A screen shot of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site. The site contains two buttons, three fields, and two groups of links. The top half of the site displays the following text:

Launch the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console: The Enterprise Manager Console allows you to centrally manage and administer your environment. To launch the Console, enter the machine name on which your Oracle Management Server runs and then click the button labeled "Launch Console".

Below this text is a field labeled Oracle Management Server and a button labeled Launch Console.

The bottom half of the site displays the following text:

Access Oracle Enterprise Manager Reports: Enterprise Manager reports allow users to quickly view and analyze information about their managed systems. To view reports that have been published to the web, enter the machine name on which your Enterprise Manager reporting web server runs and the port on which it listens and then click the button labeled "Access Reports".

Below this text are two fields and a button. The fields are labeled Reporting Web Server: and Port:. The button is labeled Access Reports.

On the right side of the site are two groups of links. The upper group is labeled Information and contains the following links: Documentation, Release Notes, and Quick Tours. The lower group is labeled Useful Links and contains the following links: Oracle Home Page, Enterprise Manager Home Page, Support Home Page, Download Plug-in, and Accessibility Setup.