Oracle® Communications Data Model Release Notes Release 11.3.1 E28443-03 |
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Release Notes
Release 11.3.1
April 2012
This document outlines new features for Release 11.3.1 of Oracle Communications Data Model. It also contains important information that was not included in the documentation for Release 11.3.1 of Oracle Communications Data Model.
This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document and to view other Oracle documentation, refer to the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:
This document contains the following topics:
This release of contains the following new features and changes:
Oracle Communications Data Model Release 11.3.1 added support for the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (BRM Adapter). The BRM Adapter provides a pre-built integration to feed data from specific Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application tables to Oracle Communications Data Model.
New Physical Tables and Corresponding Logical Data Model Entities
Table 1 shows the new tables in Oracle Communications Data Model Release 11.3.1.
Lookup table changes and extensions: this includes the addition of lookup tables to make the definition of code clearer and define, in one place only throughout the model certain entities such as: type of account role, religion, and of product coverage.
Reference table additions: The reference table Customer Community is added to take into account the increasing importance of social networking, out of Social Network Analysis or SNA, either from Internet or from the call behavior (A-B number analysis). Several communities can be defined per Customer.
Invoice Status history allows the tracing of the changes of the billing process.
Contracts has been extended with a specific EVENT and with Installment contract. The later covers the requirements associated to those specific contracts.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) analysis has been extended with a table that collects any violation over time.
Some subject areas in analytics were extended in Prepaid and balance tracing in general.
Table 1 Table and Logical Data Model Additions
Table Name | Logical Data Model Entity Name |
Changed Physical Tables and corresponding Logical Data Model Entities
In Release 11.3.1, some tables were renamed for clarity. Table 2 shows the renamed Physical Tables.
Oracle Communications Data Model Release 11.3.1 has been certified with the TM Forum's Business Metric Automation (BMA) initiative. Oracle Communications Data Model has been certified with the following BMA metric groups:
Billing Calculation (BICal)
Billing Inquiry, Dispute & Adjustment (BIDA)
Billing Collection Management (BCM)
Billing Receivables Management (BRM)
Fulfillment Customer Order Management (COM)
Fulfillment Service Order Management (SOM)
Service Level Agreement Management (SLA)
Service Providers participating in TM Forum benchmark studies can now use Oracle Communications Data Model to calculate the various metrics for these categories and automatically submit the resulting data to TM Forum. A set of scripts are provided to facilitate the data submission to TMF. Additional information on the BMA initiative and certified products can be found on the TM Forum website at:
To create the required TMF Benchmark tables, do the following:
Create the tables DWD_TMF_KPI
create table dwd_tmf_kpi( batchid number(10), company varchar2(255), product varchar2(255), serviceproviderid number(10,0), researchstream_name varchar2(255), study_name varchar2(255), metric_name varchar2(255), datapoint_name varchar2(255), detail0 varchar2(255), detail1 varchar2(255), detail2 varchar2(255), entry varchar2(255), batchid number(10)); create table dwd_tmf_kpi_entry_result( "COMPANY" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "PRODUCT" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "SERVICEPROVIDERID" NUMBER(10,0), "RESEARCHSTREAM_NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "STUDY_NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "METRIC_NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "DATAPOINT_NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "DETAIL0" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "DETAIL1" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "DETAIL2" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "ENTRY" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), "BATCHID" NUMBER(10,0), "STATUS" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE), "MESSAGE" varchar2(255))
To Run the TMF Benchmark scripts, do the following:
Unzip the supplied zip file.
Go to directory TMFClient.
Run command:
java TMFMain [location of config file] [batchid]
Create a config file with the following parameters and save it as the parameters for step three. This file should be a plain text file:
##content of config file start USERNAME=ocdm_db_username PASSWORD=ocdm_db_password URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl INPUTDIR=C:\Projects\TMF\input OUTPUTDIR=C:\Projects\TMF\output TMFUSERNAME=g433304 TMFPASSWORD=4t153246R ##content of config file end
In previous releases Oracle Communications Data Model included a single data mining model to be used for predicting churn for both prepaid or postpaid subscribers. In Release 11.3.1 these data mining models are included as two separate mining models, which provide greater applicability for the specific subscriber type.
In Release 11.3.1 the intra-ETL available with Oracle Communications Data Model are all written in PL/SQL. By default the intra-ETL are scheduled using OWB workflow, alternatively you can call the intra-ETL jobs using Oracle Data Integrator, or another scheduling or ETL tool.
This release of Oracle Communications Data Model contains the following new features and functionality:
Support for using Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (NCC) system as a data source for an Oracle Communications Data Model warehouse. (Bug 11654882)
Beginning with this release, the Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (sometimes called the NCC Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model) is an option of the Oracle Communications Data Model. You can use the NCC Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model to populate the foundation layer (that is, the base, reference, and lookup tables) of an Oracle Communications Data Model warehouse with data from an Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (NCC) system.
Oracle Communications Data Model now has entities and physical objects to support additional business needs:
PARTNER SETTLEMENT (financial transaction and bill information) and PARTNER PAYMENT added. This allows you to track a dealer's commission, money to content provider, and money to vendor. (Bug 12359526)
NETWORK ELEMENT STATE HISTORY added. This provides the state history of each network element (for example, power off, in use, and decommissioned). (Bug 12358892)
Extension of ASSET so that it includes all financial assets including real estate, cash, and equipment, and, therefore, can be used for general ledger. (Bugs 11868009 and 12333040)
ACCOUNT BALANCE BUCKET entity to track the expire date, recharge date for each BUCKET (EXPIRE DATE BAND) of the prepaid balance. (Bug 11815448)
Support for chats, informations per call center, number of agent breaks, transference reason, lines (detailed numbers for each line) per call center, and IVR details (for example, paths and menu options). (Bug 11798210)
New sample reports showing customer order information. (Bugs 11654876 and 11789716)
This release has the following known issues:
A number of warning messages appear in the RPD included in Oracle Communications Data Model. The warning messages do not impact any of the out-of- the-box reports included with Oracle Communications Data Model.
The following are known issues for the BRM Adapter:
A relationship is not correct in Oracle Communications Data Model. Currently, the deal is related to itself only. This has no consequences on any further mapping.
Workaround: if this relationship is needed, add in ODI mapping in DEAL_PROD_MAP a second table DWR_PROD (DWR_PROD2) and link the product_obj_id0 to this 2nd Product table (DWR_PROD2.prod_cd) from Oracle Communications Data Model and store only the DWR_PROD2.Prod_key.
When the plan associated with a purchased product or discount (PURCHASED_PRODUCT_T / PURCHASED_DISCOUNT_T) is not defined in Oracle Communications Data Model (whatever the reason - usually because it is not defined (0) in input table), the Subscription cannot be defined either in Oracle Communications Data Model, due to forced inner join to DWR_PROD_MKT_PLN via filters DWR_PROD_MKT_PLN.CURR_IND='Y' and inner join "PMP_CD"="plan_poid".
Workaround: Please make this as outer join or update this field only later in the following update procedure. => Bug.
The following event types are not impacting DWB_NTWK_EVT_BAL_IMPACT:
/event/session/dialup /event/session /event/broadband/usage /event/activity/telco
The reason is the filter applied in ODI in EVENT_BAL_IMPACTS_NTWK_EVT_ACCT_BAL_IMPC_MAP is too restrictive.
Workaround: Change first filter on EVENT_T_D:
(EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/session/telco%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/delayed/%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/billing/%')
(EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/session/%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/delayed/%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/billing/%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/activity/%' or EVENT_T_D.POID_TYPE like '/event/broadband/%')
Bug 13601107 deinstall warning error in the deinstall log file
The following warning message, or messages similar to the following message can be ignored on deinstall:
WARNING: Error while copying directory //dbhome_1/inventory with exclude file list '/tmp/OraInstall2012-01-11_02-37-25PM/installExcludeFile.lst' to nodes . /logs/installActions2012-01-11_02-37-25PM.log' . for details. You may fix the errors on the required remote nodes Refer to the install guide for error recovery. This deinstallation was successful End of deinstallations
When installing Oracle Communications Data Model on IBM AIX on POWER systems (64-bit), Oracle Warehouse Builder Control Center Service may fail to start with the error ORA-29532 when started from within the Oracle Database (for example, using start_service.sql
or the automatic startup from check_service
Oracle Warehouse Builder Release Notes for more information and for workaround.This Oracle Warehouse Builder issue is documented in Bug 9777682.
When installing Oracle Communications Data Model, the Oracle Installer reports only the amount of space required for copying the Oracle Communications Data Model files (that is, 240MB).
However, a fully-installed and configured Oracle Communications Data Model also requires space for the Database files created during the post-install configuration of Oracle Communications Data Model.
If insufficient space is available for the Oracle Communications Data Model Database files, the Oracle Communications Data Model installation fails during configuration.
This issue is documented in Bug 13243223.
Before installing and configuring Oracle Communications Data Model, ensure that at least 3 GB is available.
The Oracle Communications Data Model documentation set for this release consists of the same manuals as the previous release. These following updates were made to these manuals:
Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide that describes how to install and configure the Oracle Communications Data Model.
Includes a new appendix that provides information on installing and configuring the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model.
Oracle Communications Data Model Reference that describes the data model structures for Oracle Communications Data Model.
Updated to reflect the new features, as listed in New Features and Changes in Release 11.3.1 and bug fix changes to Oracle Communications Data Model.
Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide that describes how to implement and maintain a data warehouse based on the Oracle Communications Data Model.
Includes a new appendix that explains how to use the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model to populate the foundation layer of an Oracle Communications Data Model warehouse, and that provides more detailed information about the adapter.
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Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide, Release 11.3.1
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