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Oracle® Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
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1-1 RPC Functions and Commands in the Gateway and Remote Host
2-1 DEFINE CALL Parameter Descriptions
2-2 DEFINE DATA Parameter Descriptions
2-3 DEFINE TRANSACTION Parameter Descriptions
2-4 DESCRIBE Parameter Descriptions
2-5 GENERATE Parameter Descriptions
2-6 REDEFINE DATA Parameter Descriptions
2-7 REPORT Parameters Descriptions
2-8 SET Parameter Descriptions
2-9 SHOW Parameter Descriptions
2-10 UNDEFINE CALL Parameter Descriptions
2-11 UNDEFINE DATA Parameter Descriptions
2-12 UNDEFINE TRANSACTION Parameter Descriptions
2-13 VARIABLE Parameter Descriptions
4-1 Logic Flow of CICS-DB2 Example
4-2 Function Declarations
4-3 Command Line Arguments
4-4 PGAU Statements
6-1 PGA_TCP_IMSC Table Columns
7-1 Logic Flow of IMS Connect-IMS Example
7-2 Function Declarations
7-3 Procedure Declarations
8-1 PG DD ID Numbers in Correspondence
8-2 Meaning of TRACE(OC) Output
8-3 SQL*Plus Test Scripts and Their Corresponding Entries
8-4 Values of Positions 1 through 4 on Second Parameter of TIP Call
8-5 PGATCTL Parameters
A-1 Oracle Sequence Objects
A-2 pga_maint
A-3 pga_environments
A-4 pga_env_attr
A-5 pga_env_values
A-6 pga_compilers
A-7 pga_datatypes
A-8 pga_datatype_attr
A-9 pga_datatype_values
A-10 pga_usage
A-11 pga_modes
A-12 Active Dictionary Oracle Sequence Object Descriptions
A-13 pga_trans
A-14 pga_trans_attr
A-15 pga_trans_values
A-16 pga_trans_calls
A-17 pga_call
A-18 pga_call_parm
A-19 pga_data
A-20 pga_fields
A-21 pga_data_attr
A-22 pga_data_values
B-1 Gateway Functions
B-2 Common PGAINIT and PGAINIT_SEC Parameters
B-3 PGAINIT_SEC Parameters Specific to the Procedure
B-4 PGAXFER Parameters
B-5 PGATERM Parameters
B-6 PGATCTL Parameters
B-7 PGATRAC Parameter
C-1 Input Parameters Common to UTL_PG Function
C-2 Output Parameters Common to UTL_PG Functions
C-3 RAW_TO_NUMBER Function Parameters
C-4 Optional and Default Parameters of the RAW_TO_NUMBER Function
C-5 NUMBER_TO_RAW Function Parameters
C-6 Defaults and Optional Parameters for NUMBER_TO_RAW Function
C-7 MAKE_RAW_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT Function Parameters
C-8 Default and Optional MAKE_RAW_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT Parameters
C-9 MAKE_NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT Function Parameters
C-10 Optional, Default Parameters: MAKE_NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT
C-11 RAW_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT Function Parameters
C-12 NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT Function Parameters
C-13 WMSGCNT Function Parameter
C-14 WMSGCNT Return Values
C-15 WMSG Function Parameters
C-16 WMSG Function Errors
D-1 Length Parameters
D-2 COBOL Symbol Definitions
D-3 COBOL-PGAU Conversion
D-4 Format Conversion Descriptions
F-1 TIP User Transaction Datatypes Used in Package Name PGADB2I
F-2 TIP User Transaction Datatypes for Package Name NEWDB2I
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