Oracle® OLAP DML Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) E17122-07 |
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The AWDESCRIBE program sends information about the current analytic workspace to the current outfile. After a summary page, it provides a report in two parts:
An alphabetic list of analytic workspace objects showing name, type, and description.
A list of object definitions by object type. Each definition includes the information you would see when you used the DESCRIBE statement. It also includes a "Referenced By" list, which indicates any programs or other compilable objects that call or access the object. In addition, compilable objects have a "References To" list, indicating the analytic workspace objects that they call or access.
Information in Referenced By List
The AWDESCRIBE command does not provide information in the "Referenced By" and "References To" list for implicit references. For example: When a program contains a LIMIT command to limit a dimension by a related dimension, AWDESCRIBE does not list the relation for those dimensions in the "References To" list for that program.
Example 9-56 Describing an analytic workspace
The following example shows a portion of the output of AWDESCRIBE for an analytic workspace named demo
DEMO Workspace Listing ===================== Last updated: 25Jun96 Time: 09:46:50 Print date: 27Aug96 Time: 10:30:11 DEMO contains: 11 DIMENSIONS 19 VARIABLES 1 PROGRAM 4 RELATIONS 2 VALUESETS This report is in two parts: - Object Listing: An alphabetic list of workspace objects, beginning on the next page. - Object Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of all workspace objects, sorted by object type and alphabetically by name. Object List Page 2 Workspace: DEMO Updated: 25Jun96 At: 09:46:50 ACTUAL NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION ____ ____ ___________ ACTUAL VARIABLE Actual $ Financials ADVERTISING VARIABLE Total Advertising Dollars BUDGET VARIABLE Budgeted $ Financials CHOICE DIMENSION List of choices CHOICEDESC VARIABLE Description line for the choices DEMOVER VARIABLE DEMO Workspace Version DISTRICT DIMENSION DIVISION DIMENSION Division DIVISION.PRODUCT RELATION DIVISION for each PRODUCT EXPENSE VARIABLE Total Production & Distribution Cost FCST VARIABLE Forecasted $ Financials INDUSTRY.SALES VARIABLE Total Industry Sales Revenue LINE DIMENSION Lineitem MARKET DIMENSION Geography Dim with Embedded Totals MARKET.MARKET RELATION Self-relation for the Market Dim MARKETLEVEL DIMENSION Geography Level MLV.MARKET RELATION MONTH DIMENSION NAME.LINE VARIABLE Lineitem Names for Reporting NAME.PRODUCT VARIABLE Product Names for Reporting Purposes NATIONAL.SALES VARIABLE Projected Total U.S. Dollar Sales NOT.IMPLEMENTED PROGRAM PRICE VARIABLE Wholesale Unit Selling Price PRODUCT DIMENSION Sporting Goods Products PRODUCT.MEMO VARIABLE Product Analysis Memo PRODUCTSET VALUESET Valueset for Sporting Goods Products QUARTER DIMENSION QUARTERSET VALUESET REGION DIMENSION Sales Region REGION.DISTRICT RELATION REGION for each DISTRICT SALES VARIABLE Sales Revenue SALES.FORECAST VARIABLE Forecasted Unit Sales SALES.PLAN VARIABLE Budgeted Sales Revenue SHARE VARIABLE Market Share (Based on Dollar Sales) UNITS VARIABLE Actual Unit Shipments UNITS.M VARIABLE YEAR DIMENSION Description of DIMENSIONS Page 3 Workspace: DEMO Updated: 25Jun96 At: 09:46:50 CHOICE DEFINE CHOICE DIMENSION TEXT LD List of choices Referenced By: NONE DEFINE DISTRICT DIMENSION TEXT Referenced By: NONE DEFINE DIVISION DIMENSION TEXT LD Division Referenced By: NONE ...