Oracle® Database PL/SQL Language Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) E25519-07 |
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This chapter explains these aspects of the PL/SQL language:
Any character data to be processed by PL/SQL or stored in a database must be represented as a sequence of bytes. The byte representation of a single character is called a character code. A set of character codes is called a character set.
Every Oracle database supports a database character set and a national character set. PL/SQL also supports these character sets. This document explains how PL/SQL uses the database character set and national character set.
See Also:
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for general information about character setsPL/SQL uses the database character set to represent:
Stored source text of PL/SQL units
For information about PL/SQL units, see "PL/SQL Units and Compilation Parameters".
Character values of data types CHAR
, and LONG
For information about these data types, see "SQL Data Types".
The database character set can be either single-byte, mapping each supported character to one particular byte, or multibyte-varying-width, mapping each supported character to a sequence of one, two, three, or four bytes. The maximum number of bytes in a character code depends on the particular character set.
Every database character set includes these basic characters:
Latin letters: A through Z and a through z
Decimal digits: 0 through 9
Punctuation characters in Table 2-1
Whitespace characters: space, tab, new line, and carriage return
PL/SQL source text that uses only the basic characters can be stored and compiled in any database. PL/SQL source text that uses nonbasic characters can be stored and compiled only in databases whose database character sets support those nonbasic characters.
Table 2-1 Punctuation Characters in Every Database Character Set
Symbol | Name |
Left parenthesis |
Right parenthesis |
Left angle bracket |
Right angle bracket |
Plus sign |
Hyphen or minus sign |
Asterisk |
Slash |
Equal sign |
Comma |
Semicolon |
Colon |
Period |
Exclamation point |
Question mark |
" |
At sign |
Percent sign |
Number sign |
Dollar sign |
Underscore |
Vertical bar |
See Also:
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information about the database character setPL/SQL uses the national character set to represent character values of data types NCHAR
. For information about these data types, see "SQL Data Types".
See Also:
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information about the national character setThe lexical units of PL/SQL are its smallest individual components—delimiters, identifiers, literals, and comments.
A delimiter is a character, or character combination, that has a special meaning in PL/SQL. Do not embed any others characters (including whitespace characters) inside a delimiter.
Table 2-2 summarizes the PL/SQL delimiters.
Delimiter | Meaning |
Addition operator |
Assignment operator |
Association operator |
Attribute indicator |
Character string delimiter |
Component indicator |
Concatenation operator |
Division operator |
Exponentiation operator |
Expression or list delimiter (begin) |
Expression or list delimiter (end) |
Host variable indicator |
Item separator |
Label delimiter (begin) |
Label delimiter (end) |
Multiline comment delimiter (begin) |
Multiline comment delimiter (end) |
Multiplication operator |
Quoted identifier delimiter |
Range operator |
Relational operator (equal) |
Relational operator (not equal) |
Relational operator (not equal) |
Relational operator (not equal) |
Relational operator (not equal) |
Relational operator (less than) |
Relational operator (greater than) |
Relational operator (less than or equal) |
Relational operator (greater than or equal) |
Remote access indicator |
Single-line comment indicator |
Statement terminator |
Subtraction or negation operator |
Identifiers name PL/SQL elements, which include:
Reserved words
Every character in an identifier, alphabetic or not, is significant. For example, the identifiers lastname
and last_name
are different.
You must separate adjacent identifiers by one or more whitespace characters or a punctuation character.
Except as explained in "Quoted User-Defined Identifiers", PL/SQL is case-insensitive for identifiers. For example, the identifiers lastname
, LastName
are the same.
Reserved words and keywords are identifiers that have special meaning in PL/SQL.
You cannot use reserved words as ordinary user-defined identifiers. You can use them as quoted user-defined identifiers, but it is not recommended. For more information, see "Quoted User-Defined Identifiers".
You can use keywords as ordinary user-defined identifiers, but it is not recommended.
For lists of PL/SQL reserved words and keywords, see Table D-1 and Table D-2, respectively.
Predefined identifiers are declared in the predefined package STANDARD
. An example of a predefined identifier is the exception INVALID_NUMBER
For a list of predefined identifiers, use this query:
You can use predefined identifiers as user-defined identifiers, but it is not recommended. Your local declaration overrides the global declaration (see "Scope and Visibility of Identifiers").
Composed of characters from the database character set
Either ordinary or quoted
Make user-defined identifiers meaningful. For example, the meaning ofcost_per_thousand
is obvious, but the meaning of cpt
is not.An ordinary user-defined identifier:
Begins with a letter
Can include letters, digits, and these symbols:
Dollar sign ($)
Number sign (#)
Underscore (_)
Is not a reserved word (listed in Table D-1).
The database character set defines which characters are classified as letters and digits. The representation of the identifier in the database character set cannot exceed 30 bytes.
Examples of acceptable ordinary user-defined identifiers:
X t2 phone# credit_limit LastName oracle$number money$$$tree SN## try_again_
Examples of unacceptable ordinary user-defined identifiers:
mine&yours debit-amount on/off user id
A quoted user-defined identifier is enclosed in double quotation marks. Between the double quotation marks, any characters from the database character set are allowed except double quotation marks, new line characters, and null characters. For example, these identifiers are acceptable:
"X+Y" "last name" "on/off switch" "employee(s)" "*** header info ***"
The representation of the quoted identifier in the database character set cannot exceed 30 bytes (excluding the double quotation marks).
A quoted user-defined identifier is case-sensitive, with one exception: If a quoted user-defined identifier, without its enclosing double quotation marks, is a valid ordinary user-defined identifier, then the double quotation marks are optional in references to the identifier, and if you omit them, then the identifier is case-insensitive.
In Example 2-1, the quoted user-defined identifier "HELLO"
, without its enclosing double quotation marks, is a valid ordinary user-defined identifier. Therefore, the reference Hello
is valid.
Example 2-1 Valid Case-Insensitive Reference to Quoted User-Defined Identifier
DECLARE "HELLO" varchar2(10) := 'hello'; BEGIN DBMS_Output.Put_Line(Hello); END; /
In Example 2-2, the reference "Hello"
is invalid, because the double quotation marks make the identifier case-sensitive.
Example 2-2 Invalid Case-Insensitive Reference to Quoted User-Defined Identifier
DECLARE "HELLO" varchar2(10) := 'hello'; BEGIN DBMS_Output.Put_Line("Hello"); END; /
DBMS_Output.Put_Line("Hello"); * ERROR at line 4: ORA-06550: line 4, column 25: PLS-00201: identifier 'Hello' must be declared ORA-06550: line 4, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
It is not recommended, but you can use a reserved word as a quoted user-defined identifier. Because a reserved word is not a valid ordinary user-defined identifier, you must always enclose the identifier in double quotation marks, and it is always case-sensitive.
Example 2-3 declares quoted user-defined identifiers "BEGIN"
, "Begin"
, and "begin"
. Although BEGIN
, Begin
, and begin
represent the same reserved word, "BEGIN"
, "Begin"
, and "begin"
represent different identifiers.
Example 2-3 Reserved Word as Quoted User-Defined Identifier
DECLARE "BEGIN" varchar2(15) := 'UPPERCASE'; "Begin" varchar2(15) := 'Initial Capital'; "begin" varchar2(15) := 'lowercase'; BEGIN DBMS_Output.Put_Line("BEGIN"); DBMS_Output.Put_Line("Begin"); DBMS_Output.Put_Line("begin"); END; /
UPPERCASE Initial Capital lowercase PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Example 2-4 references a quoted user-defined identifier that is a reserved word, neglecting to enclose it in double quotation marks.
Example 2-4 Neglecting Double Quotation Marks
DECLARE "HELLO" varchar2(10) := 'hello'; -- HELLO is not a reserved word "BEGIN" varchar2(10) := 'begin'; -- BEGIN is a reserved word BEGIN DBMS_Output.Put_Line(Hello); -- Double quotation marks are optional DBMS_Output.Put_Line(BEGIN); -- Double quotation marks are required end; /
DBMS_Output.Put_Line(BEGIN); -- Double quotation marks are required * ERROR at line 6: ORA-06550: line 6, column 24: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BEGIN" when expecting one of the following: ( ) - + case mod new not null <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> table continue avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute multiset the both leading trailing forall merge year month day hour minute second timezone_hour timezone_minute timezone_region timezone_abbr time timestamp interval date <a string literal with character set specificat
Example 2-5 references a quoted user-defined identifier that is a reserved word, neglecting its case-sensitivity.
Example 2-5 Neglecting Case-Sensitivity
DECLARE "HELLO" varchar2(10) := 'hello'; -- HELLO is not a reserved word "BEGIN" varchar2(10) := 'begin'; -- BEGIN is a reserved word BEGIN DBMS_Output.Put_Line(Hello); -- Identifier is case-insensitive DBMS_Output.Put_Line("Begin"); -- Identifier is case-sensitive END; /
DBMS_Output.Put_Line("Begin"); -- Identifier is case-sensitive * ERROR at line 6: ORA-06550: line 6, column 25: PLS-00201: identifier 'Begin' must be declared ORA-06550: line 6, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
A literal is a value that is neither represented by an identifier nor calculated from other values. For example, 123
is an integer literal and 'abc'
is a character literal, but 1+2
is not a literal.
PL/SQL literals include all SQL literals (described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference) and BOOLEAN
literals (which SQL does not have). A BOOLEAN
literal is the predefined logical value TRUE
, or NULL
represents an unknown value.
Like Oracle Database SQL Language Reference, this document uses the terms character literal and string interchangeably.When using character literals in PL/SQL, remember:
Character literals are case-sensitive.
For example, 'Z'
and 'z'
are different.
Whitespace characters are significant.
For example, these literals are different:
'abc' ' abc' 'abc ' ' abc ' 'a b c'
PL/SQL has no line-continuation character that means "this string continues on the next source line." If you continue a string on the next source line, then the string includes a line-break character.
For example, this PL/SQL code:
BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This string breaks here.'); END; /
Prints this:
This string breaks here.
If your string does not fit on a source line and you do not want it to include a line-break character, then construct the string with the concatenation operator (||
For example, this PL/SQL code:
BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This string ' || 'contains no line-break character.'); END; /
Prints this:
This string contains no line-break character.
For more information about the concatenation operator, see "Concatenation Operator".
through '9'
are not equivalent to the integer literals 0 through 9.
However, because PL/SQL converts them to integers, you can use them in arithmetic expressions.
A character literal with zero characters has the value NULL
and is called a null string.
However, this NULL
value is not the BOOLEAN
value NULL
An ordinary character literal is composed of characters in the database character set.
For information about the database character set, see Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
A national character literal is composed of characters in the national character set.
For information about the national character set, see Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.
The PL/SQL compiler ignores comments. Their purpose is to help other application developers understand your source text. Typically, you use comments to describe the purpose and use of each code segment. You can also disable obsolete or unfinished pieces of code by turning them into comments.
See Also:
"Comment"A single-line comment begins with --
and extends to the end of the line.
Do not put a single-line comment in a PL/SQL block to be processed dynamically by an Oracle Precompiler program. The Oracle Precompiler program ignores end-of-line characters, which means that a single-line comment ends when the block ends.Example 2-6 has three single-line comments.
Example 2-6 Single-Line Comments
DECLARE howmany NUMBER; num_tables NUMBER; BEGIN -- Begin processing SELECT COUNT(*) INTO howmany FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'; -- Check number of tables num_tables := howmany; -- Compute another value END; /
While testing or debugging a program, you can disable a line of code by making it a comment. For example:
-- DELETE FROM employees WHERE comm_pct IS NULL
A multiline comment begins with /*
, ends with */
, and can span multiple lines.
Example 2-7 has two multiline comments. (The SQL function TO_CHAR
returns the character equivalent of its argument. For more information about TO_CHAR
, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.)
Example 2-7 Multiline Comments
DECLARE some_condition BOOLEAN; pi NUMBER := 3.1415926; radius NUMBER := 15; area NUMBER; BEGIN /* Perform some simple tests and assignments */ IF 2 + 2 = 4 THEN some_condition := TRUE; /* We expect this THEN to always be performed */ END IF; /* This line computes the area of a circle using pi, which is the ratio between the circumference and diameter. After the area is computed, the result is displayed. */ area := pi * radius**2; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || TO_CHAR(area)); END; /
The area is: 706.858335
You can use multiline comment delimiters to "comment out" sections of code. When doing so, be careful not to cause nested multiline comments. One multiline comment cannot contain another multiline comment. However, a multiline comment can contain a single-line comment. For example, this causes a syntax error:
/* IF 2 + 2 = 4 THEN some_condition := TRUE; /* We expect this THEN to always be performed */ END IF; */
This does not cause a syntax error:
/* IF 2 + 2 = 4 THEN some_condition := TRUE; -- We expect this THEN to always be performed END IF; */
You can put whitespace characters between lexical units, which often makes your source text easier to read, as Example 2-8 shows.
A declaration allocates storage space for a value of a specified data type, and names the storage location so that you can reference it. You must declare objects before you can reference them. Declarations can appear in the declarative part of any block, subprogram, or package.
For information about declaring objects other than variables and constants, see the syntax of declare_section
in "Block".
A variable declaration always specifies the name and data type of the variable. For most data types, a variable declaration can also specify an initial value.
The variable name must be a valid user-defined identifier (see "User-Defined Identifiers").
The data type can be any PL/SQL data type. The PL/SQL data types include the SQL data types. A data type is either scalar (without internal components) or composite (with internal components).
Example 2-9 declares several variables with scalar data types.
Example 2-9 Scalar Variable Declarations
DECLARE part_number NUMBER(6); -- SQL data type part_name VARCHAR2(20); -- SQL data type in_stock BOOLEAN; -- PL/SQL-only data type part_price NUMBER(6,2); -- SQL data type part_description VARCHAR2(50); -- SQL data type BEGIN NULL; END; /
See Also:
"Scalar Variable Declaration" for scalar variable declaration syntax
Chapter 3, "PL/SQL Data Types" for information about scalar data types
Chapter 5, "PL/SQL Collections and Records," for information about composite data types and variables
The information in "Variable Declarations" also applies to constant declarations, but a constant declaration has two more requirements: the keyword CONSTANT
and the initial value of the constant. (The initial value of a constant is its permanent value.)
Example 2-10 declares three constants with scalar data types.
Example 2-10 Constant Declarations
DECLARE credit_limit CONSTANT REAL := 5000.00; -- SQL data type max_days_in_year CONSTANT INTEGER := 366; -- SQL data type urban_legend CONSTANT BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- PL/SQL-only data type BEGIN NULL; END; /
See Also:
"Constant Declaration" for constant declaration syntaxIn a variable declaration, the initial value is optional unless you specify the NOT
constraint (for details, see "NOT NULL Constraint"). In a constant declaration, the initial value is required.
If the declaration is in a block or subprogram, the initial value is assigned to the variable or constant every time control passes to the block or subprogram. If the declaration is in a package specification, the initial value is assigned to the variable or constant for each session (whether the variable or constant is public or private).
To specify the initial value, use either the assignment operator (:=
) or the keyword DEFAULT
, followed by an expression. The expression can include previously declared constants and previously initialized variables.
Example 2-11 assigns initial values to the constant and variables that it declares. The initial value of area
depends on the previously declared constant pi
and the previously initialized variable radius
Example 2-11 Variable and Constant Declarations with Initial Values
DECLARE hours_worked INTEGER := 40; employee_count INTEGER := 0; pi CONSTANT REAL := 3.14159; radius REAL := 1; area REAL := (pi * radius**2); BEGIN NULL; END; /
If you do not specify an initial value for a variable, assign a value to it before using it in any other context.
In Example 2-12, the variable counter
has the initial value NULL
, by default. As the example shows (using the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator") NULL
is different from zero.
Example 2-12 Variable Initialized to NULL by Default
DECLARE counter INTEGER; -- initial value is NULL by default BEGIN counter := counter + 1; -- NULL + 1 is still NULL IF counter IS NULL THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('counter is NULL.'); END IF; END; /
counter is NULL.
See Also:
"Declaring Associative Array Constants" for information about declaring constant associative arrays
"Declaring Record Constants" for information about declaring constant records
You can impose the NOT
constraint on a scalar variable or constant (or scalar component of a composite variable or constant). The NOT
constraint prevents assigning a null value to the item. The item can acquire this constraint either implicitly (from its data type) or explicitly.
A scalar variable declaration that specifies NOT
, either implicitly or explicitly, must assign an initial value to the variable (because the default initial value for a scalar variable is NULL
In Example 2-13, the variable acct_id
acquires the NOT
constraint explicitly, and the variables a
, b
, and c
acquire it from their data types.
Example 2-13 Variable Declaration with NOT NULL Constraint
DECLARE acct_id INTEGER(4) NOT NULL := 9999; a NATURALN := 9999; b POSITIVEN := 9999; c SIMPLE_INTEGER := 9999; BEGIN NULL; END; /
PL/SQL treats any zero-length string as a NULL
value. This includes values returned by character functions and BOOLEAN
In Example 2-14, all variables are initialized to NULL
Example 2-14 Variables Initialized to NULL Values
DECLARE null_string VARCHAR2(80) := TO_CHAR(''); address VARCHAR2(80); zip_code VARCHAR2(80) := SUBSTR(address, 25, 0); name VARCHAR2(80); valid BOOLEAN := (name != ''); BEGIN NULL; END; /
To test for a NULL
value, use the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator".
attribute lets you declare a data item of the same data type as a previously declared variable or column (without knowing what that type is). If the declaration of the referenced item changes, then the declaration of the referencing item changes accordingly.
The syntax of the declaration is:
referencing_item referenced_item%TYPE;
For the kinds of items that can be referencing and referenced items, see "%TYPE Attribute".
The referencing item inherits the following from the referenced item:
Data type and size
Constraints (unless the referenced item is a column)
The referencing item does not inherit the initial value of the referenced item. Therefore, if the referencing item specifies or inherits the NOT
constraint, you must specify an initial value for it.
attribute is particularly useful when declaring variables to hold database values. The syntax for declaring a variable of the same type as a column is:
variable_name table_name.column_name%TYPE;
In Example 2-15, the variable surname
inherits the data type and size of the column employees
, which has a NOT
constraint. Because surname
does not inherit the NOT
constraint, its declaration does not need an initial value.
Example 2-15 Declaring Variable of Same Type as Column
DECLARE surname employees.last_name%TYPE; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('surname=' || surname); END; /
In Example 2-16, the variable surname
inherits the data type, size, and NOT
constraint of the variable name
. Because surname
does not inherit the initial value of name
, its declaration needs an initial value (which cannot exceed 25 characters).
Example 2-16 Declaring Variable of Same Type as Another Variable
name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL := 'Smith';
surname name%TYPE := 'Jones';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('name=' || name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('surname=' || surname);
name=Smith surname=Jones
See Also:
"%ROWTYPE Attribute", which lets you declare a record variable that represents either a full or partial row of a database table or viewWhen referencing an identifier, you use a name that is either simple, qualified, remote, or both qualified and remote.
The simple name of an identifier is the name in its declaration. For example:
DECLARE a INTEGER; -- Declaration BEGIN a := 1; -- Reference with simple name END; /
If an identifier is declared in a named PL/SQL unit, you can (and sometimes must) reference it with its qualified name. The syntax (called dot notation) is:
For example, if package p
declares identifier a
, you can reference the identifier with the qualified name p
. The unit name also can (and sometimes must) be qualified. You must qualify an identifier when it is not visible (see "Scope and Visibility of Identifiers").
If the identifier names an object on a remote database, you must reference it with its remote name. The syntax is:
If the identifier is declared in a PL/SQL unit on a remote database, you must reference it with its qualified remote name. The syntax is:
You can create synonyms for remote schema objects, but you cannot create synonyms for objects declared in PL/SQL subprograms or packages. To create a synonym, use the SQL statement CREATE
, explained in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
For information about how PL/SQL resolves ambiguous names, see Appendix B, "PL/SQL Name Resolution".
You can reference identifiers declared in the packagesSTANDARD
without qualifying them with the package names, unless you have declared a local identifier with the same name (see "Scope and Visibility of Identifiers").The scope of an identifier is the region of a PL/SQL unit from which you can reference the identifier. The visibility of an identifier is the region of a PL/SQL unit from which you can reference the identifier without qualifying it. An identifier is local to the PL/SQL unit that declares it. If that unit has subunits, the identifier is global to them.
If a subunit redeclares a global identifier, then inside the subunit, both identifiers are in scope, but only the local identifier is visible. To reference the global identifier, the subunit must qualify it with the name of the unit that declared it. If that unit has no name, then the subunit cannot reference the global identifier.
A PL/SQL unit cannot reference identifiers declared in other units at the same level, because those identifiers are neither local nor global to the block.
Example 2-17 shows the scope and visibility of several identifiers. The first sub-block redeclares the global identifier a
. To reference the global variable a
, the first sub-block would have to qualify it with the name of the outer block—but the outer block has no name. Therefore, the first sub-block cannot reference the global variable a
; it can reference only its local variable a
. Because the sub-blocks are at the same level, the first sub-block cannot reference d
, and the second sub-block cannot reference c
Example 2-17 Scope and Visibility of Identifiers
-- Outer block: DECLARE a CHAR; -- Scope of a (CHAR) begins b REAL; -- Scope of b begins BEGIN -- Visible: a (CHAR), b -- First sub-block: DECLARE a INTEGER; -- Scope of a (INTEGER) begins c REAL; -- Scope of c begins BEGIN -- Visible: a (INTEGER), b, c NULL; END; -- Scopes of a (INTEGER) and c end -- Second sub-block: DECLARE d REAL; -- Scope of d begins BEGIN -- Visible: a (CHAR), b, d NULL; END; -- Scope of d ends -- Visible: a (CHAR), b END; -- Scopes of a (CHAR) and b end /
Example 2-18 labels the outer block with the name outer
. Therefore, after the sub-block redeclares the global variable birthdate
, it can reference that global variable by qualifying its name with the block label. The sub-block can also reference its local variable birthdate
, by its simple name.
Example 2-18 Qualifying Redeclared Global Identifier with Block Label
<<outer>> -- label DECLARE birthdate DATE := '09-AUG-70'; BEGIN DECLARE birthdate DATE := '29-SEP-70'; BEGIN IF birthdate = outer.birthdate THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Same Birthday'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Different Birthday'); END IF; END; END; /
Different Birthday
In Example 2-19, the procedure check_credit
declares a variable, rating
, and a function, check_rating
. The function redeclares the variable. Then the function references the global variable by qualifying it with the procedure name.
Example 2-19 Qualifying Identifier with Subprogram Name
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE check_credit (credit_limit NUMBER) AS rating NUMBER := 3; FUNCTION check_rating RETURN BOOLEAN IS rating NUMBER := 1; over_limit BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF check_credit.rating <= credit_limit THEN -- reference global variable over_limit := FALSE; ELSE over_limit := TRUE; rating := credit_limit; -- reference local variable END IF; RETURN over_limit; END check_rating; BEGIN IF check_rating THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Credit rating over limit (' || TO_CHAR(credit_limit) || '). ' || 'Rating: ' || TO_CHAR(rating)); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Credit rating OK. ' || 'Rating: ' || TO_CHAR(rating)); END IF; END; / BEGIN check_credit(1); END; /
Credit rating over limit (1). Rating: 3
You cannot declare the same identifier twice in the same PL/SQL unit. If you do, an error occurs when you reference the duplicate identifier, as Example 2-20 shows.
Example 2-20 Duplicate Identifiers in Same Scope
id VARCHAR2(5); -- duplicate identifier
id := FALSE;
id := FALSE; * ERROR at line 5: ORA-06550: line 5, column 3: PLS-00371: at most one declaration for 'ID' is permitted ORA-06550: line 5, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
You can declare the same identifier in two different units. The two objects represented by the identifier are distinct. Changing one does not affect the other, as Example 2-21 shows.
Example 2-21 Declaring Same Identifier in Different Units
DECLARE PROCEDURE p IS x VARCHAR2(1); BEGIN x := 'a'; -- Assign the value 'a' to x DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In procedure p, x = ' || x); END; PROCEDURE q IS x VARCHAR2(1); BEGIN x := 'b'; -- Assign the value 'b' to x DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In procedure q, x = ' || x); END; BEGIN p; q; END; /
In procedure p, x = a In procedure q, x = b
In the same scope, give labels and subprograms unique names to avoid confusion and unexpected results.
In Example 2-22, echo
is the name of both a block and a subprogram. Both the block and the subprogram declare a variable named x
. In the subprogram, echo
refers to the local variable x
, not to the global variable x
Example 2-22 Label and Subprogram with Same Name in Same Scope
<<echo>> DECLARE x NUMBER := 5; PROCEDURE echo AS x NUMBER := 0; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x = ' || x); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('echo.x = ' || echo.x); END; BEGIN echo; END; /
x = 0 echo.x = 0
Example 2-23 has two labels for the outer block, compute_ratio
and another_label
. The second label appears again in the inner block. In the inner block, another_label
refers to the local variable denominator
, not to the global variable denominator
, which results in the error ZERO_DIVIDE
Example 2-23 Block with Multiple and Duplicate Labels
<<compute_ratio>> <<another_label>> DECLARE numerator NUMBER := 22; denominator NUMBER := 7; BEGIN <<another_label>> DECLARE denominator NUMBER := 0; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Ratio with compute_ratio.denominator = '); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(numerator/compute_ratio.denominator); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Ratio with another_label.denominator = '); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(numerator/another_label.denominator); EXCEPTION WHEN ZERO_DIVIDE THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Divide-by-zero error: can''t divide ' || numerator || ' by ' || denominator); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Unexpected error.'); END another_label; END compute_ratio; /
Ratio with compute_ratio.denominator = 3.14285714285714285714285714285714285714 Ratio with another_label.denominator = Divide-by-zero error: cannot divide 22 by 0
After declaring a variable, you can assign a value to it in these ways:
Use the assignment statement to assign it the value of an expression.
Use the SELECT
statement to assign it a value from a table.
Pass it to a subprogram as an OUT
or IN
parameter, and then assign the value inside the subprogram.
The variable and the value must have compatible data types. One data type is compatible with another data type if it can be implicitly converted to that type. For information about implicit data conversion, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
See Also:
To assign the value of an expression to a variable, use this form of the assignment statement:
variable_name := expression;
For the complete syntax of the assignment statement, see "Assignment Statement". For the syntax of an expression, see "Expression".
Example 2-24 declares several variables (specifying initial values for some) and then uses assignment statements to assign the values of expressions to them.
Example 2-24 Assigning Values to Variables with Assignment Statement
DECLARE -- You can assign initial values here wages NUMBER; hours_worked NUMBER := 40; hourly_salary NUMBER := 22.50; bonus NUMBER := 150; country VARCHAR2(128); counter NUMBER := 0; done BOOLEAN; valid_id BOOLEAN; emp_rec1 employees%ROWTYPE; emp_rec2 employees%ROWTYPE; TYPE commissions IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; comm_tab commissions; BEGIN -- You can assign values here too wages := (hours_worked * hourly_salary) + bonus; country := 'France'; country := UPPER('Canada'); done := (counter > 100); valid_id := TRUE; emp_rec1.first_name := 'Antonio'; emp_rec1.last_name := 'Ortiz'; emp_rec1 := emp_rec2; comm_tab(5) := 20000 * 0.15; END; /
A simple form of the SELECT
statement is:
SELECT select_item [, select_item ]... INTO variable_name [, variable_name ]... FROM table_name;
For each select_item
, there must be a corresponding, type-compatible variable_name
. Because SQL does not have a BOOLEAN
type, variable_name
cannot be a BOOLEAN
variable. For the complete syntax of the SELECT
statement, see "SELECT INTO Statement".
Example 2-25 uses a SELECT
statement to assign to the variable bonus
the value that is 10% of the salary of the employee whose employee_id
is 100.
If you pass a variable to a subprogram as an OUT
or IN
parameter, and the subprogram assigns a value to the parameter, the variable retains that value after the subprogram finishes running. For more information, see "Subprogram Parameters".
Example 2-26 passes the variable new_sal
to the procedure adjust_salary
. The procedure assigns a value to the corresponding formal parameter, sal
. Because sal
is an IN
parameter, the variable new_sal
retains the assigned value after the procedure finishes running.
Example 2-26 Assigning Value to Variable as IN OUT Subprogram Parameter
DECLARE emp_salary NUMBER(8,2); PROCEDURE adjust_salary ( emp NUMBER, sal IN OUT NUMBER, adjustment NUMBER ) IS BEGIN sal := sal + adjustment; END; BEGIN SELECT salary INTO emp_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Before invoking procedure, emp_salary: ' || emp_salary); adjust_salary (100, emp_salary, 1000); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('After invoking procedure, emp_salary: ' || emp_salary); END; /
Before invoking procedure, emp_salary: 24000 After invoking procedure, emp_salary: 25000
The only values that you can assign to a BOOLEAN
variable are TRUE
, and NULL
Example 2-27 initializes the BOOLEAN
variable done
by default, assigns it the literal value FALSE
, compares it to the literal value TRUE
, and assigns it the value of a BOOLEAN
Example 2-27 Assigning Value to BOOLEAN Variable
DECLARE done BOOLEAN; -- Initial value is NULL by default counter NUMBER := 0; BEGIN done := FALSE; -- Assign literal value WHILE done != TRUE -- Compare to literal value LOOP counter := counter + 1; done := (counter > 500); -- Assign value of BOOLEAN expression END LOOP; END; /
For more information about the BOOLEAN
data type, see "BOOLEAN Data Type".
An expression always returns a single value. The simplest expressions, in order of increasing complexity, are:
A single constant or variable (for example, a
A unary operator and its single operand (for example, -a
A binary operator and its two operands (for example, a+b
An operand can be a variable, constant, literal, operator, function invocation, or placeholder—or another expression. Therefore, expressions can be arbitrarily complex. For expression syntax, see "Expression".
The data types of the operands determine the data type of the expression. Every time the expression is evaluated, a single value of that data type results. The data type of that result is the data type of the expression.
The concatenation operator (||
) appends one string operand to another, as Example 2-28 shows.
Example 2-28 Concatenation Operator
DECLARE x VARCHAR2(4) := 'suit'; y VARCHAR2(4) := 'case'; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (x || y); END; /
The concatenation operator ignores null operands, as Example 2-29 shows.
Example 2-29 Concatenation Operator with NULL Operands
BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('apple' || NULL || NULL || 'sauce'); END; /
For more information about the syntax of the concatenation operator, see "character_expression ::=".
An operation is either a unary operator and its single operand or a binary operator and its two operands. The operations in an expression are evaluated in order of operator precedence.
Table 2-3 shows operator precedence from highest to lowest. Operators with equal precedence are evaluated in no particular order.
Operator | Operation |
exponentiation |
identity, negation |
multiplication, division |
addition, subtraction, concatenation |
comparison |
negation |
conjunction |
inclusion |
To control the order of evaluation, enclose operations in parentheses, as in Example 2-30.
Example 2-30 Controlling Evaluation Order with Parentheses
a INTEGER := 1+2**2;
b INTEGER := (1+2)**2;
a = 5 b = 9
When parentheses are nested, the most deeply nested operations are evaluated first.
In Example 2-31, the operations (1+2) and (3+4) are evaluated first, producing the values 3 and 7, respectively. Next, the operation 3*7 is evaluated, producing the result 21. Finally, the operation 21/7 is evaluated, producing the final value 3.
Example 2-31 Expression with Nested Parentheses
a INTEGER := ((1+2)*(3+4))/7;
a = 3
You can also use parentheses to improve readability, as in Example 2-32, where the parentheses do not affect evaluation order.
Example 2-32 Improving Readability with Parentheses
DECLARE a INTEGER := 2**2*3**2; b INTEGER := (2**2)*(3**2); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('a = ' || TO_CHAR(a)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('b = ' || TO_CHAR(b)); END; /
a = 36 b = 36
Example 2-33 shows the effect of operator precedence and parentheses in several more complex expressions.
Example 2-33 Operator Precedence
DECLARE salary NUMBER := 60000; commission NUMBER := 0.10; BEGIN -- Division has higher precedence than addition: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('5 + 12 / 4 = ' || TO_CHAR(5 + 12 / 4)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('12 / 4 + 5 = ' || TO_CHAR(12 / 4 + 5)); -- Parentheses override default operator precedence: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('8 + 6 / 2 = ' || TO_CHAR(8 + 6 / 2)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('(8 + 6) / 2 = ' || TO_CHAR((8 + 6) / 2)); -- Most deeply nested operation is evaluated first: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('100 + (20 / 5 + (7 - 3)) = ' || TO_CHAR(100 + (20 / 5 + (7 - 3)))); -- Parentheses, even when unnecessary, improve readability: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('(salary * 0.05) + (commission * 0.25) = ' || TO_CHAR((salary * 0.05) + (commission * 0.25)) ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('salary * 0.05 + commission * 0.25 = ' || TO_CHAR(salary * 0.05 + commission * 0.25) ); END; /
5 + 12 / 4 = 8 12 / 4 + 5 = 8 8 + 6 / 2 = 11 (8 + 6) / 2 = 7 100 + (20 / 5 + (7 - 3)) = 108 (salary * 0.05) + (commission * 0.25) = 3000.025 salary * 0.05 + commission * 0.25 = 3000.025
The logical operators AND
, OR
, and NOT
follow the tri-state logic shown in Table 2-4. AND
and OR
are binary operators; NOT
is a unary operator.
x | y | x AND y | x OR y | NOT x |
Example 2-34 creates a procedure, print_boolean
, that prints the value of a BOOLEAN
variable. The procedure uses the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator". Several examples in this chapter invoke print_boolean
Example 2-34 Procedure Prints BOOLEAN Variable
As Table 2-4 and Example 2-35 show, AND
returns TRUE
if and only if both operands are TRUE
DECLARE PROCEDURE print_x_and_y ( x BOOLEAN, y BOOLEAN ) IS BEGIN print_boolean ('x', x); print_boolean ('y', y); print_boolean ('x AND y', x AND y); END print_x_and_y; BEGIN print_x_and_y (FALSE, FALSE); print_x_and_y (TRUE, FALSE); print_x_and_y (FALSE, TRUE); print_x_and_y (TRUE, TRUE); print_x_and_y (TRUE, NULL); print_x_and_y (FALSE, NULL); print_x_and_y (NULL, TRUE); print_x_and_y (NULL, FALSE); END; /
x = FALSE y = FALSE x AND y = FALSE x = TRUE y = FALSE x AND y = FALSE x = FALSE y = TRUE x AND y = FALSE x = TRUE y = TRUE x AND y = TRUE x = TRUE y = NULL x AND y = NULL x = FALSE y = NULL x AND y = FALSE x = NULL y = TRUE x AND y = NULL x = NULL y = FALSE x AND y = FALSE
As Table 2-4 and Example 2-36 show, OR
returns TRUE
if either operand is TRUE
. (Example 2-36 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35.)
DECLARE PROCEDURE print_x_or_y ( x BOOLEAN, y BOOLEAN ) IS BEGIN print_boolean ('x', x); print_boolean ('y', y); print_boolean ('x OR y', x OR y); END print_x_or_y; BEGIN print_x_or_y (FALSE, FALSE); print_x_or_y (TRUE, FALSE); print_x_or_y (FALSE, TRUE); print_x_or_y (TRUE, TRUE); print_x_or_y (TRUE, NULL); print_x_or_y (FALSE, NULL); print_x_or_y (NULL, TRUE); print_x_or_y (NULL, FALSE); END; /
x = FALSE y = FALSE x OR y = FALSE x = TRUE y = FALSE x OR y = TRUE x = FALSE y = TRUE x OR y = TRUE x = TRUE y = TRUE x OR y = TRUE x = TRUE y = NULL x OR y = TRUE x = FALSE y = NULL x OR y = NULL x = NULL y = TRUE x OR y = TRUE x = NULL y = FALSE x OR y = NULL
As Table 2-4 and Example 2-37 show, NOT
returns the opposite of its operand, unless the operand is NULL
returns NULL
, because NULL
is an indeterminate value. (Example 2-37 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35.)
DECLARE PROCEDURE print_not_x ( x BOOLEAN ) IS BEGIN print_boolean ('x', x); print_boolean ('NOT x', NOT x); END print_not_x; BEGIN print_not_x (TRUE); print_not_x (FALSE); print_not_x (NULL); END; /
In Example 2-38, you might expect the sequence of statements to run because x
and y
seem unequal. But, NULL
values are indeterminate. Whether x
equals y
is unknown. Therefore, the IF
condition yields NULL
and the sequence of statements is bypassed.
Example 2-38 NULL Value in Unequal Comparison
DECLARE x NUMBER := 5; y NUMBER := NULL; BEGIN IF x != y THEN -- yields NULL, not TRUE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x != y'); -- not run ELSIF x = y THEN -- also yields NULL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x = y'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Can''t tell if x and y are equal or not.'); END IF; END; /
Can't tell if x and y are equal or not.
In Example 2-39, you might expect the sequence of statements to run because a
and b
seem equal. But, again, that is unknown, so the IF
condition yields NULL
and the sequence of statements is bypassed.
Example 2-39 NULL Value in Equal Comparison
DECLARE a NUMBER := NULL; b NUMBER := NULL; BEGIN IF a = b THEN -- yields NULL, not TRUE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('a = b'); -- not run ELSIF a != b THEN -- yields NULL, not TRUE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('a != b'); -- not run ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Can''t tell if two NULLs are equal'); END IF; END; /
Can't tell if two NULLs are equal
In Example 2-40, the two IF
statements appear to be equivalent. However, if either x
or y
, then the first IF
statement assigns the value of y
to high
and the second IF
statement assigns the value of x
to high
Example 2-40 NOT NULL Equals NULL
DECLARE x INTEGER := 2; Y INTEGER := 5; high INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x > y) -- If x or y is NULL, then (x > y) is NULL THEN high := x; -- run if (x > y) is TRUE ELSE high := y; -- run if (x > y) is FALSE or NULL END IF; IF NOT (x > y) -- If x or y is NULL, then NOT (x > y) is NULL THEN high := y; -- run if NOT (x > y) is TRUE ELSE high := x; -- run if NOT (x > y) is FALSE or NULL END IF; END; /
Example 2-41 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35 three times. The third and first invocation are logically equivalent—the parentheses in the third invocation only improve readability. The parentheses in the second invocation change the order of operation.
Example 2-41 Changing Evaluation Order of Logical Operators
DECLARE x BOOLEAN := FALSE; y BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN print_boolean ('NOT x AND y', NOT x AND y); print_boolean ('NOT (x AND y)', NOT (x AND y)); print_boolean ('(NOT x) AND y', (NOT x) AND y); END; /
When evaluating a logical expression, PL/SQL uses short-circuit evaluation. That is, PL/SQL stops evaluating the expression as soon as it can determine the result. Therefore, you can write expressions that might otherwise cause errors.
In Example 2-42, short-circuit evaluation prevents the OR
expression from causing a divide-by-zero error. When the value of on_hand
is zero, the value of the left operand is TRUE
, so PL/SQL does not evaluate the right operand. If PL/SQL evaluated both operands before applying the OR
operator, the right operand would cause a division by zero error.
Example 2-42 Short-Circuit Evaluation
on_hand INTEGER := 0;
on_order INTEGER := 100;
-- Does not cause divide-by-zero error;
-- evaluation stops after first expression
IF (on_hand = 0) OR ((on_order / on_hand) < 5) THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('On hand quantity is zero.');
On hand quantity is zero.
Comparison operators compare one expression to another. The result is always either TRUE
, or NULL
. If the value of one expression is NULL
, then the result of the comparison is also NULL
The comparison operators are:
values with comparison operators can create temporary LOB values. Ensure that your temporary tablespace is large enough to handle them.Example 2-42 summarizes the relational operators.
Table 2-5 Relational Operators
Operator | Meaning |
equal to |
not equal to |
less than |
greater than |
less than or equal to |
greater than or equal to |
One number is greater than another if it represents a larger quantity. Real numbers are stored as approximate values, so Oracle recommends comparing them for equality or inequality.
Example 2-43 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35 to print the values of expressions that use relational operators to compare arithmetic values.
Example 2-43 Relational Operators in Expressions
BEGIN print_boolean ('(2 + 2 = 4)', 2 + 2 = 4); print_boolean ('(2 + 2 <> 4)', 2 + 2 <> 4); print_boolean ('(2 + 2 != 4)', 2 + 2 != 4); print_boolean ('(2 + 2 ~= 4)', 2 + 2 ~= 4); print_boolean ('(2 + 2 ^= 4)', 2 + 2 ^= 4); print_boolean ('(1 < 2)', 1 < 2); print_boolean ('(1 > 2)', 1 > 2); print_boolean ('(1 <= 2)', 1 <= 2); print_boolean ('(1 >= 1)', 1 >= 1); END; /
(2 + 2 = 4) = TRUE (2 + 2 <> 4) = FALSE (2 + 2 != 4) = FALSE (2 + 2 ~= 4) = FALSE (2 + 2 ^= 4) = FALSE (1 < 2) = TRUE (1 > 2) = FALSE (1 <= 2) = TRUE (1 >= 1) = TRUE
By definition, TRUE
is greater than FALSE
. Any comparison with NULL
returns NULL
By default, one character is greater than another if its binary value is larger. For example, this expression is true:
'y' > 'r'
Strings are compared character by character. For example, this expression is true:
'Kathy' > 'Kathryn'
If you set the initialization parameter NLS_COMP=ANSI
, string comparisons use the collating sequence identified by the NLS_SORT
initialization parameter.
A collating sequence is an internal ordering of the character set in which a range of numeric codes represents the individual characters. One character value is greater than another if its internal numeric value is larger. Each language might have different rules about where such characters occur in the collating sequence. For example, an accented letter might be sorted differently depending on the database character set, even though the binary value is the same in each case.
By changing the value of the NLS_SORT
parameter, you can perform comparisons that are case-insensitive and accent-insensitive.
A case-insensitive comparison treats corresponding uppercase and lowercase letters as the same letter. For example, these expressions are true:
'a' = 'A' 'Alpha' = 'ALPHA'
To make comparisons case-insensitive, append _CI
to the value of the NLS_SORT
parameter (for example, BINARY_CI
An accent-insensitive comparison is case-insensitive, and also treats letters that differ only in accents or punctuation characters as the same letter. For example, these expressions are true:
'Cooperate' = 'Co-Operate' 'Co-Operate' = 'coöperate'
To make comparisons both case-insensitive and accent-insensitive, append _AI
to the value of the NLS_SORT
parameter (for example, BINARY_AI
Semantic differences between the CHAR
data types affect character comparisons. For more information, see "Value Comparisons".
One date is greater than another if it is more recent. For example, this expression is true:
'01-JAN-91' > '31-DEC-90'
The IS
operator returns the BOOLEAN
value TRUE
if its operand is NULL
if it is not NULL
. The IS
operator does the opposite. Comparisons involving NULL
values always yield NULL
To test whether a value is NULL
, use IF
, as in these examples:
operator compares a character, string, or CLOB
value to a pattern and returns TRUE
if the value matches the pattern and FALSE
if it does not.
The pattern can include the two wildcard characters underscore (_
) and percent sign (%). Underscore matches exactly one character. Percent sign (%
) matches zero or more characters.
Case is significant. The string 'Johnson'
matches the pattern 'J%s_n'
but not 'J%S_N'
, as Example 2-44 shows.
Example 2-44 LIKE Operator in Expression
PROCEDURE compare (
value VARCHAR2,
pattern VARCHAR2
) IS
IF value LIKE pattern THEN
compare('Johnson', 'J%s_n');
compare('Johnson', 'J%S_N');
To search for the percent sign or underscore, define an escape character and put it before the percent sign or underscore.
Example 2-45 uses the backslash as the escape character, so that the percent sign in the string does not act as a wildcard.
Example 2-45 Escape Character in Pattern
PROCEDURE half_off (sale_sign VARCHAR2) IS
IF sale_sign LIKE '50\% off!' ESCAPE '\' THEN
half_off('Going out of business!');
half_off('50% off!');
operator tests whether a value lies in a specified range. x
returns the same value as (x>=a)
Example 2-46 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35 to print the values of expressions that include the BETWEEN
Example 2-46 BETWEEN Operator in Expressions
BEGIN print_boolean ('2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3', 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3); print_boolean ('2 BETWEEN 2 AND 3', 2 BETWEEN 2 AND 3); print_boolean ('2 BETWEEN 1 AND 2', 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 2); print_boolean ('2 BETWEEN 3 AND 4', 2 BETWEEN 3 AND 4); END; /
The IN
operator tests set membership. x
returns TRUE
only if x
equals a member of set
Example 2-47 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35 to print the values of expressions that include the IN
Example 2-47 IN Operator in Expressions
DECLARE letter VARCHAR2(1) := 'm'; BEGIN print_boolean ( 'letter IN (''a'', ''b'', ''c'')', letter IN ('a', 'b', 'c') ); print_boolean ( 'letter IN (''z'', ''m'', ''y'', ''p'')', letter IN ('z', 'm', 'y', 'p') ); END; /
letter IN ('a', 'b', 'c') = FALSE letter IN ('z', 'm', 'y', 'p') = TRUE
Example 2-48 shows what happens when set
includes a NULL
value. (Example 2-48 invokes the print_boolean
procedure from Example 2-35.)
Example 2-48 IN Operator with Sets with NULL Values
DECLARE a INTEGER; -- Initialized to NULL by default b INTEGER := 10; c INTEGER := 100; BEGIN print_boolean ('100 IN (a, b, c)', 100 IN (a, b, c)); print_boolean ('100 NOT IN (a, b, c)', 100 NOT IN (a, b, c)); print_boolean ('100 IN (a, b)', 100 IN (a, b)); print_boolean ('100 NOT IN (a, b)', 100 NOT IN (a, b)); print_boolean ('a IN (a, b)', a IN (a, b)); print_boolean ('a NOT IN (a, b)', a NOT IN (a, b)); END; /
100 IN (a, b, c) = TRUE 100 NOT IN (a, b, c) = FALSE 100 IN (a, b) = NULL 100 NOT IN (a, b) = NULL a IN (a, b) = NULL a NOT IN (a, b) = NULL
expression is an expression that returns a BOOLEAN
, or NULL
. The simplest BOOLEAN
expression is a BOOLEAN
literal, constant, or variable. The following are also BOOLEAN
NOT boolean_expression boolean_expression relational_operator boolean_expression boolean_expression { AND | OR } boolean_expression
For a list of relational operators, see Table 2-5. For the complete syntax of a BOOLEAN
expression, see "boolean_expression ::=".
Typically, you use BOOLEAN
expressions as conditions in control statements (explained in Chapter 4, "PL/SQL Control Statements") and in WHERE
clauses of DML statements.
You can use a BOOLEAN
variable itself as a condition; you need not compare it to the value TRUE
. In Example 2-49, the conditions in the loops are equivalent.
Example 2-49 Equivalent BOOLEAN Expressions
DECLARE done BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- These WHILE loops are equivalent done := FALSE; WHILE done = FALSE LOOP done := TRUE; END LOOP; done := FALSE; WHILE NOT (done = TRUE) LOOP done := TRUE; END LOOP; done := FALSE; WHILE NOT done LOOP done := TRUE; END LOOP; END; /
For this explanation, assume that a simple CASE
expression has this syntax:
CASE selector WHEN selector_value_1 THEN result_1 WHEN selector_value_2 THEN result_2 ... WHEN selector_value_n THEN result_n [ ELSE else_result ] END
The selector
is an expression (typically a single variable). Each selector_value
and each result
can be either a literal or an expression.
The simple CASE
expression returns the first result
for which selector_value
matches selector
. Remaining expressions are not evaluated. If no selector_value
matches selector
, the CASE
expression returns else_result
if it exists and NULL
See Also:
"simple_case_expression ::=" for the complete syntaxExample 2-50 assigns the value of a simple CASE
expression to the variable appraisal
. The selector
is grade
Example 2-50 Simple CASE Expression
DECLARE grade CHAR(1) := 'B'; appraisal VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN appraisal := CASE grade WHEN 'A' THEN 'Excellent' WHEN 'B' THEN 'Very Good' WHEN 'C' THEN 'Good' WHEN 'D' THEN 'Fair' WHEN 'F' THEN 'Poor' ELSE 'No such grade' END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Grade ' || grade || ' is ' || appraisal); END; /
Grade B is Very Good
If selector
has the value NULL
, it cannot be matched by WHEN
, as Example 2-51 shows. Instead, use a searched CASE
expression with WHEN
, as in Example 2-53.
Example 2-51 Simple CASE Expression with WHEN NULL
DECLARE grade CHAR(1); -- NULL by default appraisal VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN appraisal := CASE grade WHEN NULL THEN 'No grade assigned' WHEN 'A' THEN 'Excellent' WHEN 'B' THEN 'Very Good' WHEN 'C' THEN 'Good' WHEN 'D' THEN 'Fair' WHEN 'F' THEN 'Poor' ELSE 'No such grade' END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Grade ' || grade || ' is ' || appraisal); END; /
Grade is No such grade
For this explanation, assume that a searched CASE
expression has this syntax:
CASE WHEN boolean_expression_1 THEN result_1 WHEN boolean_expression_2 THEN result_2 ... WHEN boolean_expression_n THEN result_n [ ELSE else_result ] END]
The searched CASE
expression returns the first result
for which boolean_expression
. Remaining expressions are not evaluated. If no boolean_expression
, the CASE
expression returns else_result
if it exists and NULL
See Also:
"searched_case_expression ::=" for the complete syntaxExample 2-52 assigns the value of a searched CASE
expression to the variable appraisal
Example 2-52 Searched CASE Expression
DECLARE grade CHAR(1) := 'B'; appraisal VARCHAR2(120); id NUMBER := 8429862; attendance NUMBER := 150; min_days CONSTANT NUMBER := 200; FUNCTION attends_this_school (id NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN RETURN TRUE; END; BEGIN appraisal := CASE WHEN attends_this_school(id) = FALSE THEN 'Student not enrolled' WHEN grade = 'F' OR attendance < min_days THEN 'Poor (poor performance or bad attendance)' WHEN grade = 'A' THEN 'Excellent' WHEN grade = 'B' THEN 'Very Good' WHEN grade = 'C' THEN 'Good' WHEN grade = 'D' THEN 'Fair' ELSE 'No such grade' END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Result for student ' || id || ' is ' || appraisal); END; /
Result for student 8429862 is Poor (poor performance or bad attendance)
Example 2-53 uses a searched CASE
expression to solve the problem in Example 2-51.
Example 2-53 Searched CASE Expression with WHEN ... IS NULL
DECLARE grade CHAR(1); -- NULL by default appraisal VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN appraisal := CASE WHEN grade IS NULL THEN 'No grade assigned' WHEN grade = 'A' THEN 'Excellent' WHEN grade = 'B' THEN 'Very Good' WHEN grade = 'C' THEN 'Good' WHEN grade = 'D' THEN 'Fair' WHEN grade = 'F' THEN 'Poor' ELSE 'No such grade' END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Grade ' || grade || ' is ' || appraisal); END; /
Grade is No grade assigned
In PL/SQL expressions, you can use all SQL functions except:
Analytic functions (such as LAG
Data mining functions (such as CLUSTER_ID
Encoding and decoding functions (such as DECODE
and DUMP
Model functions (such as ITERATION_NUMBER
Object reference functions (such as REF
XML functions (such as APPENDCHILDXML
These conversion functions:
These miscellaneous functions:
PL/SQL supports an overload of BITAND
for which the arguments and result are BINARY_INTEGER
When used in a PL/SQL expression, the RAWTOHEX
function accepts an argument of data type RAW
and returns a VARCHAR2
value with the hexadecimal representation of bytes that comprise the value of the argument. Arguments of types other than RAW
can be specified only if they can be implicitly converted to RAW
. This conversion is possible for CHAR
, and LONG
values that are valid arguments of the HEXTORAW
function, and for LONG
and BLOB
values of up to 16380 bytes.
PL/SQL has two error-reporting functions, SQLCODE
, for use in PL/SQL exception-handling code. For their descriptions, see "SQLCODE Function" and "SQLERRM Function".
You cannot use the SQLCODE
functions in SQL statements.
A pragma is an instruction to the compiler that it processes at compile time. For information about pragmas, see:
Conditional compilation lets you customize the functionality of a PL/SQL application without removing source text. For example, you can:
Use new features with the latest database release and disable them when running the application in an older database release.
Activate debugging or tracing statements in the development environment and hide them when running the application at a production site.
The conditional compilation feature and related PL/SQL packages are available for Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( and later releases.Conditional compilation uses selection directives, which are similar to IF
statements, to select source text for compilation. The condition in a selection directive usually includes an inquiry directive. Error directives raise user-defined errors. All conditional compilation directives are built from preprocessor control tokens and PL/SQL text.
A preprocessor control token identifies code that is processed before the PL/SQL unit is compiled.
There cannot be space between $
and plsql_identifier
. For information about plsql_identifier
, see "Identifiers". The character $
can also appear inside plsql_identifier
, but it has no special meaning there.
These preprocessor control tokens are reserved:
A selection directive selects source text to compile.
$IF boolean_static_expression $THEN text [ $ELSIF boolean_static_expression $THEN text ]... [ $ELSE text $END ]
For the syntax of boolean_static_expression
, see "BOOLEAN Static Expressions". The text
can be anything, but typically, it is either a statement (see "statement ::=") or an error directive (explained in "Error Directives").
The selection directive evaluates the BOOLEAN
static expressions in the order that they appear until either one expression has the value TRUE
or the list of expressions is exhausted. If one expression has the value TRUE
, its text is compiled, the remaining expressions are not evaluated, and their text is not analyzed. If no expression has the value TRUE
, then if $ELSE
is present, its text is compiled; otherwise, no text is compiled.
For examples of selection directives, see "Conditional Compilation Examples".
See Also:
"Conditional Selection Statements" for information about theIF
statement, which has the same logic as the selection directiveAn error directive produces a user-defined error message during compilation.
$ERROR varchar2_static_expression $END
It produces this compile-time error message, where string
is the value of varchar2_static_expression
PLS-00179: $ERROR: string
For the syntax of varchar2_static_expression
, see "VARCHAR2 Static Expressions".
For an example of an error directive, see Example 2-58.
An inquiry directive provides information about the compilation environment.
For information about name
, which is an unquoted PL/SQL identifier, see "Identifiers".
An inquiry directive typically appears in the boolean_static_expression
of a selection directive, but it can appear anywhere that a variable or literal of its type can appear. Moreover, it can appear where regular PL/SQL allows only a literal (not a variable)— for example, to specify the size of a VARCHAR2
The predefined inquiry directives are:
literal whose value is the number of the source line on which the directive appears in the current PL/SQL unit. An example of $$PLSQL_LINE
in a selection directive is:
$IF $$PLSQL_LINE = 32 $THEN ...
literal that contains the name of the current PL/SQL unit. If the current PL/SQL unit is an anonymous block, $$PLSQL_UNIT
contains a NULL
value. An example of $$PLSQL_UNIT
in a selection directive is:
Because a selection directive needs a BOOLEAN
static expression, you cannot use a VARCHAR2
comparison such as:
The name plsql_compilation_parameter
is a PL/SQL compilation parameter (for example, PLSCOPE_SETTINGS
). For descriptions of these parameters, see Table 1-2.
Example 2-54, a SQL*Plus script, uses the predefined inquiry directives $$PLSQL_LINE
as ordinary PLS_INTEGER
literals, respectively, to show how their values are assigned.
Example 2-54 Predefined Inquiry Directives $$PLSQL_LINE and $$PLSQL_UNIT
Inside p i = 6 $$PLSQL_LINE = 8 $$PLSQL_UNIT = P Outside p $$PLSQL_UNIT = PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Example 2-55 displays the current values of PL/SQL the compilation parameters.
Example 2-55 Displaying Values of PL/SQL Compilation Parameters
In the SQL*Plus environment, you can display the current values of initialization parameters, including the PL/SQL compilation parameters, with the commandSHOW
. For more information about the SHOW
command and its PARAMETERS
option, see SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference.You can assign values to inquiry directives with the PLSQL_CCFLAGS
compilation parameter. For example:
ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_CCFLAGS = 'name1:value1, name2:value2, ... namen:valuen'
Each value
must be either a BOOLEAN
literal (TRUE
, or NULL
literal. The data type of value
determines the data type of name
The same name
can appear multiple times, with values of the same or different data types. Later assignments override earlier assignments. For example, this command sets the value of $$flag
to 5 and its data type to PLS_INTEGER
Oracle recommends against using PLSQL_CCFLAGS
to assign values to predefined inquiry directives, including compilation parameters. To assign values to compilation parameters, Oracle recommends using the ALTER
statement. For more information about the ALTER
statement, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
Example 2-56 uses PLSQL_CCFLAGS
to assign a value to the user-defined inquiry directive $$Some_Flag
and (though not recommended) to itself. Because later assignments override earlier assignments, the resulting value of $$Some_Flag
is 2 and the resulting value of PLSQL_CCFLAGS
is the value that it assigns to itself (99), not the value that the ALTER
statement assigns to it ('Some_Flag:1, Some_Flag:2, PLSQL_CCFlags:99'
Example 2-56 PLSQL_CCFLAGS Assigns Value to Itself
PLSQL_CCFlags = 'Some_Flag:1, Some_Flag:2, PLSQL_CCFlags:99'
2 99
The compile-time value ofPLSQL_CCFLAGS
is stored with the metadata of stored PL/SQL units, which means that you can reuse the value when you explicitly recompile the units. For more information, see "PL/SQL Units and Compilation Parameters".For more information about PLSQL_CCFLAGS
, see Oracle Database Reference.
If an inquiry directive ($$
) cannot be resolved (that is, if its value cannot be determined) and the source text is not wrapped, then PL/SQL issues the warning PLW-6003
and substitutes NULL
for the value of the unresolved inquiry directive. If the source text is wrapped, the warning message is disabled, so that the unresolved inquiry directive is not revealed. For information about wrapping PL/SQL source text, see Appendix A, "PL/SQL Source Text Wrapping".
A static expression is an expression whose value can be determined at compilation time (that is, it does not include references to variables or functions). Static expressions are the only expressions that can appear in conditional compilation directives.
See Also:
"Expressions" for general information about expressionsPLS_INTEGER
static expressions are:
For information about literals, see "Literals".
static constants
For information about static constants, see "Static Constants".
See Also:
"PLS_INTEGER and BINARY_INTEGER Data Types" for information about thePLS_INTEGER
data typeBOOLEAN
static expressions are:
literals (TRUE
, or NULL
static constants
For information about static constants, see "Static Constants".
Where x
and y
static expressions:
For information about PLS_INTEGER
static expressions, see "PLS_INTEGER Static Expressions".
Where x
and y
For information about BOOLEAN
expressions, see "BOOLEAN Expressions".
Where x
is a static expression:
For information about static expressions, see "Static Expressions".
static expressions are:
String literal with maximum size of 32,767 bytes
For information about literals, see "Literals".
, where x
static expression
For information about the TO_CHAR
function, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
, f
, n)
where x
static expression and f
and n
static expressions
For information about the TO_CHAR
function, see Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
where x
and y
static expressions
For information about PLS_INTEGER
static expressions, see "PLS_INTEGER Static Expressions".
A static constant is declared in a package specification with this syntax:
constant_name CONSTANT data_type := static_expression;
The type of static_expression
must be the same as data_type
(either BOOLEAN
The static constant must always be referenced as package_name
, even in the body of the package_name
If you use constant_name
in the BOOLEAN
expression in a conditional compilation directive in a PL/SQL unit, then the PL/SQL unit depends on the package package_name
. If you alter the package specification, the dependent PL/SQL unit might become invalid and need recompilation (for information about the invalidation of dependent objects, see Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide).
If you use a package with static constants to control conditional compilation in multiple PL/SQL units, Oracle recommends that you create only the package specification, and dedicate it exclusively to controlling conditional compilation. This practice minimizes invalidations caused by altering the package specification.
To control conditional compilation in a single PL/SQL unit, you can set flags in the PLSQL_CCFLAGS
compilation parameter. For information about this parameter, see "Assigning Values to Inquiry Directives" and Oracle Database Reference.
In Example 2-57, the package my_debug
defines the static constants debug
and trace
to control debugging and tracing in multiple PL/SQL units. The procedure my_proc1
uses only debug
, and the procedure my_proc2
uses only trace
, but both procedures depend on the package. However, the recompiled code might not be different. For example, if you only change the value of debug
and then recompile the two procedures, the compiled code for my_proc1
changes, but the compiled code for my_proc2
does not.
CREATE PACKAGE my_debug IS debug CONSTANT BOOLEAN := TRUE; trace CONSTANT BOOLEAN := TRUE; END my_debug; / CREATE PROCEDURE my_proc1 IS BEGIN $IF my_debug.debug $THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Debugging ON'); $ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Debugging OFF'); $END END my_proc1; / CREATE PROCEDURE my_proc2 IS BEGIN $IF my_debug.trace $THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Tracing ON'); $ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Tracing OFF'); $END END my_proc2; /
See Also:
"Constant Declarations" for general information about declaring constants
Chapter 10, "PL/SQL Packages" for more information about packages
Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about schema object dependencies
package provides these static constants:
constant VERSION
identifies the current Oracle Database version.
constant RELEASE
identifies the current Oracle Database release number.
constant of the form VER_LE_
has the value TRUE
if the database version is less than or equal to v
; otherwise, it has the value FALSE
constant of the form VER_LE_
has the value TRUE
if the database version is less than or equal to v
and release is less than or equal to r
; otherwise, it has the value FALSE
All constants representing Oracle Database 10g or earlier have the value FALSE
For more information about the DBMS_DB_VERSION
package, see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.
Example 2-58 generates an error message if the database version and release is less than Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ; otherwise, it displays a message saying that the version and release are supported and uses a COMMIT
statement that became available at Oracle Database 10g Release 2 .
Example 2-58 Code for Checking Database Version
BEGIN $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10_1 $THEN -- selection directive begins $ERROR 'unsupported database release' $END -- error directive $ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Release ' || DBMS_DB_VERSION.VERSION || '.' || DBMS_DB_VERSION.RELEASE || ' is supported.' ); -- This COMMIT syntax is newly supported in 10.2: COMMIT WRITE IMMEDIATE NOWAIT; $END -- selection directive ends END; /
Release 11.1 is supported.
Example 2-59 sets the values of the user-defined inquiry directives $$my_debug
and $$my_tracing
and then uses conditional compilation:
In the specification of package my_pkg
, to determine the base type of the subtype my_real
is available only for Oracle Database versions 10g and later.)
In the body of package my_pkg
, to compute the values of my_pi
and my_e
differently for different database versions
In the procedure circle_area
, to compile some code only if the inquiry directive $$my_debug
has the value TRUE
Example 2-59 Compiling Different Code for Different Database Versions
ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_CCFLAGS = 'my_debug:FALSE, my_tracing:FALSE'; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE my_pkg AS SUBTYPE my_real IS $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VERSION < 10 $THEN NUMBER; $ELSE BINARY_DOUBLE; $END my_pi my_real; my_e my_real; END my_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY my_pkg AS BEGIN $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VERSION < 10 $THEN my_pi := 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288420; my_e := 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775; $ELSE my_pi := 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288420d; my_e := 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775d; $END END my_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE circle_area(radius my_pkg.my_real) IS my_area my_pkg.my_real; my_data_type VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN my_area := my_pkg.my_pi * (radius**2); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Radius: ' || TO_CHAR(radius) || ' Area: ' || TO_CHAR(my_area)); $IF $$my_debug $THEN SELECT DATA_TYPE INTO my_data_type FROM USER_ARGUMENTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME = 'CIRCLE_AREA' AND ARGUMENT_NAME = 'RADIUS'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Data type of the RADIUS argument is: ' || my_data_type); $END END; /
PACKAGE my_pkg AS SUBTYPE my_real IS BINARY_DOUBLE; my_pi my_real; my_e my_real; END my_pkg; Call completed.
package provides subprograms that retrieve and print the source text of a PL/SQL unit in its post-processed form. For information about the DBMS_PREPROCESSOR
package, see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.
Example 2-60 invokes the procedure DBMS_PREPROCESSOR
to print the post-processed form of my_pkg
(from Example 2-59). Lines of code in Example 2-59 that are not included in the post-processed text appear as blank lines.
A conditional compilation directive cannot appear in the specification of a schema-level user-defined type (created with the "CREATE TYPE Statement"). This type specification specifies the attribute structure of the type, which determines the attribute structure of dependent types and the column structure of dependent tables.
Using a conditional compilation directive to change the attribute structure of a type can cause dependent objects to "go out of sync" or dependent tables to become inaccessible. Oracle recommends that you change the attribute structure of a type only with the "ALTER TYPE Statement". TheALTER
statement propagates changes to dependent objects.The SQL parser imposes these restrictions on the location of the first conditional compilation directive in a stored PL/SQL unit or anonymous block:
In a package specification, a package body, a type body, and in a schema-level subprogram with no formal parameters, the first conditional compilation directive cannot appear before the keyword IS
or AS
In a schema-level subprogram with at least one formal parameter, the first conditional compilation directive cannot appear before the left parenthesis that follows the subprogram name.
This example is correct:
In a trigger or an anonymous block, the first conditional compilation directive cannot appear before the keyword DECLARE
, whichever comes first.
The SQL parser also imposes this restriction: If an anonymous block uses a placeholder, the placeholder cannot appear in a conditional compilation directive. For example:
BEGIN :n := 1; -- valid use of placeholder $IF ... $THEN :n := 1; -- invalid use of placeholder $END