The following text describes dmon.gif.

This figure emphasizes the discussion in the surrounding text that describes the DMON process as one of many Oracle background processes. The top half of the figure shows a primary site on which the Oracle database server is interacting with the DMON process and many other background processes such as the Recoverer (RECO), Process Monitor (PMON), System Monitor (SMON), Database Writer (DBW0), Log Writer (LGWR), and the Archiver (ARC0). An elliptical series of dots indicates that the number of processes continues beyond the ones shown in this figure.

The bottom half of the figure represents the standby site as a mirror image of the primary site, showing that there is a DMON process on the standby site along with a series of Oracle database server processes shown on the primary site. The figure also shows that two-way communication occurs between the DMON processes on the primary and standby sites over the Oracle Net communication channel.