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Oracle9i Database Error Messages
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96525-01
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XML Parser Messages (LPX)

LPX-00000 normal, successful completion

Cause: Normal exit.

Action: No action required.

LPX-00001 NULL pointer

Cause: A NULL pointer was detected as an internal error condition.

Action: This is a programming error by the caller of the XML parser. Contact someone who can fix the problem.

LPX-00002 out of memory

Cause: The operating system has run out of memory.

Action: Make more memory available to the program.

LPX-00003 duplicate entry in hash table

Cause: An internal error has occurred (a key was requested to be placed in a hash table but was already there).

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00004 internal error "string"

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00005 string buffer overflow, maximum size is number bytes

Cause: A name, quoted string, URL, or other document component was too long.

Action: Restrict the component to the maximum size shown.

LPX-00006 invalid child type for parent node

Cause: An attempt was made to add an invalid node-type to a parent node.

Action: Correct the code.

LPX-00007 unexpected end-of-file encountered

Cause: The documented ended unexpectedly, perhaps due to truncation.

Action: Verify that the document is complete.

LPX-00008 invalid memory callback

Cause: The memory callback structure passed to xmlinit was missing the allocate or free functions (or both).

Action: Provide both functions in the callback structure.

LPX-00012 Unicode data alignment error

Cause: An input Unicode (UCS2) datum was not aligned properly.

Action: UCS2 data consists of an array of shorts which must be aligned on an even-byte boundary.

LPX-00013 wrong node type

Cause: The wrong node type was given as argument to a DOM call.

Action: Review the failing function call, consult the documentation, and make sure the node types passed are correct.

LPX-00014 context is not clean

Cause: An operation was performed on a context that has already been used (so is not "clean").

Action: Some functions must be performed on a newly initialized context before being used for parsing. For example, setting a shared DTD. Change the code and do the call before parsing.

LPX-00100 root element "string" does not match DTD root "string"

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.8 failed:

"The Name in the document type declaration must match the element type of the root element."

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeting [ <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)> ]>

The document's root element, salutation, does not match the root element declared in the DTD (greeting).

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00101 parameter-entity markup cannot be split up

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.8 failed:

"Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with markup declarations."

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeting [
<!ENTITY % e "<!ELEMENT ">
%e; greeting (#PCDATA)>

The parameter entity 'e' contains markup which may not be split up; the entire ELEMENT (or ATTLIST or ENTITY) definition must be present in one piece.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00102 standalone document declaration should be "no"

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.9 failed:

"Standalone document declaration must have the value 'no' if any external markup declarations contain declarations of:"

  • Attributes with default values
  • Entities
  • Attributes with values subject to normalization
  • Element types with element content.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00103 document structure does not match DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed:

"An element is valid if there is a declaration matching elementdecl where the Name matches the element type, and one of the following holds:"

  • The declaration matches EMPTY and the element has no content
  • The declaration matches children and the sequence of child elements belongs to the language generated by the regular expression in the content model, with optional white space (characters matching the nonterminal S) between each pair of child elements.
  • The declaration matches Mixed and the content consists of character data and child elements whose types match names in the content model.
  • The declaration matches ANY, and the types of any child elements have been declared.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00104 element "string" is not declared in the DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed:

The named element has no matching elementdecl in the DTD.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00105 element "string" is not empty as required by the DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed:

The named element is declared as EMPTY in the DTD but contains sub-elements in the document.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00106 attribute "string" of element "string" is undefined

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.1 failed.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00107 element "string" has multiple declarations

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2 failed:

"No element type may be declared more than once."

Action: Correct the DTD.

LPX-00108 parameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split up

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2.1 failed:

"Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with parenthesized groups. For interoperability, if a parameter-entity reference appears in a choice, seq, or Mixed construct, its replacement text should not be empty, and neither the first nor last non-blank character of the replacement text should be a connector (| or ,).

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY % e "(#PCDATA|">
<!ELEMENT foo %e; greeting)>

The parenthetical content of the 'e' entity may not be split up into sections: both open and close parentheses must be in the same declaration.

Action: Correct the DTD.

LPX-00109 duplicate name "string" in mixed-content declaration

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2.2 failed:

"The same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content declaration."

<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a|b|c|d|a)>

'a' occurs more than once in the mixed-content declaration.

Action: Correct the DTD.

LPX-00110 invalid string "string" (not a Name)

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

Given thing is not a Name

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00111 invalid string "string" (not a Nmtoken)

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

Given thing is not a Nmtoken

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00112 element "string" has multiple ID attributes

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

"No element type may have more than one ID attribute specified."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00113 element "string" ID attribute "string" must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

"An ID attribute must have a declared default of #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00114 element "string" attribute "string" has invalid enumeration value "string"

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

"Values of this type must match one of the Nmtoken tokens in the declaration."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00115 element "string" is missing required attribute "string"

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.2 failed:

"If the default declaration is the keyword #REQUIRED, then the attribute must be specified for all elements of the type in the attribute-list declaration."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00116 element "string" attribute "string" has invalid value "string", must be "string"

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.2 failed:

"If an attribute has a default value declared with the #FIXED keyword, instances of that attribute must match the default value."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00118 undefined entity "string"

Cause: Validity Constraint 4.1 failed:

"In a document with an external subset or external parameter entities with "standalone='no'", the Name given in the entity reference must match that in an entity declaration."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00119 element "string" attribute "string" must be an unparsed entity

Cause: The attribute value must be an unparsed entity.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00120 entity "string" NDATA (notation) "string" is undefined

Cause: Entity's NDATA (notation) is undefined.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00121 undefined notation "string"

Cause: Notation is not known.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00122 undefined ID "string" in IDREF

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed:

"A name must not appear more than once in an XML document as a value of this type; that is, ID values must uniquely identify the elements which bear them."

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00123 duplicate ID "string"

Cause: An ID was used twice; they must be unique.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00124 attribute value should be one or more tokens

Cause: An attribute with tokenized type (IDREFS, ENTITIES, NMTOKENS) did not contain any tokens.

Action: Value must contain one or more tokens, separated by spaces.

LPX-00125 duplicate entity "string" (ignored)

Cause: A general or parameter entity was declared more than once.

Action: This is a warning, not an error. The first entity declaration is in force, subsequent are ignored. Remove duplicate entity declarations or ignore the warning.

LPX-00200 could not convert from encoding string to string

Cause: The conversion cannot be made between the specified encodings.

Action: Choose a data encoding which can represent all expected input encoding (such as a Unicode-based encoding, UTF-8 or UTF-16).

LPX-00201 unknown encoding "string"

Cause: The specified encoding was not known. It should be an IANA or Oracle encoding name.

Action: Use an appropriate encoding.

LPX-00202 could not open file "string"

Cause: The file does not exist.

Action: Create an appropriate file.

LPX-00203 could not read from file "string"

Cause: Data could not be read from the file.

Action: Take appropriate action to allow data to be read.

LPX-00204 syntax error

Cause: A syntax error was found.

Action: Check the XML document line and correct it.

LPX-00205 expected "<!--" at the start of comment

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing a comment.

Action: Fix the comment syntax.

LPX-00206 invalid CDATA section

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing CDATA. Proper format is '<![CDATA[' data ']]>'.

Action: Correct the CDATA syntax.

LPX-00207 expected "[" at the start of conditional section

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing a conditional section.

Action: Fix the conditional section syntax.

LPX-00208 unknown DTD keyword "string"

Cause: An unknown keyword was found in the DTD.

Action: Use a proper keyword.

LPX-00209 PI names starting with XML are reserved

Cause: Processing instruction starting with XML was found.

Action: Use another name for the processing instruction.

LPX-00210 expected 'character' instead of 'character'

Cause: A syntax error was detected.

Action: Use proper syntax.

LPX-00211 attribute default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED

Cause: Attribute default was invalid.

Action: Default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED.

LPX-00212 comment must not contain "--"

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the comment.

Action: Use '--' only when specifying the end of the comment.

LPX-00213 comment did not end in "-->"

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the comment.

Action: Be sure to end the comment with '-->'.

LPX-00214 CDATA section did not end in "]]>"

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the CDATA section.

Action: Be sure to end the CDATA section with ']]>'.

LPX-00215 processing instruction did not end in "?>"

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the PI section.

Action: Be sure to end the PI with '?>'.

LPX-00216 invalid character number (number)

Cause: An invalid multibyte character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00217 invalid character number (number)

Cause: An invalid Unicode character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00218 invalid character number ('character')

Cause: An invalid native (ASCII/EBCDIC) character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00219 invalid digit 'character' in character reference

Cause: An invalid digit was found in a character reference.

Action: Character references are either &#DDD; where D's are decimal// digits, or &#xHHH; where H's are hexadecimal digits.

LPX-00220 the string "]]>" cannot occur in character data

Cause: Found ']]>' in character data.

Action: Do not use ']]>' in character data.

LPX-00221 the character "<" cannot occur in attribute values

Cause: Found '<' in an attribute value.

Action: Do not use '<' in attribute values.

LPX-00222 error received from SAX callback function

Cause: An error was received from the SAX callback function.

Action: Examine the additional error messages and take corrective action.

LPX-00223 external entity "string" found in an attribute value

Cause: An external entity reference was found in an attribute value.

Action: Use only references to internal or character entities in attribute values.

LPX-00224 multiple occurrences of attribute "string" found

Cause: An attribute occurred multiple times in the same start-tag or empty-element tag.

Action: Make sure that the attributes are unique.

LPX-00225 end-element tag "string" does not match start-element tag "string"

Cause: An element tag was not ended properly.

Action: Make sure that the correct end element tag is used.

LPX-00226 entity "string" is not declared

Cause: An entity is not declared.

Action: Declare the entity before referencing it.

LPX-00227 entity "string" is not a parsed entity

Cause: An entity reference contained the name of an unparsed entity.

Action: Only reference parsed entities.

LPX-00228 entity reference "string" refers to itself

Cause: An entity reference contains a recursive reference to itself.

Action: Modify the contents of the entity reference to remove this recursion.

LPX-00229 input source is empty

Cause: An XML input file has no contents.

Action: The XML file representing a document must contain at least one element.

LPX-00230 invalid character number (number) found in a Name or Nmtoken

Cause: An invalid character was found in a NAME or NMTOKEN.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for NAMES and NMTOKENS by the XML specification.

LPX-00231 invalid character number ('character') found in a Name or Nmtoken

Cause: An invalid character was found in a NAME or NMTOKEN.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for NAMES and NMTOKENS by the XML specification.

LPX-00232 invalid use of a parameter entity reference

Cause: A parameter entity reference was found in an improper location in the internal DTD subset.

Action: Use a parameter entity reference only where markup declarations can occur in the internal DTD subset, in the external DTD subset, or in an external entity.

LPX-00233 namespace prefixes starting with "xml" are reserved

Cause: Namespace prefix starting with XML was found.

Action: Use another name for the namespace prefix.

LPX-00234 namespace prefix "string" is not declared

Cause: Namespace prefix is not declared.

Action: Declare the prefix in an attribute list.

LPX-00235 invalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0

Cause: Only versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the XML specification are supported.

Action: Use the 1.0 or 2.0 specification & set version# accordingly.

LPX-00236 invalid character number ('character') found in public identifier

Cause: An invalid character was found in a public identifier.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for public identifiers by the XML specification.

LPX-00237 invalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNORE

Cause: A conditional section <![ keyword [ markup ]]> had invalid keyword, must be either "IGNORE" or "INCLUDE".

Action: Correct condition section usage in document.

LPX-00238 unterminated conditional section

Cause: A conditional section was not properly terminated with ]]>.

Action: Verify conditional nesting in document and correct.

LPX-00239 invalid attribute type "string"

Cause: The attribute type is not valid. Options are CDATA, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, NMTOKEN, or NMTOKENS.

Action: Check and correct attribute declaration.

LPX-00240 element-start tag is not well formed

Cause: A start-element tag was improperly formed.

Action: Check and correct the start-element syntax.

LPX-00241 entity reference is not well formed

Cause: An entity reference (general or parameter) was not formed properly.

Action: Form entity reference correctly as "&name;" or "%name;".

LPX-00242 invalid use of ampersand ('&') character (use &amp;)

Cause: The ampersand character is used only to start entity or character references.

Action: To include an ampersand character as data, use the built-in &amp; general entity.

LPX-00243 element attribute value must be enclosed in quotes

Cause: An attribute defined in an element's start-tag must be enclosed in single ('') or double ("") quotes.

Action: Enclose the attribute value in quotes.

LPX-00244 invalid use of less-than ('<') character (use &lt;)

Cause: The less-than character ('<') is not permitted as data.

Action: Use the built-in entity &lt; instead. Check for mismatched quotes ("') in case the '<' is part of subsequent markup.

LPX-00245 extra data after end of document

Cause: After the close of the top-level element, more data was found.

Action: The end-element tag for the top-level element must be the last thing in the document.

LPX-00246 missing system ID after public ID

Cause: In an external ID declaration, the public ID literal was not followed by the system ID literal as required.

Action: Provide with public *and* system IDs for 'PUBLIC' type.

LPX-00247 invalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)

Cause: Problems were encountered in the DTD declaration.

Action: Review the DTD and correct the problems.

LPX-00248 invalid entity declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an entity declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00249 invalid external ID declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an external ID declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00250 invalid attribute declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an attribute declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00251 conditional sections are valid only in external DTDs

Cause: A condition section is not permitted in internal DTDs.

Action: Remove the condition section.

LPX-00252 invalid entity replacement-text nesting

Cause: Markup included from an entity must nest/group properly. That is, open/close markup must occur within the same entity. For example:

<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ENTITY e "</foo><foo>"> ]>

Is invalid since foo's start-tag occurs in the top-level document, but the close-tag is provided by the "e" entity. Both start and end must be provided by the same source.

Action: Examples, such as the ones above, are not permitted.

LPX-00253 missing required version number in XML declaration

Cause: An XML declaration was missing the required version#.

Action: Always provide a version#, which must come first in the declaration. XML is case sensitive, so only "version" (not "Version", and so on) is valid.

LPX-00254 invalid XML declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an XML declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00255 XML standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no"

Cause: The "standalone" parameter in the XML declaration had an invalid value.

Action: standalone must be set to either "yes" or "no". Case is sensitive, so "Yes", "YES", and so on, are invalid.00256 invalid element declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an element declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00257 invalid children specification in element declaration

Cause: The 'children' specification in an element declaration was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00258 invalid "Mixed" specification in element declaration

Cause: The 'Mixed' specification in an element declaration was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00259 invalid notation declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing a notation declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00260 invalid xml:space attribute declaration

Cause: The xml:space attribute must be declared as an enumeration with choices "default" and "preserve". For example, <!ATTLIST foo xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve').

Action: Declare the special attribute as above.

LPX-00261 invalid URL string

Cause: The specified URL was invalid and could not be parsed.

Action: Correct the URL; consult RFC-2396.

LPX-00262 unsupported protocol string

Cause: An URL was encountered which requested a protocol not supported by the XML parser. Only HTTP and file are currently allowed.

Action: Make the data available through the filesystem or HTTP.

LPX-00263 couldn't connect to host string port number

Cause: A TCP connection couldn't be opened to the named host.

Action: Verify the hostname and connectivity to the host.

LPX-00264 send failed to host string

Cause: An error occurred trying to send data over a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity, and so on.

LPX-00265 read failed from to host string

Cause: An error occurred trying to read data from a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity, and so on.

LPX-00266 invalid language specification string

Cause: The given language specification was invalid.

Action: Language specification has the format <language>_<territory>.<character set>. For example, "French_France".

LPX-00267 could not resolve relative URL string

Cause: The named relative URL couldn't be resolved against its parent.

Action: Make sure the relative makes sense in relation to its parent URL; see RFC-2396 sections 4, 5, and appendix C.

LPX-00268 invalid access method number, must be 0 to number

Cause: The provided access code was not in the valid range.

Action: The code should be one of the XMLACCESS_xxx codes defined in oraxml.h, in the range shown in the error message.

LPX-00269 all three access functions (open/close/read) must be provided

Cause: An attempt was made to set the access method callbacks, but all three functions were not provided.

Action: All three callback functions (open, close, and read) are required. They must all be provided, even if they are stub functions which do nothing.

LPX-00270 FTP error: string

Cause: An error was returned from the FTP server while trying to retrieve a file. See the specific message for details.

Action: Corrective action depends on the error.

LPX-00271 FTP login failed: string

Cause: The username/password combination was invalid for FTP login.

Action: Specify a valid pair.

LPX-00272 FTP server unavailable: string

Cause: The FTP server is unavailable for use.

Action: No action is possible from the client side. See server's error message.

LPX-00273 failed to initialize TCP/IP

Cause: The TCP/IP package could not be initialized.

Action: Check with system administrator to see if this is a configuration problem or a connectivity problem.

LPX-00274 can't import node type

Cause: Some node types (DOCUMENT_NODE & DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) cannot be imported with importNode().

Action: No action required.

LPX-00275 can't set output/data encoding AFTER parsing

Cause: Output/data encoding must be set after initialization but BEFORE any parsing has taken place.

Action: Set encoding before parsing any documents.

LPX-00276 bad HTTP/Mime header

Cause: An HTTP reply contained an invalid Mime header.

Action: Verify HTTP reply for accuracy. See RFC 2616.

LPX-00277 no closing quote was seen

Cause: A quoted string was started but not finished.

Action: Put a closing quote in the proper location.

LPX-00278 invalid string proxy "string"

Cause: The proxy specification for the given protocol was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the proxy specification. For HTTP, this is the environment variable "http_proxy".

LPX-00279 invalid no_proxy "string"

Cause: The no_proxy specification was invalid.

Action: Check and correct it. no_proxy is a comma- or space-separated list of machine or domain names, with an optional port part. If no port part is present, then it applies to all ports on that domain.

LPX-00280 HTTP error string

Cause: An HTTP protocol error occurred.

Action: Corrective action depends on the error.

LPX-00281 unsupported encoding "string"

Cause: The specified encoding is known but not supported by the parser.

Action: Try a different encoding.

LPX-00282 document cannot have both internal/external and shared DTDs

Cause: A parser context which had a shared DTD set was used to parse a document which also contained a DTD. You cannot use both a shared DTD and and internal/external one.

Action: If a shared DTD is to be used, then the documents parsed must not contain or reference a DTD.

LPX-00283 document encoding is string-based but default input encoding is not

Cause: The input document was detected to be ASCII (or EBCDIC) based, but no encoding was specified in the XMLDecl and the default input coding was not ASCII (or EBCDIC) based, so could not be applied.

Action: Add an explicit encoding specification to the XMLDecl so the default input encoding is not needed, or pick a default encoding which matches the input document.

LPX-00300 no name in attribute set

Cause: The name attribute was not found in the attribute-set element.

Action: Add a name attribute for this element.

LPX-00301 error in XPATH evaluation

Cause: The XPATH evaluation returns an error.

Action: Check specified XPATH expression to determine the error.

LPX-00302 Incorrect stylesheet. The node is not valid.

Cause: The child node is of invalid type or has invalid name for this particular location in stylesheet, rendering the stylesheet as invalid XSLT.

Action: Fix the stylesheet by using valid nodes only.

LPX-00303 attribute value "string" not expected for string

Cause: Attribute is found but its value is not the expected value.

Action: Set the attribute value to the correct value.

LPX-00304 input parameter to function is null

Cause: An input parameter passed into this function is null when it is not supposed to.

Action: Make sure the caller function is not passing null for this parameter.

LPX-00305 missing token

Cause: An expected token is not found.

Action: Check the input string to make sure the expected token is present.

LPX-00306 inputed string ended with no corresponding closing \xd5 }\xd5

Cause: A closing '}' is expected.

Action: Add the closing '}' to the input string or remove the extra opening '{'.

LPX-00307 namespace prefix string used but not declared

Cause: Namespace prefix is used but not declared.

Action: Either declare the namespace or don't use this namespace prefix.

LPX-00308 attribute string not found in string

Cause: The expected attribute for this node is not found.

Action: Need to add this attribute to the node.

LPX-00309 cannot initialize XPATH

Cause: XPATH context could not be initialized.

Action: Check the initialization function LpxsutInitXpathCtx().

LPX-00310 element string not found in string

Cause: The expected element is not found.

Action: Check the initialization function LpxsutInitXpathCtx().

LPX-00311 unsupported feature: string

Cause: This feature is not supported.

Action: Do not use this feature.

LPX-00312 cannot construct XML PI with content: string

Cause: The content of XML PI node might be invalid.

Action: Make necessary changes to make the node valid according to spec.

LPX-00313 cannot construct XML comment with content: string

Cause: The content of XML comment node might be invalid.

Action: Make necessary changes to make the node valid according to spec.

LPX-00314 an internal failure occurred

Cause: An internal error occurred in the code.

Action: Contact the appropriate developer.

LPX-00315 extension function string not supported

Cause: This extension function is not supported.

Action: Either contact the appropriate developer for more information or don't use this extension function.

LPX-00316 invalid value string for string attribute string

Cause: The value for the specified attribute is invalid.

Action: Consult the XSL spec; use only legal values.

LPX-00317 undefined decimal-format "string"

Cause: The named decimal-format is undefined (the name "#default" means the default format).

Action: Define the desired decimal-format before trying to use it.

LPX-00318 duplicate xsl:decimal-format "string"

Cause: The named decimal-format was declared more than once.

Action: Make sure there is only a single declaration.

LPX-00319 The node specified is not valid

Cause: The node specified is not of expected type.

Action: Use only the nodes of legal type.

LPX-00320 No more attributes can be added to a non-empty element

Cause: The element to which an attribute was being added is non-empty and hence can not add anymore attributes to it.

Action: Modify the XSLT stylesheet so that all the attributes are added to an element before anything else is added to it. If you absolutely can not do that then select your output method to be DOM based rather then a stream or SAX based output which you are using presently.

LPX-00321 None of the output methods (DOM, SAX, Stream) are selected

Cause: User is trying to process an XML file with out selecting any mechanism for output.

Action: User must select one of the output mechanisms (SAX/DOM/Stream) before attempting to process the XML file.

LPX-00322 A doc referred by XSLT stylesheet could not be opened : string

Cause: Either an import,include or document() function tried to open a document and failed.

Action: Make sure that document is present and can be opened.

LPX-00323 illegal apply-imports because of no current template: string

Cause: apply-imports was used even when there was no current template possibly with in for-each.

Action: Make sure that apply-imports are invoked only if there is a current template and it is not in a xsl:for-each.

LPX-00400 an internal error has occurred in XPATH

Cause: An internal error has occurred in XPATH.

Action: Contact the appropriate developer.

LPX-00401 invalid QName in the XSL file

Cause: An invalid QName was passed to the XPATH parser.

Action: See whether there are any invalid QNames in the XSL file.

LPX-00402 invalid axisname in the XSL file

Cause: An invalid axis name was passed to the XPATH parser.

Action: See whether all axis names in the XSL file are correct.

LPX-00403 unmatched quote in the XSL file

Cause: An unmatched quote was found in the XSL file.

Action: Check for unmatched quotes in the XSL file.

LPX-00404 unable to resolve namespace URI

Cause: The namespace URI may not be valid.

Action: Make sure that the name space URIs are valid.

LPX-00405 unable to allocate memory

Cause: May be out of memory.

Action: Try increasing virtual memory.

LPX-00406 object of incorrect type passed to the function

Cause: An object of incorrect type was passed to the XPATH/XSL function.

Action: Do the required conversion before passing in an object of type which is different from the expected type.

LPX-00407 right square bracket missing in the XSL file

Cause: Right square bracket missing in the XSL file.

Action: Check for unmatched square bracket in the XSL file.

LPX-00408 right parenthesis missing in the XSL file

Cause: Right parenthesis missing in the XSL file.

Action: Check for unmatched parenthesis in the XSL file.

LPX-00409 incorrect token encountered while parsing

Cause: An unexpected token was encountered while parsing the expression/pattern.

Action: Check the syntax of the expressions/patterns.

LPX-00410 unable to resolve the variable reference

Cause: Variable reference may not be valid.

Action: Check whether the variable references are valid.

LPX-00411 unknown function name encountered

Cause: The function is not supported at this time or the name is invalid.

Action: Check the function names. If valid and this error occurs, then avoid using them at this time.

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