Search Dynamic Lists of Values report
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- shared
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- static
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- translating
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
List of Values page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
list parameter
(Globalization Support Guide)
list partitioning
- [entry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- adding default partition
(SQL Language Reference)
- adding partitions
(SQL Language Reference)
- adding values
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- adding values to value list
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- creating a default partition
(SQL Language Reference)
- creating partitions
(SQL Language Reference)
- creating tables using
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- DEFAULT keyword
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- dropping values
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- dropping values from value-list
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- index-organized tables
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- merging default with nondefault partitions
(SQL Language Reference)
- performance considerations
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- splitting default partition
(SQL Language Reference)
list partitions
- about
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- defining
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- example
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
list reports
- History
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Unused Lists
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Utilization
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
list Source objects
- definition
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
- example of creating
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
LIST SQL*Plus command
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
list subpartitions
- adding
(SQL Language Reference)
list template
- After List Entry
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- After Sub List Entry
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Before List Entry
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Before Sub List Entry
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Comments
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- editing
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Name
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Sub List Entry
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Subscription
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Substitution Strings
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Template Definition
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
LISTAGG function
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
listBackupOption subclause
- parameter descriptions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- syntax diagram
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LISTBY program
(OLAP DML Reference)
listDanglingRasterData function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #3] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #4] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #5] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #7] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #8] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #9] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #10] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #11] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #12] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #13] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #14] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- and client-side load balancing
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- and server-side load balancing
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- automatic migration from 10.1 to 10.2
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- checking status of
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- configuring for Oracle COM Automation
(COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- description of
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- endpoint
- SSL configuration (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- identifying Oracle home for
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #5] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- lsnrctl command
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #5] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- not an Oracle owner
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- preventing online administration
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- registration
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- restrict privileges
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Security Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Security Guide)
- secure administration
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- service registration
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- setting up for TCP/IP or TCP/IP with Secure Sockets Layer
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- SRVCTL object name
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- stopping
(Application Express Installation Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Application Express Installation Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #5] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #6] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #7] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #8] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #9] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #10] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #11] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- [subentry #12] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- stopping existing listener process
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
LISTENER (LIS or LIST) attribute
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Listener class
(Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- methods
(Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Listener configuration option in Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
listener connection rate throttling
(High Availability Best Practices)
Listener Control utility
- command reference
(Net Services Reference)
- commands
- EXIT (Net Services Reference)
- HELP (Net Services Reference)
- QUIT (Net Services Reference)
- QUIT (Net Services Reference)
- RELOAD (Net Services Reference)
- SAVE_CONFIG (Net Services Reference)
- SERVICES (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- SERVICES (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- SERVICES (Net Services Reference)
- SET (Net Services Reference)
- SET (Net Services Reference)
- SET CONNECT_TIMEOUT (Net Services Reference)
- SET CURRENT_LISTENER (Net Services Reference)
- SET DISPLAYMODE (Net Services Reference)
- SET INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (Net Services Reference)
- SET LOG_DIRECTORY (Net Services Reference)
- SET LOG_FILE (Net Services Reference)
- SET LOG_STATUS (Net Services Reference)
- SET TRC_DIRECTORY (Net Services Reference)
- SET TRC_FILE (Net Services Reference)
- SET TRC_LEVEL (Net Services Reference)
- SET USE_PLUGANDPLAY (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW CURRENT_LISTENER (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW DISPLAYMODE (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW LOG_DIRECTORY (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW LOG_FILE (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW LOG_STATUS (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW RAWMODE (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW SAVE_CONFIG_ON_STOP (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW TRC_DIRECTORY (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW TRC_FILE (Net Services Reference)
- SHOW TRC_LEVEL (Net Services Reference)
- START (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- START (Net Services Reference)
- STATUS (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- STATUS (Net Services Reference)
- STOP (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE (Net Services Reference)
- VERSION (Net Services Reference)
- distributed operation
(Net Services Reference)
- function of and syntax format
(Net Services Reference)
- remote administration
(Net Services Reference)
- starting a listener
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- stopping a listener
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- using
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Listener Control utility access
(Net Services Reference)
listener process
- service names
listener, definition, Glossary
(XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
LISTENER_NETWORKS initialization parameter
listener.log file
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
(Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- modifying for Messaging Gateway
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- modifying for TIB/Rendezvous
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- modifying for WebSphere MQ
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
listener.ora file
- [entry #2] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #3] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #4] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #5] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #7] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #8] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #9] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #10] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #11] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #12] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #13] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #14] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #15] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #16] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #17] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #18] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #19] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #20] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #21] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #22] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #23] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #24] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #25] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #26] (Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- [entry #27] (Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- [entry #28] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #29] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #30] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #31] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [entry #32] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- adding entries
(Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #3] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #4] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #5] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #6] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- administering remotely
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Security Guide)
- configuration parameter reference
(Net Services Reference)
- configuration parameters
- CONNECTION_RATE_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- RATE_LIMIT (Net Services Reference)
- configuring
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- control parameters
- ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- CRS_NOTIFICATION_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- DEFAULT_SERVICE_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- SAVE_CONFIG_ON_STOP_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION (Net Services Reference)
- SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- WALLET_LOCATION (Net Services Reference)
- COST parameters
(Net Services Reference)
- default configuration
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- default location
(Security Guide)
- described
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- diagnostic parameters
- ADR_BASE_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- DIAG_ADR_ENABLED_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- LOG_DIRECTORY_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- LOG_FILE_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- LOGGING_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_DIRECTORY_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_FILE_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_FILEN_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_FILENO_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_LEVEL_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- TRACE_TIMESTAMP_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- example
(Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #3] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #4] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #5] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #7] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #8] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #9] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #10] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #11] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #12] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #13] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #14] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #15] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #16] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #17] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #18] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- for IPC adapter
(Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- for TCP/IP adapter
(Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- GLOBAL_DBNAME parameter
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- location
(Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #3] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #4] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #5] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #7] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #8] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #9] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #10] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #11] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #12] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #13] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #14] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #15] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #16] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #17] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #18] (Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- log parameters
- ADR_BASE_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- DIAG_ADR_ENABLED_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_DIRECTORY_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_FILE_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- modifying
(Upgrade Guide)
- modifying for external procedures
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- online administration, preventing
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- Oracle Net Services configuration
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- parameters
- ADDRESS (Net Services Reference)
- DESCRIPTION (Net Services Reference)
- ENVS (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- GLOBAL_DBNAME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- ORACLE_HOME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- ORACLE_HOME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- ORACLE_HOME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- PRESPAWN_DESC (Net Services Reference)
- PRESPAWN_MAX (Net Services Reference)
- PROGRAM (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- PROGRAM (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- QUEUESIZE (Net Services Reference)
- RECV_BUF_SIZE (Net Services Reference)
- SEND_BUF_SIZE (Net Services Reference)
- SID_LIST_listener_name (Net Services Reference)
- SID_NAME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- SID_NAME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- SID_NAME (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- redo transport services tuning and
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- sample file for gateway using SNA
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- sample for gateway using TCP/IP
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- TCPS, securing
(Security Guide)
- trace parameters
- TRACE_DIRECTORY_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- TRACE_FILE_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- TRACE_FILELEN_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- TRACE_FILENO_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- TRACE_LEVEL_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- TRACE_TIMESTAMP_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- troubleshooting
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- using listener from current release
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
listener.ora files
(2 Day DBA)
listener.trc file
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- [entry #3] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- adjusting queue size for
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Reference)
- automatic migration from earlier releases
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- auto-starting
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- balancing clients across
(High Availability Best Practices)
- client load balancing
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- command to add to a node
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- command to remove
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- configuring
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- address list (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- directory naming method (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- external procedures (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- global database name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- listener.ora file (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- local listeners (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- local naming method (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- nondefault address (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- Oracle System Identifier (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- protocol addresses (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- remote listeners (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- service information (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- session data unit (SDU) (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- SID (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- connection load balancing
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- Connection Rate Limiter
(High Availability Best Practices)
- connect-request timeouts
(Net Services Reference)
- connect-time failover
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- default address
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- default configuration
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- default configuration of listener.ora
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- direct hand-off
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- files
- listener.ora (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- listener.ora (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- sqlnet.ora (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- handling concurrent connections
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- in OCR
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- increasing queue size
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- listener.ora file
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- log files
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- audit trail (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- direct hand-off event information (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- service registration event information (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- modifying with Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
(Upgrade Guide)
- monitoring
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- multiple
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Reference)
- multiple addresses
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- Oracle Net
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- parameters
- LOCAL_LISTENER (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- LOCAL_LISTENER (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- REMOTE_LISTENER (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- REMOTE_LISTENER (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- passwords, setting
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- queue size
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- redirect connections
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- registering
(SQL Language Reference)
- registration
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- removing with srvctl
(Administrator's Guide)
- security
- connect-request timeouts (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- password usage (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- service names
- service registration
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- stopping existing listener process
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- trace files
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- Transparent Application Failover (TAF)
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- See Oracle Net Listener
- See Oracle listeners
- about
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- application development
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- demonstration
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- parameters
- agent_list (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- listen_delivery_mode (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- wait (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- syntax
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
listGeoRasterColumns function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
listGeoRasterObjects function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
listGeoRasterTables function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LISTHEADER procedure
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
listing database links
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
listing file output from SQL*Module
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
listing options and default values
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LISTITEM function
- of HTF package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LISTITEM procedure
- of HTP package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
listObjectSpec subclause
- parameter descriptions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- syntax diagram
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
listObjList subclause
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- parameter descriptions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- syntax diagram
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LISTPRINT procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
listRDT function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
listRegisteredRDT function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- attributes
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Lists page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
Lists Wizard
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
listUnregieteredRDT function
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
list-hash partitioning
- creating tables using
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- subpartitioning template
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
list-list partitioning
- creating tables using
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- subpartitioning template
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
list-partitioned tables
- adding partitions
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- splitting partitions
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
list-range partitioning
- creating tables using
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- purpose
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LITDELIM precompiler option
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
- character literals
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- date
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- specific datatype
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- TO_DATE, format support
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
literal invocation of a method
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- data types for
(Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
- datetime
(SQL Language Reference)
- interval
(SQL Language Reference)
- numeric
(OLAP DML Reference)
- text
(OLAP DML Reference)
little-endian data
- external tables
LIVE workspace
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- plug-in for MrSID and JPEG 2000 compression
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- Global Enqueue Service Daemon
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
LMON Global Enqueue Service Monitor
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- Global Cache Service Process
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
LMS processes
- reducing the number of
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
lmsgen utility
(Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LMSn processes
- reducing the number of
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
LN function
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- command-line option
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
LNAME option
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LNAME precompiler option
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LNNVL function
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LNO clause
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VMS link script
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- resource attribute
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
LOAD ANY CACHE GROUP system privilege
- definition
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
Load Balance Advisory
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
Load Balancing
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
load balancing
- [entry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- [entry #5] (Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- [entry #6] (Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- and service registration
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- application services
(High Availability Best Practices)
- by services
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- client
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Reference)
- client connections
(High Availability Best Practices)
- client-side
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- configuring goals for a service
(Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- connection
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- connection goals
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- connections
(Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- definition of
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- I/O operations
(High Availability Best Practices)
- OCI runtime connection
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- run-time connection
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- server-side
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- through disk multipathing
(High Availability Best Practices)
Load Balancing Advisory
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
- [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
load balancing advisory
(High Availability Overview)
- [entry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- and FAN events
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- concepts
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- configuring your environment for using
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- data
(Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- deployment
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- description of
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- events and FAN
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- goal
(Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- introduction to
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- example
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- failure
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- definition
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- example
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- PARALLEL clause
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- WITH ID clause
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
LOAD command
(OLAP DML Reference)
load data
(R Enterprise User's Guide)
Load Data Wizard
(Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide)
Load Data wizard
- using
(2 Day DBA)
Load From Oracle
- ttIsql createandloadfromoraquery
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
Load from Oracle
- ttLoadFromOracle
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- ttTableSchemaFromOraQueryGet
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LOAD object privilege
- definition
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
load on demand
- using for editing and analysis, network editing
- using partitioning and load on demand (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
load on demand analysis
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LOAD parameter
- SQL*Loader command line
LOAD privilege
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
load step (cube scripts)
(OLAP User's Guide)
load testing
(Upgrade Guide)
Load Testing Accelerator
(Licensing Information)
Load Wizard
- preferred tools
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
Load XML Wizard
(Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide)
LOAD_BALANCE networking parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
LOAD_BALANCE parameter
(High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #2] (High Availability Best Practices)
- balancing client connections
(High Availability Best Practices)
LOAD_CONFIG procedure
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LOAD_SQLSET procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LOAD_TABLE procedure
- of DBMS_HS_PARALLEL package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LOAD_TOPO_MAP function or procedure
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
loaded text data
- deleting
(Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide)
loader tool for GeoRaster
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
loader, class
(Java Developer's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(Java Developer's Guide)
- a LOB with BFILE data
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- checking results
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- class
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Java Developer's Guide)
- collections
- column objects
- in variable record format (Utilities)
- with a derived subtype (Utilities)
- with user-defined constructors (Utilities)
- compilation option
(Java Developer's Guide)
- conventional path for master-detail targets
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- cubes
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- cubes, using type 2 slowly changing dimensions
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- data from Excel files
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- data from materialized view
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- datafiles containing tabs
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- dimension data
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- dimension data, example
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- direct path for master-detail targets
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- external table data
- skipping records (Utilities)
- specifying conditions (Utilities)
- specifying conditions (Utilities)
- flat files
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- GeoRaster data
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- granting execution
(Java Developer's Guide)
- JAR or ZIP Files
(Java Developer's Guide)
- large documents with collections
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
- LOB with data from a BFILE
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- LOBs
- master and detail records
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- master-detail relationships
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- master-detail relationships, direct path
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- necessary privileges and permission
(Java Developer's Guide)
- nested column objects
- object tables
- object tables with a subtype
- REF columns
- reloading classes
(Java Developer's Guide)
- restrictions
(Java Developer's Guide)
- subpartitioned tables
- tables
- transaction data
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- type 2 slowly changing dimensions
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- type 2 slowly changing dimensions, example
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- type 3 slowly changing dimensions
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- type 3 slowly changing dimensions, example
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
loading classes/resources into server
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
loading data
(2 Day DBA)
- [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
- multimedia
(Multimedia User's Guide)
- using external tables
(Administrator's Guide)
- using PL/SQL
(Multimedia User's Guide)
- using SQL*Loader
(Multimedia User's Guide)
loading dictionary state
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
loading expression data
(Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
loading external BFILE data into LOBs
(Globalization Support Guide)
Loading External Procedures
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
loading JDBC driver (Java 5)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide)
loading large XML documents using JDBC
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
loading media data
- Java example
(Multimedia User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Multimedia User's Guide)
loading of XML data, lazy
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
loading Oracle Airlines Data Model data
(Airlines Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide)
- [entry #2] (Airlines Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide)
loading Oracle Communications Data Model data
(Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide)
- [entry #2] (Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide)
loading Oracle Retail Data Model data
(Retail Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide)
loading semantic data
(Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
- bulk
(Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
loading spatial data
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
loading text
- about
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- SQL INSERT example
(Text Reference)
- SQL*Loader example
(Text Reference)
loading the data model
(Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
loading thesaurus
(Text Reference)
loading types
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- for SAP
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
loading/translating source in server
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
(COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- compatibility options, SQLJ
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- loading classes/resources
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- loading source, translating
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- output from loading source
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
LoadJava error
- Repository Assistant
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
loadjava method
(Java Developer's Guide)
loadjava tool
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- compiling source
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- example
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- execution rights
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- loading class
(Java Developer's Guide)
- resolution modes
(Java Developer's Guide)
- using memory
(Java Developer's Guide)
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
loadpsp utility
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
(XML C++ API Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- interest payment on
(OLAP DML Reference)
- interest payments on
(OLAP DML Reference)
- payment on
(OLAP DML Reference)
- payments on
(OLAP DML Reference)
- conversion function
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- DDL for
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- defined
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- external
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- external procedure use
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- function overview
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- internal
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- locator
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- maximum size
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- OCI use with
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- overview
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- triggers and
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- value
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- See Large Object (LOB)
LOB and LONG bind restrictions
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LOB and precompiler datatypes
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB APPEND SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB APPEND statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB assembly
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
LOB ASSIGN SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB ASSIGN statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB attributes
- defined
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB buffering
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- BLOB-buffering with JDBC
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffer-enabled locators
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- example
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- flushing the buffer
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- flushing the updated LOB through LBS
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- guidelines
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- OCI example
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- OCI functions
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- OCILobFlushBuffer()
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O)
- methods for internal LOBs (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- physical structure of buffer
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- Pro*C/C++ precompiler statements
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- Pro*COBOL precompiler statements
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- usage notes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB Buffering SubSystem (LBS)
LOB Buffering Subsystem (LBS)
- advantages
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffering example using OCI
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffer-enabled locators
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- example
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- flushing
- updated LOB (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- flushing the buffer
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- guidelines
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- saving the state of locator to avoid reselect
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- usage
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB CLOSE SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB CLOSE statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB columns
(2 Day DBA)
- adding
(SQL Language Reference)
- compressing
(SQL Language Reference)
- creating from LONG columns
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- deduplication
(SQL Language Reference)
- defining properties
- for materialized views (SQL Language Reference)
- encrypting
(SQL Language Reference)
- improving query performance
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- indexing
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- initializing internal LOB to a value
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- initializing to contain locator
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- initializing to NULL or Empty
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- loading
(Text Reference)
- modifying
(SQL Language Reference)
- modifying storage
(SQL Language Reference)
- restricted in joins
(SQL Language Reference)
- restrictions on
(SQL Language Reference)
- size limit
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- storage characteristics of materialized views
(SQL Language Reference)
LOB columns with versioned tables
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
LOB Connection property
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LOB COPY SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB COPY statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB CREATE statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB CREATE temporary statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB data
- cache administration user privileges
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- caching in TimesTen
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- in delimited fields
- in length-value pair fields
- in predetermined size fields
- loading with SQL*Loader
- multiple-piece read operation
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- no compression during export
- reading
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- restrictions on caching
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- size of read buffer
- types supported by SQL*Loader
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- writing
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LOB data single-piece read operation
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LOB data type locator descriptor
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LOB data types
(SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
LOB data types, transporting
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LOB datatatypes
- support for
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LOB datatypes
- restrictions on parallel DDL statements
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- restrictions on parallel DML operations
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB DESCRIBE statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB ERASE SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB ERASE statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB file close all statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB FILE CLOSE statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB FILE SET SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB FILE SET statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB functions
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- server round-trips
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB LOAD SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB LOAD statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB locator
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- attributes
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- copy semantics
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- external LOBs (BFILEs)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- internal LOBs
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- out-bind variables in OCI
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- reference semantics
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB locators, always stored in row
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB OPEN SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB OPEN statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB parameters
(SQL Developer User's Guide)
LOB prefetching
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB READ SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB READ statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB reads
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB restrictions
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB retrieval, Preface
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LOB statements
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB storage
- format of varying width character data
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- inline and out-of-line storage properties
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB storage clause
- for partitions
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LOB support
(Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- ISequentialStream interface
(Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LOB TRIM SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB TRIM statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB WRITE SQL statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOB WRITE statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LOB writes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB writes unaligned
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- [entry #3] (Utilities)
LOBOFFSET variable
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- auditing
(Security Guide)
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- [entry #3] (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #4] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- abstract datatypes, members of
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- access methods
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- advantage of buffering
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- amount and offset parameters
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- as iterator columns
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- as stored function results
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- attributes and abstract datatypes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- attributes and object cache
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- attributes of transient objects
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- attributes, initializing
(SQL Language Reference)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- binding
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- buffering
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- caveats (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- pages can be aged out (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffering subsystem
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffering system
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- buffering usage notes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- callbacks
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- character sets
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- CHUNKSIZE attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- columns
- difference from LONG and LONG RAW (SQL Language Reference)
- populating (SQL Language Reference)
- compared with LONG and LONG RAW
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- creating
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- creating temporary
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- data types
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- datatypes versus LONG
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- DBMS_LOB package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference)
- defining
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- definition
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- DIRECTORY attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- duration of temporary
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- example of temporary
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- external
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
- external (BFILEs)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- external data type
- data conversion (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- external data types
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- failover does not work
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- FETCH INTO LOB host variables
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- fetching data
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- FILEEXISTS attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- FILENAME attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- fixed-width character sets
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- flushing
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- freeing temporary
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- greater than 4 GB
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- in partitioned tables
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- in the object cache
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- initializing
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- interfaces, See programmatic environments
- interMEDIA
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- internal
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
- creating an object in object cache (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- internal LOBs
- CACHE / NOCACHE (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- CHUNK (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- ENABLE | DISABLE STORAGE IN ROW (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- initializing (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- introduced (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locators (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locking before updating (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- LOGGING / NOLOGGING (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O), modifying methods (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- PCTVERSION (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- PCTVERSION (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- setting to empty (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- tablespace and LOB index (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- tablespace and storage characteristics (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- transactions (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- ISOPEN attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- ISTEMPORARY attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide)
- JMS/XLA support
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide)
- LENGTH attribute
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- loading external BFILE data
(Globalization Support Guide)
- LOB demo program
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- locator
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- locators
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #5] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- locators in C
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- logging attribute
(SQL Language Reference)
- logical change records containing
(Streams Extended Examples)
- mapping XML fragments to
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
- maximum sizes allowed
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- modifying
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- modifying physical attributes
(SQL Language Reference)
- number of bytes manipulated in
(SQL Language Reference)
- object cache
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- OCI functions
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- Oracle Streams
- [subentry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- apply process (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- constructing (Streams Extended Examples)
- overview
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide)
- piecewise operations
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- prefetching
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- Pro*C
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- propagation
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- read-consistent locators
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- reason for using
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- retrieving from database
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- rules for all statements
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- rules for buffering subsystem
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- rules for statements
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- saving old versions
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- saving values in a cache
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- SELECT INTO LOB host variables
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- setting to contain a locator
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- setting to NULL
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- size maximum
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- specifying directories for
(SQL Language Reference)
- storage
- attributes (SQL Language Reference)
- characteristics (SQL Language Reference)
- in-line (SQL Language Reference)
- storing documents in multiple languages
(Globalization Support Guide)
- support (oracle.sql and DBMS_LOB)
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- tables
- creating indexes (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- moving partitions (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- splitting partitions (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- tablespace for
- defining (SQL Language Reference)
- temporary
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #5] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- TimesTen support
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- unstructured data
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- updated LOB locators
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- updating
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- using
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- using in PL/SQL
(TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide)
- using polling method to read and write
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- varying-width character data
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- varying-width character sets
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- XLA limitations
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- XLA support
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
LOBs updating
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LOBs, data interface for remote
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOBs, data interface in Java
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
lobtypes option
(JPublisher User's Guide)
lobtypes option (JPublisher -lobtypes)
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- environment variables
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
local administrator user
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
local administrator users
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
local archiving scenario
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
Local Area Network (LAN)
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
local cache group
- definition
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- [subentry #2] (In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
local cache groups
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
local capture processes
- definition
(2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
LOCAL clause
- forcing a checkpoint
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- active standby pair
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
local constant
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
local coordinate systems
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
local coordinates
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Spatial Developer's Guide)
local coordinators
(Administrator's Guide)
- distributed transactions
(Administrator's Guide)
local currency
- [entry #2] (Reference)
local database management
- configuring
(2 Day DBA)
local database role
- creating
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local device
- using for data files
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #5] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
local device, using for data files
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local dimension member values
(OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
local domain indexes
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
local environment
- logging in to
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- setting up
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
LOCAL environment variable
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
local file system
- archiving parameter settings
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- restore
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
local groups
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- with database privileges
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local homes
- use during rolling patches
(High Availability Best Practices)
local identifier
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
local index subpartitions
- marking indexes UNUSABLE
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
local indexes
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #4] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [entry #5] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- equipartitioning
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
local instance
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- logging in to
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- shutting down
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- starting
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
local listener
- configuring
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
local listeners
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
Local LUs
- creating
- on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on HP-UX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on Solaris (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
local naming
- advantages and disadvantages
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- client configuration
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- configuring
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Reference)
- connecting with
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- database server configuration
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- default configuration
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- establishing a connection with
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- listener configuration for
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- recommended for
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Local Net Service Name configuration option in Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOCAL networking parameter
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local node name
- in script
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
local partition index
- parallelism
(Text Reference)
local partitioned index
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Text Reference)
- improved response time
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
local partitioned indexes
- about
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
LOCAL partitioning
- spatial indexes
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
local PFILE
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
local recovery
- after fast recovery area disk group failure
(High Availability Best Practices)
- for data area disk group failures
(High Availability Best Practices)
- for fast recovery area disk group failures
(High Availability Best Practices)
LOCAL registry entry
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
local resource
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
local scripts
- executing
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- listing names
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- printing
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- See also scripts
local subprogram
- in anonymous block
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- in another subprogram
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- in package
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
local transactions
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- promoting
(Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local user conventions
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
local users
(SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
local variable
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
local variables
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
local XML schema
- definition
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
- using fully qualified URL to specify
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- no longer set in tnsnames.ora by DBCA
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
LOCAL_LISTENER initialization parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
LOCAL_NODE parameter
- [entry #2] (Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
- in script
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
LOCAL_SYSTEM privilege
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (2 Day Developer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Globalization Support Guide)
- awareness
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- characteristics
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- command line example
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- definition
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- dependencies
(Globalization Support Guide)
- detection
- Globalization Development Kit (Globalization Support Guide)
- for messages
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- of Internet application
- determining (Globalization Support Guide)
- setting
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
- setting at runtime
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
- synchronizing
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- variant
(Globalization Support Guide)
locale independent
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
locale information
- mapping between Oracle and other standards
(Globalization Support Guide)
LocaleMapper class
(Globalization Support Guide)
(Globalization Support Guide)
locale-dependent SQL function
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
(Globalization Support Guide)
(Globalization Support Guide)
- [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
- resources
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LocalListenerAddress property
- Oracle Data Guard
(Upgrade Guide)
locally managed tablespaces
(2 Day DBA)
- [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- [entry #4] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- altering
(SQL Language Reference)
- automatic segment space management in
(Administrator's Guide)
(Administrator's Guide)
- described
(High Availability Best Practices)
- detecting and repairing defects
(Administrator's Guide)
- migrating SYSTEM from dictionary-managed
(Administrator's Guide)
- shrinking, temporary
(Administrator's Guide)
- storage attributes
(SQL Language Reference)
- tempfiles
(Administrator's Guide)
- temporary, creating
(Administrator's Guide)
locally partitioned indexes
(SQL Language Reference)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
(Globalization Support Guide)
LOCATE_PT function
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
LOCATION attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- setting
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
location data
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
location for route segment
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
Location of Included Files
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
location of text
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
location of the Pro*C/C++ Executable
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
LOCATION parameter
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
location prospecting
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
location transparency
(2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
- [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- how provided
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
location transparency in distributed databases
- creating using synonyms
(Administrator's Guide)
- creating using views
(Administrator's Guide)
- restrictions
(Administrator's Guide)
- using procedures
(Administrator's Guide)
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
- [entry #2] (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
- creating
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- data objects deployed to
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- deleting
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- of transportable modules
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- registering
(Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- unregistering
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide)
- updating connection details
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
Locations Navigator
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
locations registered in multiple Control Centers
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
(2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- manually installing
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- for LOB data type
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
(Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
locator variable
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- guidelines (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- two rows can refer to the same file (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- buffer-enabled
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- external LOBs (BFILEs)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- LOB, cannot span transactions
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- multiple
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- OCI functions
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- Pro*COBOL precompiler statements
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- providing in Pro*COBOL precompiler
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- read consistent, updating
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- reading and writing to a LOB using
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- read-consistent
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #5] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #6] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- returning nested tables as
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- saving the state to avoid reselect
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- selecting within a transaction
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- selecting without current transaction
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- setting column to contain
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- transaction boundaries
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- updated
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- updating
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- using a hint
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- see if LOB locator is initialized
- internal persistent LOBs (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #2] (2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- levels
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
- released by ROLLBACK statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- timeout
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
- tracing
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
lock and expire
- default accounts
(Security Guide)
- predefined user accounts
(Security Guide)
LOCK ANY TABLE system privilege
(SQL Language Reference)
Lock event, repository
(XML DB Developer's Guide)
Lock icon
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
lock management
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- with DML operations on tables with referential integrity constraints
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
lock mode
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- getting
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
LOCK TABLE command
- disabling
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LOCK TABLE statement
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- [entry #3] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- [entry #6] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #7] (SQL Language Reference)
- closes mall cursors
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- example
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- example of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- locking tables with
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- NOWAIT parameter in
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- purpose of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- SELECT FOR UPDATE statement with
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- using the NOWAIT parameter
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
lock timeout interval
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- distributed transactions
(Administrator's Guide)
lock views (xxx_LOCK)
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
lock, released by ROLLBACK statement
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LOCK_MAP procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LOCK_NAME_SPACE initialization parameter
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
LOCK_OBJECT procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
LOCK_SGA initialization parameter
LOCK_SGA parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
(Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
locked database
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
locked out accounts, solution for
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- [entry #6] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- definition of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- explicit versus implicit
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- modes
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- modes of
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- objects
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- optimistic model
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- overriding default
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- privileges needed
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- privileges needed to obtain
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- result set row
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- table
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- table versus row
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- ttLockLevel procedure
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- uses for
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- using the FOR UPDATE OF clause
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- using the FOR UPDATE of clause
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- using the LOCK TABLE statement
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- with the LOCK TABLE statement
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
locking a table
(SQL Developer User's Guide)
locking and unlocking users
(2 Day DBA)
locking mode
- optimistic
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- pessimistic
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
locking parameter for sync_index
(Text Application Developer's Guide)
locking row explicitly
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
locking table
- explicitly
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- implicitly
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
locking table rows
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
Locking, database
(Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
locking, database
(Gateway for Adabas User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for VSAM User's Guide)
locking, overriding automatic
(SQL Language Reference)
LockLevel attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
LockLevel connection attribute
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
LOCKPATH Procedure
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LockRows procedure
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- after committing transactions
- automatic
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- bitmap indexes
- changing level
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- coexistence of different levels
- concurrency
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- conversion
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- [subentry #3] (Concepts)
- data
(SQL Language Reference)
- database level
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- database-level
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- deadlocks
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- description
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- determining lock status
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- dictionary
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- dictionary cache
- disabling
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- duration
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- enabling
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- escalation
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- exclusive
- [subentry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- exclusive DDL
- exclusive table
- file management locks
- for pages
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- in-doubt distributed transactions
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- latches
- log management locks
- manual
- monitoring
(Administrator's Guide)
- names
- object level locking
(Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
- overview of
- overview table
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- parse
- performance
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- reduce contention
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- restrictiveness
- rollback segments
- row (TX)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- row exclusive table
- row level
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- row share
- row-level
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- set wait time
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- share DDL
- share locks
- share row exclusive
- share table
- shared
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- system
- table
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- table (TM)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- table level
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- tablespace
- table-level
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- timeout interval and performance
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- ttLockLevel procedure
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- types of
- unindexed foreign keys and
- user-defined
- version-exclusive
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- workspace-exclusive
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- See also ttLockLevel
locks and lock holders
- finding
(Performance Tuning Guide)
Locks report
(Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide)
locks. See table locks
- tips for ADO programmers
(Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LockWait attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- locating bookmarks
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- management
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- size and persistence
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- threshold value
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [subentry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- window (Scheduler)
(Administrator's Guide)
log apply services
- and apply instance failover
(Data Guard Broker)
- and parallel apply
(Data Guard Broker)
- apply instance
(Data Guard Broker)
- best practices
(High Availability Best Practices)
- configuring
(Data Guard Broker)
- Data Guard configuration
(Data Guard Broker)
- delayed application of redo data
(Data Guard Broker)
- delaying
(Data Guard Broker)
- in an Oracle RAC database
(Data Guard Broker)
- managing
(Data Guard Broker)
- managing initialization parameters for logical standby databases
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- Redo Apply
- monitoring (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- starting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- stopping (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- selecting the apply instance
(Data Guard Broker)
- tuning for Redo Apply
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- verifying
(Data Guard Broker)
log buffer
- replication
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
- space wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- tuning
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- writing to disk
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
log buffer size
- and logging to disk
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LOG command
(OLAP DML Reference)
log data
- collection during update operations
(SQL Language Reference)
log failure threshold
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
log file
(Application Express Installation Guide)
- how to access during installation
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- [subentry #5] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- how to see the log file during installation
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
- Messaging Gateway
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- parallel write wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- switch wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- sync wait events
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- troubleshooting with
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
log file clauses
(SQL Language Reference)
log file size
- and logging
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
Log Files
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- [entry #2] (Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
log files
- [entry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #3] (Database Client Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #4] (Database Client Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #5] (Database Client Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [entry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #7] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #8] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #9] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #10] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #11] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #12] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #13] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #14] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #15] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #16] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [entry #17] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [entry #18] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #19] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #20] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #21] (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
- accumulation
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- adding
(SQL Language Reference)
- after a discontinued load
- appending output
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- auditing, default location
(Security Guide)
- broker
(Data Guard Broker)
- CkptFrequency attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- CkptLogVolume attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- creating for RMAN sessions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- Database Vault log files
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- default names for
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- directing output to
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- dropping
(SQL Language Reference)
- Export
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- for Cluster Verification Utility (CVU)
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- for CSS
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- for EVM
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- for Oracle ACFS
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- for Oracle Cluster Registry
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
- for Oracle Universal Installer
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
- creating (Data Guard Broker)
- hold
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- how to see the log files during installation
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- if encounter errors
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- Import
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- interaction with checkpoints
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- interactive
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- listener.log
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- locating and viewing for cloning
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
- location for Oracle Database logs
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- Metadata Loader logs
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- modifying
(SQL Language Reference)
- monitoring
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- noninteractive
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- Oracle Connection Manager
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- owned by trusted user
(Security Guide)
- purging
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- registering
(SQL Language Reference)
- renaming
(SQL Language Reference)
- restricting access
(2 Day + Security Guide)
- reviewing an installation session
(Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- reviewing installation session
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- sequence number
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- specifying for SQL*Loader
- specifying for the database
(SQL Language Reference)
- SQL*Loader
- sqlnet.log
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- sqlnet.log for clients and database servers
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- tracing
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- troubleshooting
(Database Client Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Client Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Client Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [subentry #5] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #6] (Database Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #7] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #8] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #9] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #10] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #11] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- troubleshooting with
(Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
- ttCkpt built-in function
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- using to track errors
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- when deleted
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- Windows Event Viewer
(Security Guide)
LOG function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
log groups
- adding
(SQL Language Reference)
- dropping
(SQL Language Reference)
log levels
- setting for Oracle Clusterware
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
log management locks
log option (AuditorInstaller)
(SQLJ Developer's Guide)
LOG parameter
- Export utility
- Import utility
- SQL*Loader command line
LOG parameter, RMAN command
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
log parameters
- cman.ora
- ADR_BASE (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- DIAG_ADR_ENABLED (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- EVENT_GROUP (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_DIRECTORY (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_LEVEL (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- listener.ora
- ADR_BASE_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- DIAG_ADR_ENABLED_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_DIRECTORY_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_FILE_listener_name (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- sqlnet.ora
- ADR_BASE (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- DIAG_ADR_ENABLED (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENT (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_DIRECTORY_SERVER (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_FILE_CLIENT (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- LOG_FILE_SERVER (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
log record identifier
(TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide)
log sequence number
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- control files
(Administrator's Guide)
- Streams capture process
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
log sequence numbers
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- point-in-time recovery
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- undoing changes
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
log sequence, resetting
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
log switch
- archiver process
- description
(2 Day DBA)
log switches
- description
(Administrator's Guide)
- forcing
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- log sequence numbers
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- multiplexed redo log files and
(Administrator's Guide)
- privileges
(Administrator's Guide)
(Administrator's Guide)
- waiting for archiving to complete
(Administrator's Guide)
log table
- performance
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
log threshold value
- active standby pair
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
log writer process (LGWR)
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- ASYNC network transmission
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- group commits
- multiplexed redo log files and
(Administrator's Guide)
- NET_TIMEOUT attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- online redo logs available for use
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- redo log buffers and
- SYNC network transmission
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- trace files and
(Administrator's Guide)
- write-ahead
- writing to online redo log files
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
log writer processes
- tuning
(Performance Tuning Guide)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG initialization parameter
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- example
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- listing unique database names defined with
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- relationship to DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- relationship to DG_CONFIG attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST initialization parameter
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- specifying destinations using
(Administrator's Guide)
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #4] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #5] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #6] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #7] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #8] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #9] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #10] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #11] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #12] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #13] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #14] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #15] (Reference)
- [entry #16] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- AFFIRM attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- ALTERNATE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- ASYNC attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- COMPRESSION attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DELAY attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- deprecated attributes
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- LOCATION attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- MANDATORY attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- MAX_FAILURE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- NET_TIMEOUT attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- NOAFFIRM attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- NOALTERNATE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- NODELAY attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- NOREGISTER attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- REOPEN attribute
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- SERVICE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- setting redo transport services
(Data Guard Broker)
- setting the DELAY attribute
(Data Guard Broker)
- setting the ENABLE and DEFER attributes
(Data Guard Broker)
- setting the MANDATORY or OPTIONAL attributes
(Data Guard Broker)
- SYNC attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- VALID_FOR attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- ALTERNATE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DEFER attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- ENABLE attribute
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST initialization parameter
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- specifying destinations using
(Administrator's Guide)
(2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #4] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
(Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
LOG_ARCHIVE_LOCAL_FIRST initialization parameter
LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES initialization parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #3] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- relationship to MAX_CONNECTIONS
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- setting in a multiple standby environment
(High Availability Best Practices)
- setting in an Oracle RAC
(High Availability Best Practices)
LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED initialization parameter
(Data Guard Broker)
LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST initialization parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE initialization parameter
(Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- setting LogArchiveTrace property
(Data Guard Broker)
LOG_BUFFER initialization parameter
(High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #2] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- setting
(Performance Tuning Guide)
LOG_BUFFERS initialization parameters
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter
LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT initialization parameter
LOG_CHECKPOINTS_TO_ALERT initialization parameter
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [entry #3] (Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
- for gateway using SNA
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #3] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- for gateway using TCP/IP
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
LOG_DIRECTORY diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_DIRECTORY log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_DIRECTORY system parameter
(Text Reference)
- [entry #2] (Text Reference)
LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENT diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_DIRECTORY_listener_name diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_DIRECTORY_listener_name log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_DIRECTORY_SERVER diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_FILE_CLIENT diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_FILE_CLIENT log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_FILE_listener_name diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_FILE_listener_name log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #5] (High Availability Best Practices)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
- setting at standby site after a switchover
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- setting LogFileNameConvert property
(Data Guard Broker)
- setting on physical standby databases
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- when planning standby location and directory structure
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
LOG_FILE_SERVER diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_FILE_SERVER log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
LOG_LEVEL diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
LOG_LEVEL log parameter
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
LOG_TRACES procedure
(Text Reference)
LOG_USER syslog facility
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide)
LOG10 function
(OLAP DML Reference)
LogArchiveFormat property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogArchiveMaxProcesses property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogArchiveMinSucceedDest property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogArchiveTrace property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogAutoTruncate attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LogBuffSize attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LogBufMB connection attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
LogBufMB first connection attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Guide)
LogBufParallelism attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LogBufParallelism first connection attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
LogDir attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LOGFILE clause
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
LOGFILE parameter
- Data Pump Export utility
- Data Pump Import utility
- DUPLICATE command
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
(Text Reference)
LogFileNameConvert property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogFileSize attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LogFileSize connection attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
LogFlushMethod attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
LogFlushMethod connection attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- migrating LONG-to-LOBs
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- [entry #5] (Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- and redo log size
(SQL Language Reference)
- audit table
(Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- disable
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- ending
(Text Reference)
- ending a log
(Text Reference)
- error
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- getting log file name
(Text Reference)
- index requests
(Text Reference)
- levels
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- logging information, where to send
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- managing
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- overview table
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- specifying minimal
(SQL Language Reference)
- supplemental
- dropping (SQL Language Reference)
- supplemental, adding log groups
(SQL Language Reference)
- supplemental, dropping log groups
(SQL Language Reference)
- temporary database
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- transaction
(In-Memory Database Cache Introduction)
- TTGlobal class
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
- using
(TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
Logging attribute
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
LOGGING clause
- [entry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
(Administrator's Guide)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
logging configuration
- programmatically
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
- properties file
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
logging in
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
logging in to
- Application Express
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- hosted demo environment
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- local instance
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
- Oracle Application Express
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- Oracle Application Express Administration Services
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
logging in to a workspace
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
logging level
- setting for network operations
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
logging levels
(Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide)
logging mode
- direct-path INSERT
(Administrator's Guide)
(Administrator's Guide)
- parallel DDL
(VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
- [subentry #3] (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
logging of modifications
- EnableVersioning history option
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- history views (xxx_HIST)
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
logging off
- conditionally
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- Oracle Database
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- SQL*Plus
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
logging on
- Oracle Database
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- Oracle Database Vault
- Oracle Database Vault Owner account (Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- reports, Core Database Audit Report
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
- SQL*Plus
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
logging out
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
logging queries
(Text Reference)
logging server
(Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
- description
(Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
- interaction with gateway database
(Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
logging traces
(Text Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
LOGGING_listener_name diagnostic parameter
(Net Services Reference)
logical backups
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
logical block corruption
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
logical change records
- LOBs
(Streams Extended Examples)
- Messaging Gateway
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
logical change records (LCR)
- converted by PREPARER process
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- exhausted cache memory
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- staged
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
logical change records (LCRs)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (XStream Guide)
- commit_scn_from_position attribute
(XStream Guide)
- constructing
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- current_schema (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- getting base table name (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting base table owner (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting current schema (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting edition name (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting logon user name (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting object type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- rules (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- rules (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- setting base table name (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting base table owner (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting current schema (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting DDL text (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting logon user (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting object type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- definition
(2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
- determining if tag is NULL
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- enqueuing
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- executing
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [subentry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [subentry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- DDL LCRs (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- row LCRs (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- extra attributes
- [subentry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- excluding (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- including (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- managing (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- monitoring (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- GET_THREAD_NUMBER member function
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting command type
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting commit SCN
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting commit SCN from position
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting commit time
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting compatibility information
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting extra attributes
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting information about
(Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- compatibility (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- getting LCR creation time
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting object name
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting object owner
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting SCN
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting SCN from position
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting source database name
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting tag
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting transaction identifier
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- ID key LCRs
(XStream Guide)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- LCR$_ROW_LIST type
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- LCR$_ROW_UNIT type
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- LOB columns
(Streams Extended Examples)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- apply process (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- requirements (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- LONG columns
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- requirements (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- LONG RAW columns
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- requirements (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- managing
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- missing
(XStream Guide)
- missing attributes
(XStream Guide)
- requirements
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- row LCRs
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- adding value to column (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- converting LONG to LOB (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- deleting value to column (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting column value (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting list of column values (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting LOB offset (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- getting XML information (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- keeping columns (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- renaming column (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- rules (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- setting column value (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting list of column values (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting LOB offset (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting XML information (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- scn_from_position attribute
(XStream Guide)
- sequence LCRs
(XStream Guide)
- setting command type
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting extra attributes
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting object name
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting object owner
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting source database name
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- setting tag
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- spilling
(XStream Guide)
- tracking
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- types
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- XML schema
(Streams Concepts and Administration)
- XMLType
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
logical conditions
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
logical corruption
(High Availability Overview)
logical corruption, checking for
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
logical corruptions from DBMS_REPAIR
(Administrator's Guide)
logical data model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [entry #2] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [entry #3] (Communications Data Model Reference)
- [entry #4] (Retail Data Model Reference)
- business area entities
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- business areas
(Retail Data Model Reference)
- dimensions
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- reference entities
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #3] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #4] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #5] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #6] (Communications Data Model Reference)
- subject areas
(Retail Data Model Reference)
logical data model, Oracle Airlines Data Model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
logical data model, Oracle Communications Data Model
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical data model, Oracle Retail Data Model
(Retail Data Model Reference)
logical database structures
- definition
- tablespaces
logical design
(Data Warehousing Guide)
logical dimension
- access method dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- account dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- account payment method status type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- account refund reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- address location dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- age band dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- age on net band dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- arpu band dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- bank direct debit channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- ber fer type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- billing cycle dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- billing status type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- business time dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- calendar time dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call category dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call center agent dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call center case title dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call center dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call direction dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call other type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call routing type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call service type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call source destination dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call success fail type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- call type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- campaign channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- campaign dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- cell outage reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- change proposed by type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- collection agency dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- commission type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- content type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- contract change initiator type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- contract change reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- contract dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- credit category dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- customer revenue band dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- customer segment dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- dealer dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- debt age band dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- direct debit status reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- divert retrieve type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- employee dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- event result dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- event type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- external operator dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- fraud profile class dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- geography dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- give away type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- GPRS services dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- handset model dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- IN platform dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- initiative type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- interaction channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- internet service provider dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- invoice adjustment reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- invoice adjustment type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- item dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- legal process status type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- loyalty program channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- market area dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- network dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- network element dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- network touchpoint class dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- network touchpoint status dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- network touchpoint type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- notification type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- NP request type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- on off net dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- organization dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- partner settlement reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- party dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- payment channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- payment method dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- payment transaction type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- PCU outage reason dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- peak offpeak time dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- PPA category dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- product dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Communications Data Model Reference)
- promotion dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- promotion result type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- recharge revenue slab dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- redemption type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- RF carrier dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- roaming type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- sales channel dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- sales channel representative dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- service coverage area dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- subscription dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- subsidy type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- switch dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- technology type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- time slot dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- UMS access type dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- value added services dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- VAS dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical dimensions, Oracle Communications Data Model
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical entities, Oracle Airlines Data Model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
logical entities, Oracle Communications Data Model
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical entities, Oracle Retail Data Model
(Retail Data Model Reference)
logical entity
- dealer entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- partner management business area entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- product instance entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- product management business area entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- revenue business area entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- service entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- subscription entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
- wireless network entity
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical name mode See business name mode
logical network
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- creating
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
logical operator
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
logical operators
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- in search conditions
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- with NEAR
(Text Reference)
logical reads limit
(Security Guide)
logical records
- consolidating multiple physical records using SQL*Loader
logical rowid
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
logical rowids
logical server
- Network Address
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [subentry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
logical server name
- creating on UNIX
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
logical standby database
- aborting
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- activating
(SQL Language Reference)
- stopping
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
logical standby databases
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- about
(High Availability Overview)
- adding
- datafiles (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- indexes (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- indexes (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- tables (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- and SQL Apply error handling
(Data Guard Broker)
- and SQL Apply filters
(Data Guard Broker)
- background processes
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- benefits
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- benefits of
(High Availability Overview)
- controlling user access to tables
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- creating
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- converting from a physical standby database (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- with Data Guard broker (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- data types
- supported (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- supported (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- unsupported (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- database guard
- overriding (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- executing SQL statements on
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- failover
(High Availability Best Practices)
- failovers
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- displaying history of (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- displaying history of (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- handling failures (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- viewing characteristics with V$LOGSTDBY_STATS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- logical standby process (LSP) and
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- managing events
(Data Guard Broker)
- managing with DBMS_LOGSTDBY package
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- materialized views
- creating on (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- support for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- monitoring
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- renaming the file specification
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- rolling upgrades
(Upgrade Guide)
- setting up a skip handler
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- SQL Apply
(Data Guard Broker)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- resynchronizing with primary database branch of redo (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- skipping DDL statements (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- skipping SQL statements (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- starting real-time apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- stopping (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- technology (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- transaction size considerations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- starting
- real-time apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- real-time apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- state transitions
(Data Guard Broker)
- states
- applying (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- idle (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- initializing (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- loading dictionary (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- waiting on gaps (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- support for primary databases with Transparent Data Encryption
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- switchover
(High Availability Best Practices)
- switchover to the primary role
(Data Guard Broker)
- switchovers
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- throughput and latency
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- transient
(High Availability Overview)
- [subentry #2] (High Availability Overview)
- upgrades on
(High Availability Best Practices)
- upgrading
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- rolling upgrades (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
logical standby process (LSP)
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
logical table
- See view
logical to physical mapping
- Oracle Airlines Data Model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
- Oracle Communications Data Model
(Communications Data Model Reference)
logical to physical mapping, Oracle Retail Data Model
(Retail Data Model Reference)
logical unit number
- storage resources
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
logical unit numbers (LUNs)
(High Availability Best Practices)
- defined, Glossary
(High Availability Best Practices)
logical value
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
Logical Volume Manager
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
logical volume manager
- See LVM
Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
- multiple disks
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- recommendations for Automatic Storage Management
(Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
logical volume managers
- mapping files to physical devices
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- used for Oracle Managed Files
(Administrator's Guide)
logical volumes
- storage resources
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Reference)
- new DEFAULT limit
(Upgrade Guide)
- user profile
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Login Access log
- deleting entries
(Application Express Administration Guide)
Login controls
- enabling for workspace
(Application Express Administration Guide)
login controls
- configuring
(Application Express Administration Guide)
login credentials
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
login message
- creating
(Application Express Administration Guide)
- disabling
(Application Express Administration Guide)
login names
(OLAP User's Guide)
login page
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- building
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
- understanding login credentials
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
login storms
- controlling with shared server
(High Availability Best Practices)
- preventing
(High Availability Best Practices)
Login URL attribute
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
login, encrypted format
(Gateway for Adabas User's Guide)
(2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
LOGIN_DENIED exception
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
(2 Day + .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
(2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
login.sql file
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
logistic regression
(Data Mining API Guide (Virtual Book))
- [entry #2] (Data Mining API Guide (Virtual Book))
- [entry #3] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #6] (Data Mining Concepts)
- [entry #7] (Data Mining Concepts)
- capture process
(Streams Concepts and Administration)
- multiple sessions
(Streams Concepts and Administration)
- supplemental logging
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LogMiner dictionary
- using DBMS_LOGSTDBY.BUILD procedure to build
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- when creating a logical standby database
(Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LogMiner packages
- guidelines
(Database Vault Administrator's Guide)
LogMiner utility
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #4] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- [entry #5] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
- about
(High Availability Overview)
- accessing redo data of interest
- adjusting redo log file list
- analyzing output
- configuration
- considerations for reapplying DDL statements
- current log file list
- stored information about (Utilities)
- DBMS_LOGMNR PL/SQL procedure and
- DBMS_LOGMNR_D PL/SQL procedure and
- DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD PL/SQL procedure and
- DDL tracking
- time or SCN ranges (Utilities)
- determining redo log files being analyzed
- dictionary
- purpose of (Utilities)
- dictionary extracted to flat file
- stored information about (Utilities)
- dictionary options
- flat file and (Utilities)
- online catalog and (Utilities)
- redo log files and (Utilities)
- ending a session
- executing reconstructed SQL
- extracting data values from redo logs
- filtering data by SCN
- filtering data by time
- formatting returned data
- graphical user interface
- levels of supplemental logging
- LogMiner dictionary defined
- mining a subset of data in redo log files
- mining database definition for
- operations overview
- parameters
- stored information about (Utilities)
- redo log files
- on a remote database (Utilities)
- stored information about (Utilities)
- requirements for dictionary
- requirements for redo log files
- requirements for source and mining databases
- restrictions with XMLType data
- sample configuration
- showing committed transactions only
- skipping corruptions
- source database definition for
- specifying redo log files to mine
- automatically (Utilities)
- manually (Utilities)
- specifying redo logs for analysis
- starting
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- starting multiple times within a session
- steps for extracting dictionary to a flat file
- steps for extracting dictionary to redo log files
- steps for using dictionary in online catalog
- steps in a typical session
- supplemental log groups
- conditional (Utilities)
- unconditional (Utilities)
- supplemental logging
- database level (Utilities)
- database-level identification keys (Utilities)
- disabling database-level (Utilities)
- interactions with DDL tracking (Utilities)
- log groups (Utilities)
- minimal (Utilities)
- stored information about (Utilities)
- table-level identification keys (Utilities)
- table-level log groups (Utilities)
- user-defined log groups (Utilities)
- support for transparent data encryption
- supported database versions
- supported datatypes
- supported redo log file versions
- suppressing delimiters in SQL_REDO and SQL_UNDO
- table-level supplemental logging
- tracking DDL statements
- requirements (Utilities)
- unsupported datatypes
- using the online catalog
- using to analyze redo log files
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- [subentry #3] (Utilities)
- querying (Utilities)
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- views
LogMiner Viewer
logmode entry name
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [entry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
(Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- [entry #2] (User's Guide for Fujitsu BS2000/OSD)
- adding to an application
(2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
Logo attribute
(Application Express Application Builder User's Guide)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- concurrent
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- explicit
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
Logon Authentication Protocol Version field in Oracle Net Manager
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Logon Data Area
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
Logon Data Area (LDA)
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LOGON trigger
- setting resumable mode
(Administrator's Guide)
logon triggers
- auditing current session
(Security Guide)
- examples
(Security Guide)
- externally initialized application contexts
(Security Guide)
- secure application roles
(Security Guide)
- automatic
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- concurrent
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- explicit
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- requirements
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LogPurge attribute
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- and MatchLogOpts
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- description
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- alert
(Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- calculating base 10 logarithm
(OLAP DML Reference)
- calculating natural logarithm
(OLAP DML Reference)
- Cube Build
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- Cube Dimension Compile
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- Cube Operations
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- Cube Rejected Records
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- interpreting error logs
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
- job
(Administrator's Guide)
- materialized views
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- purging
(Application Express Administration Guide)
- setting the size
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
- transaction log
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference)
- window (Scheduler)
(Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
logs, message log preferences
(Warehouse Builder Concepts)
LogShipping property
(Data Guard Broker)
LOGSOURCE variable
- SET statement
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
logSpec subclause
- parameter descriptions
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
- syntax diagram
(Backup and Recovery Reference)
(Security Guide)
LogXptMode property
(Data Guard Broker)
LogXptStatus property
(Data Guard Broker)
- column definition from DESCRIBE
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- data conversions
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- external data type
(Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LONG and LONG RAW data types
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
LONG and LONG RAW datatypes
(Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LONG columns
(Administrator's Guide)
- and domain indexes
(SQL Language Reference)
- changing format
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- converting to LOB
(SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
- default format
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- indexing
(Text Reference)
- replication
(Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- restrictions on
(SQL Language Reference)
- setting maximum width
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- setting retrieval size
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #5] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- to store text strings
(SQL Language Reference)
- to store view definitions
(SQL Language Reference)
- where referenced from
(SQL Language Reference)
LONG data
- exporting
- importing
LONG data type
- [entry #2] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
- [entry #5] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
- [entry #6] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #7] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #8] (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
- [entry #9] (Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- in trigger
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- in triggers
(SQL Language Reference)
- Oracle Streams
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- storage of
LONG datatype
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- comapred with CHAR
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- external
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- internal
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- restriction
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
long date (DL) format
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
long message property (JMS)
- getting
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- setting
(Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
- chunking methods
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- data conversions
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
- external data type
(Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- migration from
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- types
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LONG RAW column, maximum width
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LONG RAW columns
(Administrator's Guide)
LONG RAW data type
(Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
- [entry #5] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #6] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #7] (Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
- converting from CHAR data
(SQL Language Reference)
- in trigger
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- Oracle
(Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
LONG RAW datatype
(Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- compared with LONG
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- conversion
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- converting
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- external
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- internal
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LONG RAW datatypes
- external
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LONG reserved word
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
long transactions
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
Long types
(Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LONG VAR CHAR datatype
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
- datatype
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- external data type
(Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LONG VARCHAR data type
(Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- DB2
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
LONG variable
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- effect on COPY command
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- external data type
(Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
LONG VARRAW datatype
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LONG versus LOB datatypes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
long waits
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
(SQL Language Quick Reference)
long_word attribute
(Text Reference)
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #5] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
longname method
(Java Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
- column definition from DESCRIBE
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LONG-to-LOB migration
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- benefits and concepts
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- clustered tables
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- rebuilding indexes
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- replication
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
- triggers
(SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
lookup entities, Oracle Retail Data Model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [entry #2] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [entry #3] (Retail Data Model Reference)
Lookup operator
(Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide)
lookup table
- grayscale table
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
lookup table (LUT) images
(Multimedia Reference)
lookup tables
- physical data model
(Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #2] (Airlines Data Model Reference)
- [subentry #3] (Communications Data Model Reference)
- See dimension tables
(Data Warehousing Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
lookup tables, Oracle Retail Data Model
(Retail Data Model Reference)
(Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
lookupClass method
(Java Developer's Guide)
LOOP clause in SQL FETCH
(OLAP DML Reference)
loop edge
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LOOP statement
- exiting
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- kinds of
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- labeled
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- [subentry #2] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
- nested
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
- optimizing
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
loop statement
- basic LOOP
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- exiting early
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- populating associative array with
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
- what it is
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
(2 Day Developer's Guide)
LOOP UNTIL structure
(PL/SQL Language Reference)
loopback adapter
(Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
loopback adapters
- about
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- checking if installed
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- computers with multiple aliases
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- installing
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- installing on Windows 2003
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- installing on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- installing on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- installing on Windows XP
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- non-networked computers
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #5] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #6] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- removing
(Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #2] (Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- See also network adapters, primary network adapters
loopback test
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
(OLAP DML Reference)
- over dimension status
(OLAP DML Reference)
looping, explicit
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- adding
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
loose coupling
(Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
loss of
- inactive log group
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
(Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
lossless compression
(Multimedia User's Guide)
lossless compression scheme
(Multimedia Reference)
lossy compression
(Multimedia User's Guide)
lossy data
- data dictionary
(Globalization Support Guide)
lossy format
(Multimedia Reference)
lost updates
lost write protection
(Licensing Information)
lost writes
(High Availability Overview)
lost writes, detecting
(Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
LOVs (list of values)
(OLAP User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
low bandwidth networks
- compression on
(High Availability Best Practices)
low boundary
- defined
(Data Warehousing Guide)
LOWCASE function
(OLAP DML Reference)
lower case letters in names
(TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LOWER function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
lowercase characters in object names
- quotation marks required
(SQL Developer User's Guide)
lowercase significance
lowercase, converting to
(OLAP DML Reference)
low-cost storage subsystems
(High Availability Best Practices)
(Streams Concepts and Administration)
loyalty program channel logical dimension
(Communications Data Model Reference)
LPAD function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
LPDEST environment variable
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
LRECLEN option
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LRECLEN precompiler option
(Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
- See linear referencing system (LRS)
LRS network
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
- creating
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LRS nodes
- adding
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
LRS points
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
(Spatial Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Concepts)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- [entry #4] (Concepts)
- aging policy
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- latch contention
(Performance Tuning Guide)
- shared SQL pool
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
LRU aging
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [entry #2] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- [entry #3] (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
- attributes
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
LRU aging policy
(In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
LRU algorithm
(JDBC Developer's Guide)
ls command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsattr command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
LsbyASkipCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyASkipErrorCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
LsbyASkipTxnCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyDSkipCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyDSkipErrorCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
LsbyDSkipTxnCfgPr property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyFailedTxnInfo property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyMaxEventsRecorded property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyMaxServers property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyMaxSga property
(Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
LsbyParameters property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyPreserveCommitOrder property
(Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
LsbyRecordAppliedDdl property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyRecordSkipDdl property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbyRecordSkipErrors property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbySkipTable property
(Data Guard Broker)
LsbySkipTxnTable property
(Data Guard Broker)
lsct command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsdev command
(Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #2] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #5] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #6] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
lsdg command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsdsk command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsgrp command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
Lsinventory command
- for OUI-based homes
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
- for standalone OPatch
(Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX)
LSIZE option
(OLAP DML Reference)
lslpp command
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
lsmodules parameter
- with the CRSCTL command
(Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
(TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide)
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit))
lsnrctl command
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [entry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [entry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
lsod command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsof command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsop command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsps command
(Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems)
lspv command
(Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [entry #5] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
lspwusr command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lstmpl command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
lsusr command
- ASMCMD utility
(Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
LT tables
- created for Workspace Manager infrastructure
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
- getting name of _LT (physical) table
(Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
LTRIM function
(OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
- [entry #4] (TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference)
- command-line option
(SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
LTYPE option
(Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
LTYPE precompiler option
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
LU name
- assigning to the gateway, on AIX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
(Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
LU6.1 Adapter for LU6.2 applications
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- and specifying SNA conversation security
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
LUBD function
(Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- See Also logical unit numbers (LUNs)
- [entry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- (Logical Units)
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- alias identified by side information profile, on AIX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- also see independent LU and dependent LU
- and gateway security
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- and Side Information Profiles
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- dependent
- for configuring LU6.2 for IMS/TM for the gateway (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- in SNA security validation
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- [subentry #2] (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- independent
- in configuring APPC/MVS on the gateway (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- in configuring APPC/MVS on the gateway (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- in configuring CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- in configuring CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- in configuring IMS/TM for the gateway (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- vs. dependent (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
- vs. dependent, on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- vs. dependent, on HP-UX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- vs. dependent, on Solaris (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- local
- profile, on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on AIX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- Partner
- location profile, on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on HP-UX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- on Solaris (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- profile (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- Partner LU name
- assigning alias, on AIX (Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
- recommended for the gateway, on HP-UX
(Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
LUT (lookup table)
- contentFormat operator
(Multimedia Reference)
(Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
- creating a volume group
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- creating raw logical volumes
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- creating volume groups
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- identifying available disks
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- identifying available disks on Solaris
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- identifying major device numbers
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- identifying volume group devices
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- identifying volume group devices on HP-UX
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- identifying volume group devices on Oracle Solaris
(Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- initializing disks
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- recommendations for ASM
(Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- recommendations for Oracle Automatic Storage Management
(Database Installation Guide for HP-UX)
- [subentry #2] (Database Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
- [subentry #3] (Database Installation Guide for Linux)
- [subentry #4] (Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
- Veritas Volume Manager on Oracle Solaris
(Database Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
lxegen utility
(Globalization Support Guide)
LZ_COMPRESS functions and procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LZ_UNCOMPRESS functions and procedures
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
(PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
LZW image compression format
(Multimedia Reference)
LZWHDIFF image compression format
(Multimedia Reference)