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Oracle® Database PL/SQL Language Reference
Release 2 (11.2)
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List of Examples
1-1 PL/SQL Block Structure
1-2 Processing Query Result Rows One at a Time
2-1 Valid Case-Insensitive Reference to Quoted User-Defined Identifier
2-2 Invalid Case-Insensitive Reference to Quoted User-Defined Identifier
2-3 Reserved Word as Quoted User-Defined Identifier
2-4 Neglecting Double Quotation Marks
2-5 Neglecting Case-Sensitivity
2-6 Single-Line Comments
2-7 Multiline Comments
2-8 Whitespace Characters Improving Source Text Readability
2-9 Scalar Variable Declarations
2-10 Constant Declarations
2-11 Variable and Constant Declarations with Initial Values
2-12 Variable Initialized to NULL by Default
2-13 Variable Declaration with NOT NULL Constraint
2-14 Variables Initialized to NULL Values
2-15 Declaring Variable of Same Type as Column
2-16 Declaring Variable of Same Type as Another Variable
2-17 Scope and Visibility of Identifiers
2-18 Qualifying Redeclared Global Identifier with Block Label
2-19 Qualifying Identifier with Subprogram Name
2-20 Duplicate Identifiers in Same Scope
2-21 Declaring Same Identifier in Different Units
2-22 Label and Subprogram with Same Name in Same Scope
2-23 Block with Multiple and Duplicate Labels
2-24 Assigning Values to Variables with Assignment Statement
2-25 Assigning Value to Variable with SELECT INTO Statement
2-26 Assigning Value to Variable as IN OUT Subprogram Parameter
2-27 Assigning Value to BOOLEAN Variable
2-28 Concatenation Operator
2-29 Concatenation Operator with NULL Operands
2-30 Controlling Evaluation Order with Parentheses
2-31 Expression with Nested Parentheses
2-32 Improving Readability with Parentheses
2-33 Operator Precedence
2-34 Procedure Prints BOOLEAN Variable
2-35 AND Operator
2-36 OR Operator
2-37 NOT Operator
2-38 NULL Value in Unequal Comparison
2-39 NULL Value in Equal Comparison
2-40 NOT NULL Equals NULL
2-41 Changing Evaluation Order of Logical Operators
2-42 Short-Circuit Evaluation
2-43 Relational Operators in Expressions
2-44 LIKE Operator in Expression
2-45 Escape Character in Pattern
2-46 BETWEEN Operator in Expressions
2-47 IN Operator in Expressions
2-48 IN Operator with Sets with NULL Values
2-49 Equivalent BOOLEAN Expressions
2-50 Simple CASE Expression
2-51 Simple CASE Expression with WHEN NULL
2-52 Searched CASE Expression
2-53 Searched CASE Expression with WHEN ... IS NULL
2-54 Predefined Inquiry Directives $$PLSQL_LINE and $$PLSQL_UNIT
2-55 Displaying Values of PL/SQL Compilation Parameters
2-56 PLSQL_CCFLAGS Assigns Value to Itself
2-57 Static Constants
2-58 Code for Checking Database Version
2-59 Compiling Different Code for Different Database Versions
2-60 Displaying Post-Processed Source Textsource text
3-1 CHAR and VARCHAR2 Blank-Padding Difference
3-2 Printing BOOLEAN Values
3-3 PLS_INTEGER Calculation Raises Overflow Exception
3-4 Preventing Example 3-3 Overflow
3-5 Violating Constraint of SIMPLE_INTEGER Subtype
3-6 User-Defined Unconstrained Subtypes Show Intended Use
3-7 User-Defined Constrained Subtype Detects Out-of-Range Values
3-8 Implicit Conversion Between Constrained Subtypes with Same Base Type
3-9 Implicit Conversion Between Subtypes with Base Types in Same Family
4-1 IF THEN Statement
4-2 IF THEN ELSE Statement
4-3 Nested IF THEN ELSE Statements
4-4 IF THEN ELSIF Statement
4-5 IF THEN ELSIF Statement Simulates Simple CASE Statement
4-6 Simple CASE Statement
4-7 Searched CASE Statement
4-8 EXCEPTION Instead of ELSE Clause in CASE Statement
4-9 Basic LOOP Statement with EXIT Statement
4-10 Basic LOOP Statement with EXIT WHEN Statement
4-11 Nested, Labeled Basic LOOP Statements with EXIT WHEN Statements
4-12 CONTINUE Statement in Basic LOOP Statement
4-13 CONTINUE WHEN Statement in Basic LOOP Statement
4-14 FOR LOOP Statements
4-15 Reverse FOR LOOP Statements
4-16 Simulating STEP Clause in FOR LOOP Statement
4-17 FOR LOOP Statement Tries to Change Index Value
4-18 Outside Statement References FOR LOOP Statement Index
4-19 FOR LOOP Statement Index with Same Name as Variable
4-20 FOR LOOP Statement References Variable with Same Name as Index
4-21 Nested FOR LOOP Statements with Same Index Name
4-22 FOR LOOP Statement Bounds
4-23 Specifying FOR LOOP Statement Bounds at Run Time
4-24 EXIT WHEN Statement in FOR LOOP Statement
4-25 EXIT WHEN Statement in Inner FOR LOOP Statement
4-26 CONTINUE WHEN Statement in Inner FOR LOOP Statement
4-27 WHILE LOOP Statements
4-28 GOTO Statement
4-29 Incorrect Label Placement
4-30 GOTO Statement Goes to Labeled NULL Statement
4-31 GOTO Statement Transfers Control to Enclosing Block
4-32 GOTO Statement Cannot Transfer Control into IF Statement
4-33 NULL Statement Showing No Action
4-34 NULL Statement as Placeholder During Subprogram Creation
4-35 NULL Statement in ELSE Clause of Simple CASE Statement
5-1 Associative Array Indexed by String
5-2 Function Returns Associative Array Indexed by PLS_INTEGER
5-3 Declaring Associative Array Constant
5-4 Varray (Variable-Size Array)
5-5 Nested Table of Local Type
5-6 Nested Table of Standalone Type
5-7 Initializing Collection (Varray) Variable to Empty
5-8 Data Type Compatibility for Collection Assignment
5-9 Assigning Null Value to Nested Table Variable
5-10 Assigning Set Operation Results to Nested Table Variable
5-11 Two-Dimensional Varray (Varray of Varrays)
5-12 Nested Tables of Nested Tables and Varrays of Integers
5-13 Nested Tables of Associative Arrays and Varrays of Strings
5-14 Comparing Varray and Nested Table Variables to NULL
5-15 Comparing Nested Tables for Equality and Inequality
5-16 Comparing Nested Tables with SQL Multiset Conditions
5-17 DELETE Method with Nested Table
5-18 DELETE Method with Associative Array Indexed by String
5-19 TRIM Method with Nested Table
5-20 EXTEND Method with Nested Table
5-21 EXISTS Method with Nested Table
5-22 FIRST and LAST Values for Associative Array Indexed by PLS_INTEGER
5-23 FIRST and LAST Values for Associative Array Indexed by String
5-24 Printing Varray with FIRST and LAST in FOR LOOP
5-25 Printing Nested Table with FIRST and LAST in FOR LOOP
5-26 COUNT and LAST Values for Varray
5-27 COUNT and LAST Values for Nested Table
5-28 LIMIT and COUNT Values for Different Collection Types
5-29 PRIOR and NEXT Methods
5-30 Printing Elements of Sparse Nested Table
5-31 Identically Defined Package and Local Collection Types
5-32 Identically Defined Package and Standalone Collection Types
5-33 Declaring Record Constant
5-34 RECORD Type Definition and Variable Declarations
5-35 RECORD Type with RECORD Field (Nested Record)
5-36 RECORD Type with Varray Field
5-37 Identically Defined Package and Local RECORD Types
5-38 %ROWTYPE Variable Represents Full Database Table Row
5-39 %ROWTYPE Variable Does Not Inherit Initial Values or Constraints
5-40 %ROWTYPE Variable Represents Partial Database Table Row
5-41 %ROWTYPE Variable Represents Join Row
5-42 Assigning Record to Another Record of Same RECORD Type
5-43 Assigning %ROWTYPE Record to RECORD Type Record
5-44 Assigning Nested Record to Another Record of Same RECORD Type
5-45 SELECT INTO Assigns Values to Record Variable
5-46 FETCH Assigns Values to Record that Function Returns
5-47 UPDATE Statement Assigns Values to Record Variable
5-48 Assigning NULL to Record Variable
5-49 Initializing Table by Inserting Record of Default Values
5-50 Updating Rows with Record
6-1 Static SQL Statements
6-2 CURRVAL and NEXTVAL Pseudocolumns
6-3 SQL%FOUND Implicit Cursor Attribute
6-4 SQL%ROWCOUNT Implicit Cursor Attribute
6-5 Explicit Cursor Declaration and Definition
6-6 FETCH Statements Inside LOOP Statements
6-7 Fetching Same Explicit Cursor into Different Variables
6-8 Variable in Explicit Cursor Query—No Result Set Change
6-9 Variable in Explicit Cursor Query—Result Set Change
6-10 Explicit Cursor with Virtual Column that Needs Alias
6-11 Explicit Cursor that Accepts Parameters
6-12 Cursor Parameters with Default Values
6-13 Adding Formal Parameter to Existing Cursor
6-14 %ISOPEN Explicit Cursor Attribute
6-15 %FOUND Explicit Cursor Attribute
6-16 %NOTFOUND Explicit Cursor Attribute
6-17 %ROWCOUNT Explicit Cursor Attribute
6-18 Implicit Cursor FOR LOOP Statement
6-19 Explicit Cursor FOR LOOP Statement
6-20 Passing Parameters to Explicit Cursor FOR LOOP Statement
6-21 Cursor FOR Loop References Virtual Columns
6-22 Subquery in FROM Clause of Parent Query
6-23 Correlated Subquery
6-24 Cursor Variable Declarations
6-25 Cursor Variable with User-Defined Return Type
6-26 Fetching Data with Cursor Variables
6-27 Fetching from Cursor Variable into Collections
6-28 Variable in Cursor Variable Query—No Result Set Change
6-29 Variable in Cursor Variable Query—Result Set Change
6-30 Procedure to Open Cursor Variable for One Query
6-31 Opening Cursor Variable for Chosen Query (Same Return Type)
6-32 Opening Cursor Variable for Chosen Query (Different Return Types)
6-33 Cursor Variable as Host Variable in Pro*C Client Program
6-34 CURSOR Expression
6-35 COMMIT Statement with COMMENT and WRITE Clauses
6-36 ROLLBACK Statement
6-37 SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK Statements
6-38 Reusing SAVEPOINT with ROLLBACK
6-39 SET TRANSACTION Statement in Read-Only Transaction
6-40 FOR UPDATE Cursor in CURRENT OF Clause of UPDATE Statement
6-41 SELECT FOR UPDATE Statement for Multiple Tables
6-42 FETCH with FOR UPDATE Cursor After COMMIT Statement
6-43 Simulating CURRENT OF Clause with ROWID Pseudocolumn
6-44 Declaring Autonomous Function in Package
6-45 Declaring Autonomous Standalone Procedure
6-46 Declaring Autonomous PL/SQL Block
6-47 Autonomous Trigger Logs INSERT Statements
6-48 Autonomous Trigger Uses Native Dynamic SQL for DDL
6-49 Invoking Autonomous Function
7-1 Invoking Subprogram from Dynamic PL/SQL Block
7-2 Unsupported Data Type in Native Dynamic SQL
7-3 Uninitialized Variable Represents NULL in USING Clause
7-4 Native Dynamic SQL with OPEN FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE Statements
7-5 Repeated Placeholder Names in Dynamic PL/SQL Block
7-6 Switching from DBMS_SQL Package to Native Dynamic SQL
7-7 Switching from Native Dynamic SQL to DBMS_SQL Package
7-8 Setup for SQL Injection Examples
7-9 Procedure Vulnerable to Statement Modification
7-10 Procedure Vulnerable to Statement Injection
7-11 Procedure Vulnerable to SQL Injection Through Data Type Conversion
7-12 Bind Variables Guarding Against SQL Injection
7-13 Validation Checks Guarding Against SQL Injection
7-14 Explicit Format Models Guarding Against SQL Injection
8-1 Declaring, Defining, and Invoking a Simple PL/SQL Procedure
8-2 Declaring, Defining, and Invoking a Simple PL/SQL Function
8-3 Execution Resumes After RETURN Statement in Function
8-4 Function Where Not Every Execution Path Leads to RETURN Statement
8-5 Function Where Every Execution Path Leads to RETURN Statement
8-6 Execution Resumes After RETURN Statement in Procedure
8-7 Execution Resumes After RETURN Statement in Anonymous Block
8-8 Nested Subprograms Invoke Each Other
8-9 Formal Parameters and Actual Parameters
8-10 Actual Parameter Inherits Only NOT NULL from Subtype
8-11 Actual Parameter and Return Value Inherit Only Range From Subtype
8-12 Function Implicitly Converts Formal Parameter to Constrained Subtype
8-13 Avoiding Implicit Conversion of Actual Parameters
8-14 Parameter Values Before, During, and After Procedure Invocation
8-15 OUT and IN OUT Parameter Values After Unhandled Exception
8-16 OUT Formal Parameter of Record Type with Non-NULL Default Value
8-17 Aliasing from Global Variable as Actual Parameter
8-18 Aliasing from Same Actual Parameter for Multiple Formal Parameters
8-19 Aliasing from Cursor Variable Subprogram Parameters
8-20 Procedure with Default Parameter Values
8-21 Function Provides Default Parameter Value
8-22 Adding Subprogram Parameter Without Changing Existing Invocations
8-23 Equivalent Invocations with Different Notations in Anonymous Block
8-24 Equivalent Invocations with Different Notations in SELECT Statements
8-25 Resolving PL/SQL Procedure Names
8-26 Overloaded Subprogram
8-27 Overload Error Causes Compile-Time Error
8-28 Overload Error Compiles Successfully
8-29 Invoking Subprogram in Example 8-28 Causes Compile-Time Error
8-30 Correcting Overload Error in Example 8-28
8-31 Invoking Subprogram in Example 8-30
8-32 Package Specification Without Overload Errors
8-33 Improper Invocation of Properly Overloaded Subprogram
8-34 Implicit Conversion of Parameters Causes Overload Error
8-35 Recursive Function Returns n Factorial (n!)
8-36 Recursive Function Returns nth Fibonacci Number
8-37 Declaring and Defining Result-Cached Function
8-38 Result-Cached Function Returns Configuration Parameter Setting
8-39 Result-Cached Function Handles Session-Specific Settings
8-40 Result-Cached Function Handles Session-Specific Application Context
8-41 Caching One Name at a Time (Finer Granularity)
8-42 Caching Translated Names One Language at a Time (Coarser Granularity)
8-43 ADT for Use in Any Schema
8-44 Invoking IR Instance Method
8-45 PL/SQL Anonymous Block Invokes External Procedure
8-46 PL/SQL Standalone Procedure Invokes External Procedure
9-1 Trigger Uses Conditional Predicates to Detect Triggering Statement
9-2 Trigger Logs Changes to EMPLOYEES.SALARY
9-3 Conditional Trigger Prints Salary Change Information
9-4 Trigger Modifies LOB Columns
9-5 Trigger with REFERENCING Clause
9-6 Trigger References OBJECT_VALUE Pseudocolumn
9-7 INSTEAD OF Trigger
9-8 INSTEAD OF Trigger on Nested Table Column of View
9-9 Compound Trigger Logs Changes to One Table in Another Table
9-10 Compound Trigger Avoids Mutating-Table Error
9-11 Foreign Key Trigger for Child Table
9-12 UPDATE and DELETE RESTRICT Trigger for Parent Table
9-13 UPDATE and DELETE SET NULL Trigger for Parent Table
9-14 DELETE CASCADE Trigger for Parent Table
9-15 UPDATE CASCADE Trigger for Parent Table
9-16 Trigger Checks Complex Constraints
9-17 Trigger Enforces Security
9-18 Trigger Derives New Column Values
9-19 BEFORE Statement Trigger on Sample Schema HR
9-20 AFTER Statement Trigger on Database
9-21 Trigger Monitors Logons
9-22 INSTEAD OF CREATE Trigger on Schema
9-23 Trigger Invokes Java Subprogram
9-24 Trigger Cannot Handle Exception if Remote Database is Unavailable
9-25 Workaround for Example 9-24
9-26 Trigger Causes Mutating-Table Error
9-27 Update Cascade
9-28 Viewing Information About Triggers
10-1 Simple Package Specification
10-2 Passing Associative Array to Standalone Subprogram
10-3 Matching Package Specification and Body
10-4 Creating SERIALLY_REUSABLE Packages
10-5 Effect of SERIALLY_REUSABLE Pragma
10-6 Cursor in SERIALLY_REUSABLE Package Open at Call Boundary
10-7 Separating Cursor Declaration and Definition in Package
10-8 Creating emp_admin Package
11-1 Setting Value of PLSQL_WARNINGS Compilation Parameter
11-2 Displaying and Setting PLSQL_WARNINGS with DBMS_WARNING Subprograms
11-3 Single Exception Handler for Multiple Exceptions
11-4 Locator Variables for Statements that Share Exception Handler
11-5 Naming Internally Defined Exception
11-6 Anonymous Block Handles ZERO_DIVIDE
11-7 Anonymous Block Avoids ZERO_DIVIDE
11-8 Redeclared Predefined Identifier
11-9 Declaring, Raising, and Handling User-Defined Exception
11-10 Explicitly Raising Predefined Exception
11-11 Reraising Exception
11-12 Raising User-Defined Exception with RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR
11-13 Exception that Propagates Beyond Scope is Handled
11-14 Exception that Propagates Beyond Scope is Not Handled
11-15 Exception Raised in Declaration is Not Handled
11-16 Exception Raised in Declaration is Handled by Enclosing Block
11-17 Exception Raised in Exception Handler is Not Handled
11-18 Exception Raised in Exception Handler is Handled by Invoker
11-19 Exception Raised in Exception Handler is Handled by Enclosing Block
11-20 Exception Raised in Exception Handler is Not Handled
11-21 Exception Raised in Exception Handler is Handled by Enclosing Block
11-22 Displaying SQLCODE and SQLERRM Values
11-23 Exception Handler Runs and Execution Ends
11-24 Exception Handler Runs and Execution Continues
11-25 Retrying Transaction After Handling Exception
12-1 Specifying that Subprogram Is To Be Inlined
12-2 Specifying that Overloaded Subprogram Is To Be Inlined
12-3 Specifying that Subprogram Is Not To Be Inlined
12-4 PRAGMA INLINE ... 'NO' Overrides PRAGMA INLINE ... 'YES'
12-5 Nested Query Improves Performance
12-6 NOCOPY Subprogram Parameters
12-7 DELETE Statement in FOR LOOP Statement
12-8 DELETE Statement in FORALL Statement
12-9 Time Difference for INSERT Statement in FOR LOOP and FORALL Statements
12-10 FORALL Statement for Subset of Collection
12-11 FORALL Statements for Sparse Collection and Its Subsets
12-12 Handling FORALL Exceptions Immediately
12-13 Handling FORALL Exceptions After FORALL Statement Completes
12-14 Showing Number of Rows Affected by Each DELETE in FORALL
12-15 Showing Number of Rows Affected by Each INSERT SELECT in FORALL
12-16 Bulk-Selecting Two Database Columns into Two Nested Tables
12-17 Bulk-Selecting into Nested Table of Records
12-18 SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO Statement with Unexpected Results
12-19 Cursor Workaround for Example 12-18
12-20 Second Collection Workaround for Example 12-18
12-21 Limiting Bulk Selection with ROWNUM and SAMPLE
12-22 Bulk-Fetching into Two Nested Tables
12-23 Bulk-Fetching into Nested Table of Records
12-24 Limiting Bulk FETCH with LIMIT
12-25 Returning Deleted Rows in Two Nested Tables
12-28 Anonymous Block Bulk-Binds Input Host Array
12-29 Creating and Invoking Pipelined Table Function
12-30 Pipelined Table Function Transforms Each Row to Two Rows
12-31 Fetching from Results of Pipelined Table Functions
12-32 Pipelined Table Function with Two Cursor Variable Parameters
12-33 Pipelined Table Function as Aggregate Function
12-34 Pipelined Table Function Does Not Handle NO_DATA_NEEDED
12-35 Pipelined Table Function Handles NO_DATA_NEEDED
A-1 SQL File with Two Wrappable PL/SQL Units
A-2 Wrapping File with PL/SQL Wrapper Utility
A-3 Running Wrapped File and Viewing Wrapped PL/SQL Units
A-4 Creating Wrapped Package Body with CREATE_WRAPPED Procedure
A-5 Viewing Package with Wrapped Body and Invoking Package Procedure
B-1 Qualified Names
B-2 Variable Name Interpreted as Column Name Causes Unintended Result
B-3 Fixing Example B-2 with Different Variable Name
B-4 Fixing Example B-2 with Block Label
B-5 Subprogram Name for Name Resolution
B-6 Inner Capture of Column Reference
B-7 Inner Capture of Attribute Reference
B-8 Qualifying ADT Attribute References
B-9 Qualifying References to Row Expressions
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