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Oracle® XML DB Developer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
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List of Examples
1-1 Listener Status with FTP and HTTP(S) Protocol Support Enabled
3-1 Creating a Table with an XMLType Column
3-2 Creating a Table of XMLType
3-3 Partitioning a Binary XML Table using Virtual Columns
3-4 Creating a Database Directory
3-5 Inserting XML Content into an XMLType Table
3-6 Inserting Content into an XMLType Table using Java
3-7 Inserting Content into an XMLType Table using C
3-8 Inserting XML Content into the Repository using CREATERESOURCE
3-9 Purchase-Order XML Schema, purchaseOrder.xsd
3-10 Annotated Purchase-Order XML Schema, purchaseOrder.xsd
3-11 Registering an XML Schema using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA
3-12 Objects Created During XML Schema Registration
3-13 Creating an XMLType Table that Conforms to an XML Schema
3-14 Creating an XMLType Table for Nested Collections
3-15 Using DESCRIBE with an XML Schema-Based XMLType Table
3-16 Error From Attempting to Insert an Incorrect XML Document
3-17 Error When Inserting Incorrect XML Document (Partial Validation)
3-18 Forcing Full XML Schema Validation using a CHECK Constraint
3-19 Enforcing Full XML Schema Validation using a BEFORE INSERT Trigger
3-20 Constraining a Binary XML Table using a Virtual Column
3-21 Integrity Constraints and Triggers for an XMLType Table Stored Object-Relationally
3-22 Enforcing Database Integrity When Loading XML using FTP
3-23 PurchaseOrder XML Instance Document
3-24 Retrieving an Entire XML Document using OBJECT_VALUE
3-25 Accessing XML Fragments using XMLQUERY
3-26 Accessing a Text Node Value using XMLCAST and XMLQuery
3-27 Searching XML Content using XMLExists, XMLCast, and XMLQuery
3-28 Finding the Reference for a Purchase Order using XMLQuery and XMLExists
3-29 Accessing Description Nodes using XMLTABLE
3-30 Counting the Number of Elements in a Collection using XMLTABLE
3-31 Counting the Number of Child Elements in an Element using XMLTABLE
3-32 Creating a Relational View of XML Content
3-33 Accessing Individual Members of a Collection using a View
3-34 Querying XML Data using Views
3-35 Business-Intelligence Query of XML Data using a View
3-36 Updating XML Content using UPDATEXML
3-37 Replacing an Entire Element using UPDATEXML
3-38 Incorrectly Updating a Node That Occurs Multiple Times in a Collection
3-39 Correctly Updating a Node That Occurs Multiple Times in a Collection
3-40 Changing Text Node Values using UPDATEXML
3-41 Generating XML Data using SQL/XML Functions
3-42 Creating XMLType Views Over Conventional Relational Tables
3-43 Querying XMLType Views
3-44 Generating XML Data from a Relational Table using DBURIType and getXML()
3-45 Restricting Rows using an XPath Predicate
3-46 Restricting Rows and Columns using an XPath Predicate
3-47 XSLT Style Sheet Example: PurchaseOrder.xsl
3-48 Applying a Style Sheet using TRANSFORM
3-49 Uploading Content to the Repository using FTP
3-50 Creating a Text Document Resource using CREATERESOURCE
3-51 Creating Folders using PL/SQL Package DBMS_XDB
3-52 Accessing a Text Document in the Repository using XDBURITYPE
3-53 Accessing Resource Content using RESOURCE_VIEW
3-54 Accessing XML Documents using Resource and Namespace Prefixes
3-55 Querying Repository Resource Data using SQL Function REF and Element XMLRef
3-56 Selecting XML Document Fragments Based on Metadata, Path, and Content
3-57 Updating a Document using UPDATE and UPDATEXML on the Resource
3-58 Updating a Node using UPDATE and UPDATEXML
3-59 Updating XML Schema-Based Documents in the Repository
3-60 Viewing RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW Structures
3-61 Accessing Resources using EQUALS_PATH and RESOURCE_VIEW
3-62 Determining the Path to XSL Style Sheets Stored in the Repository
3-63 Counting Resources Under a Path
3-64 Listing the Folder Contents in a Path
3-65 Listing the Links Contained in a Folder
3-66 Finding Paths to Resources that Contain Purchase-Order XML Documents
3-67 Execution Plan Output for a Folder-Restricted Query
4-1 Finding a Node using SQL/XML Function XMLExists
4-2 Extracting the Scalar Value of an XML Fragment using XMLCAST
4-3 Querying XMLTYPE Data
4-4 Querying Transient XMLTYPE Data using a PL/SQL Cursor
4-5 Extracting XML Data using XMLTABLE, and Inserting It into a Database Table
4-6 Extracting XML Data and Inserting It into a Table using a PL/SQL Procedure
4-7 Searching XML Data using SQL/XML Functions
4-8 Extracting Fragments from an XMLTYPE Instance using XMLQUERY
4-9 Updating XMLType Data using a SQL UPDATE Statement
4-10 Updating XMLTYPE using UPDATE and UPDATEXML
4-11 Updating Multiple Text Nodes and Attribute Values using UPDATEXML
4-12 Updating Selected Nodes within a Collection using UPDATEXML
4-13 NULL Updates with UPDATEXML – Element and Attribute
4-14 NULL Updates with UPDATEXML – Text Node
4-15 XPath Expressions in UPDATEXML Expression
4-16 Object Relational Equivalent of UPDATEXML Expression
4-17 Creating a View using UPDATEXML
4-18 Inserting a LineItem Element into a LineItems Element
4-19 Inserting an Element that Uses a Namespace
4-20 Inserting a LineItem Element Before the First LineItem ELement
4-21 Inserting a Date Element as the Last Child of an Action Element
4-22 Deleting LineItem Element Number 222
5-1 Creating Resources for Examples
5-2 XMLQuery Applied to a Sequence of Items of Different Types
5-3 FLOWR Expression using for, let, order by, where, and return
5-4 FLOWR Expression using Built-In Functions
5-5 Querying Relational Tables as XML
5-6 Using Relational Data in a Nested FLWOR Query
5-7 Querying a Relational Table as XML using XMLTable
5-8 Querying an XMLType Column using XMLQuery PASSING Clause
5-9 Using XMLTABLE with XML Schema-Based Data
5-10 Using XMLQUERY with Schema-Based Data
5-11 Using XMLTABLE with PASSING and COLUMNS Clauses
5-12 Decomposing XML Collection Elements into Relational Data using XMLTABLE
5-13 Using XMLQUERY with a Namespace Declaration
5-14 Using XMLTABLE with the XMLNAMESPACES Clause
5-15 Optimization of XMLQuery over Relational Data
5-16 Optimization of XMLTable over Relational Data
5-17 Optimization of XMLQuery with Schema-Based XMLType Data
5-18 Optimization of XMLTable with Schema-Based XMLType Data
5-19 Unoptimized Repository Query using fn:doc
5-20 Optimized Repository Query using EQUALS_PATH
5-21 Repository Query using Oracle XQuery Pragma ora:defaultTable
5-22 Static Type-Checking of XQuery Expressions: oradb URI scheme
5-23 Static Type-Checking of XQuery Expressions: Schema-Based XML
5-24 Using the SQL*Plus XQUERY Command
5-25 Using XQuery with PL/SQL
5-26 Using XQuery with JDBC
5-27 Using XQuery with ODP.NET and C#
6-1 CREATE INDEX using XMLCAST and XMLQUERY on a Singleton Element
6-2 CREATE INDEX using EXTRACTVALUE on a Singleton Element
6-3 Making Query Data Compatible with Index Data – SQL Cast
6-4 Making Query Data Compatible with Index Data – XQuery Cast
6-5 Path Table Contents for Two Purchase Orders
6-6 Creating an XMLIndex Index on XMLType Unstructured Storage
6-7 Obtaining the Name of an XMLIndex Index on a Particular Table
6-8 Renaming and Dropping an XMLIndex Index
6-9 Naming the Path Table of an XMLIndex Index
6-10 Determining the System-Generated Name of an XMLIndex Path Table
6-11 Specifying Storage Options When Creating an XMLIndex Index
6-12 Dropping an XMLIndex Unstructured Component
6-13 Determining the Names of the Secondary Indexes of an XMLIndex Index
6-14 Creating a Function-Based Index on Path-Table Column VALUE
6-15 Trying to Create a Numeric Index on Path-Table Column VALUE Directly
6-16 Creating a Numeric Index on Column VALUE with Procedure createNumberIndex
6-17 Creating a Date Index on Column VALUE with Procedure createDateIndex
6-18 Creating an Oracle Text CONTEXT Index on Path-Table Column VALUE
6-19 Showing All Secondary Indexes on an XMLIndex Path Table
6-20 XMLIndex Index: Adding a Structured Component
6-21 Dropping an XMLIndex Structured Component
6-22 Creating a B-Tree Index on an XMLIndex Index Content Table
6-23 Oracle Text CONTEXT Index on an XMLIndex Index Content Table
6-24 XMLIndex with Only a Structured Component and using Namespaces
6-25 Checking Whether an XMLIndex Unstructured Component Is Used
6-26 Obtaining the Name of an XMLIndex Index from Its Path-Table Name
6-27 Extracting Data from an XML Fragment using XMLIndex
6-28 Using a Structured XMLIndex Component for a Query with Two Predicates
6-29 Using a Structured XMLIndex Component for a Query with Multilevel Chaining
6-30 Turning Off XMLIndex using Optimizer Hints
6-31 XMLIndex Path Subsetting with CREATE INDEX
6-32 XMLIndex Path Subsetting with ALTER INDEX
6-33 XMLIndex Path Subsetting using a Namespace Prefix
6-34 Creating an XMLIndex Index in Parallel
6-35 Using Different PARALLEL Degrees for XMLIndex Internal Objects
6-36 Specifying Deferred Synchronization for XMLIndex
6-37 Manually Synchronizing an XMLIndex Index using SYNCINDEX
6-38 Automatic Collection of Statistics on XMLIndex Objects
6-39 Creating an Oracle Text Index
6-40 Searching XML Data using SQL Function CONTAINS
6-41 Using an Oracle Text Index and an XMLIndex Index
7-1 XML Schema Instance purchaseOrder.xsd
7-2 purchaseOrder.xml: Document That Conforms to purchaseOrder.xsd
7-3 Registering an XML Schema using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA
7-4 Creating SQL Object Types to Store XMLType Tables
7-5 Default Table for Global Element PurchaseOrder
7-6 Data Dictionary Table for Registered Schemas
7-8 Registering a Local XML Schema
7-9 Registering a Global XML Schema
7-10 XML Schema Defining Documents with a Title To Be Translated
7-11 Untranslated Instance Document
7-12 XML Schema with Attribute xdb:translate for a Single-Valued Element
7-13 Translated Document
7-14 XML Schema with Attribute xdb:translate for a Multi-Valued Element
7-15 Translated Document for an XML Schema with Multiple-Valued Elements
7-16 Inserting a Document with No Language Information
7-17 Document After Insertion into the Repository
7-18 Inserting a Document with Language Information
7-19 Document After Insertion
7-20 Creating XML Schema-Based XMLType Tables and Columns
7-21 Specifying CLOB Storage for Schema-Based XMLType Tables and Columns
7-22 Specifying Structured Storage Options for XMLType Tables and Columns
7-24 Using Common Schema Annotations
7-25 Registering an Annotated XML Schema
7-26 Querying Metadata from a Registered XML Schema
7-27 Mapping XML Schema Data Types to SQL Data Types using Attribute SQLType
8-1 XPath Rewrite
8-2 Execution Plan Generated When XPath Rewrite Does Not Occur
8-3 Analyzing an Execution Plan to Determine a Column to Index
8-4 Creating an Index on a Column Targeted by a Predicate
8-5 Creating a Function-Based Index for a Column Targeted by a Predicate
8-6 Execution Plan Showing that Index Is Picked Up
8-7 Creating a Function-Based Index for a Column Targeted by a Predicate
8-8 Execution Plan for a Selection of Collection Elements
8-9 Creating an Index for Direct Access to an Ordered Collection Table
9-1 Generating an XML Schema with Function GENERATESCHEMA
9-2 Adding a Unique Constraint to the Parent Element of an Attribute
9-3 Setting SQLInline to False for Out-Of-Line Storage
9-4 Generated XMLType Tables and Types
9-5 Querying an Out-Of-Line Table
9-6 XPath Rewrite for an Out-Of-Line Table
9-7 Using an Index with an Out-Of-Line Table
9-8 Storing a Collection Out of Line
9-9 Generated Out-Of-Line Collection Type
9-10 Renaming an Intermediate Table of REF Values
9-11 XPath Rewrite for an Out-Of-Line Collection
9-12 XPath Rewrite for an Out-Of-Line Collection, with Index on REFs
9-13 Specifying Partitioning Information During XML Schema Registration
9-14 Specifying Partitioning Information During Table Creation
9-15 Oracle XML DB XML Schema: Mapping complexType XML Fragments to LOBs
9-16 XML Schema Inheritance: complexContent as an Extension of complexTypes
9-17 Inheritance in XML Schema: Restrictions in complexTypes
9-18 XML Schema complexType: Mapping complexType to simpleContent
9-19 XML Schema: Mapping complexType to any/anyAttribute
9-20 An XML Schema with Circular Dependency
9-21 XML Schema: Cycling Between complexTypes
9-22 XML Schema: Cycling Between complexTypes, Self-Reference
9-23 An XML Schema that Includes a Non-Existent XML Schema
9-24 Using the FORCE Option to Register XML Schema xm40.xsd
9-25 Trying to Create a Table Using a Cyclic XML Schema
9-26 Using the FORCE Option to Register XML Schema xm40a.xsd
9-27 Recursive XML Schema
9-28 Out-of-line Table
9-29 Invalid Default Table Sharing
10-1 Revised Purchase-Order XML Schema
10-2 evolvePurchaseOrder.xsl: Style Sheet to Update Instance Documents
10-3 Loading Revised XML Schema and XSL Style Sheet
10-4 Updating an XML Schema using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.COPYEVOLVE
10-5 Splitting a Complex Type into Two Complex Types
10-6 diffXML Parameter Document
11-1 Registering an XML Schema and Inserting XML Data
11-2 Retrieving a Style Sheet using XMLTRANSFORM and DBURITYPE
11-3 Retrieving a Style Sheet using XMLTRANSFORM and a Subquery
11-4 Using Method TRANSFORM() with a Transient Style Sheet
11-5 Validating XML using Method ISSCHEMAVALID() in SQL
11-6 Validating XML using Method ISSCHEMAVALID() in PL/SQL
11-7 Validating XML using Method SCHEMAVALIDATE() within Triggers
11-8 Checking XML Validity using XMLISVALID within CHECK Constraints
12-1 Simple Query using Oracle SQL Function CONTAINS
12-2 Restricting a Query using CONTAINS and WITHIN
12-3 Restricting a Query using CONTAINS and INPATH
12-4 ora:contains with an Arbitrarily Complex Text Query
12-5 CONTAINS Query with a Simple Boolean Operator
12-6 CONTAINS Query with Complex Boolean
12-7 CONTAINS Query with Stemming
12-8 CONTAINS Query with Complex Query Expression
12-9 Simple CONTAINS Query with SCORE
12-10 WITHIN
12-11 Nested WITHIN
12-12 WITHIN an Attribute
12-13 WITHIN and AND: Two Words in Some Comment Section
12-14 WITHIN and AND: Two Words in the Same Comment
12-15 WITHIN and AND: No Parentheses
12-16 WITHIN and AND: Parentheses Illustrating Operator Precedence
12-17 Structure Inside Full-Text Predicate: INPATH
12-18 Structure Inside Full-Text Predicate: INPATH
12-19 INPATH with Complex Path Expression (1)
12-20 INPATH with Complex Path Expression (2)
12-21 Nested INPATH
12-22 Nested INPATH Rewritten
12-23 Simple HASPATH
12-24 HASPATH Equality
12-25 HASPATH with Other Operators
12-26 Scoping the Results of a CONTAINS Query
12-27 Projecting the Result of a CONTAINS Query using ora:contains
12-28 Simple CONTEXT Index on Table PURCHASE_ORDERS
12-29 Simple CONTEXT Index on XMLType Table with Path Section Group
12-30 Simple CONTEXT Index on XMLType Column
12-31 Simple CONTEXT Index on XMLType Table
12-32 CONTAINS Query on XMLType Table
12-33 CONTAINS: Default Case Matching
12-34 Create a Preference for Mixed Case
12-35 CONTEXT Index on PURCHASE_ORDERS Table, Mixed Case
12-36 CONTAINS: Mixed (Exact) Case Matching
12-37 Simple CONTEXT Index on purchase_orders Table with Path Section Group
12-38 Using ora:contains with XMLQuery and XMLExists
12-39 Create a Policy to Use with ora:contains
12-40 Finding a Stopword using ora:contains
12-41 Finding a Stopword using ora:contains and Policy my_nostopwords_policy
12-42 ora:contains, Default Case-Sensitivity
12-43 Create a Preference for Mixed Case
12-44 Create a Policy with Mixed Case (Case-Insensitive)
12-45 ora:contains, Case-Sensitive (1)
12-46 ora:contains, Case-Sensitive (2)
12-47 ora:contains in Large Table
12-48 B-tree Index on ID
12-49 ora:contains in Large Table, with Additional Predicate
12-50 ora:contains Search for "electric"
12-51 Purchase Order XML Document, po001.xml
12-52 Create Table PURCHASE_ORDERS
12-55 Purchase-Order XML Schema for Full-Text Search Examples
13-1 Creating and Manipulating a DOM Document
13-2 Creating an Element Node and Obtaining Information About It
13-3 Creating a User-Defined Subtype of SYS.util_BinaryOutputStream()
13-4 Retrieving Node Value with a User-Defined Stream
13-5 Get-Pull of Binary Data
13-6 Get-Pull of Character Data
13-7 Set-Pull of Binary Data
13-8 Set-Push of Binary Data
13-9 Parsing an XML Document
13-10 Transforming an XML Document using an XSL Style Sheet
14-1 Inserting Data with Specified Columns
14-2 Updating Data with Key Columns
15-1 Querying an XMLType Table using JDBC
15-2 Selecting XMLType Data using getStringVal() and getCLOB()
15-3 Returning XMLType Data using getObject()
15-4 Returning XMLType Data using an Output Parameter
15-5 Updating XMLType Data using SQL UPDATE with Constructor XMLType
15-6 Updating XMLType Data using SQL UPDATE with setObject()
15-7 Retrieving Metadata about XMLType Data using JDBC
15-8 Updating an Element in an XMLType Column using JDBC
15-9 Updated Purchase-Order Document
15-10 Manipulating an XMLType Column using JDBC
15-11 Java Method insertXML()
15-12 Java Method getCLOB()
15-13 Creating a DOM Object with the Java DOM API
15-14 Using the Java DOM API with Binary XML
16-2 Using the C API for XML with Binary XML
16-3 Using the Oracle XML DB Pull Parser
16-4 Using the DOM to Count Ordered Parts
17-1 Retrieve XMLType Data to .NET
18-1 XMLELEMENT: Formatting a Date
18-2 XMLELEMENT: Generating an Element for Each Employee
18-3 XMLELEMENT: Generating Nested XML
18-4 XMLELEMENT: Generating Employee Elements with Attributes ID and Name
18-5 XMLELEMENT: Characters in Generated XML Are Not Escaped
18-6 Creating a Schema-Based XML Document using XMLELEMENT with Namespaces
18-7 XMLELEMENT: Generating an Element from a User-Defined Data-Type Instance
18-8 XMLFOREST: Generating Elements with Attribute and Child Elements
18-9 XMLFOREST: Generating an Element from a User-Defined Data-Type Instance
18-10 XMLCONCAT: Concatenating XMLType Instances from a Sequence
18-11 XMLCONCAT: Concatenating XML Elements
18-12 XMLAGG: Generating a Department Element with Child Employee Elements
18-13 XMLAGG: Using GROUP BY to Generate Multiple Department Elements
18-14 XMLAGG: Generating Nested Elements
18-15 Using SQL/XML Function XMLPI
18-16 Using SQL/XML Function XMLCOMMENT
18-17 Using SQL/XML Function XMLSERIALIZE
18-18 Using SQL/XML Function XMLPARSE
18-19 Using Oracle SQL Function XMLRoot
18-20 XMLCOLATTVAL: Generating Elements with Attribute and Child Elements
18-21 Using Oracle SQL Function XMLCDATA
18-22 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating Simple XML
18-23 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating Simple XML with Pagination (Fetch)
18-24 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating XML using Object Types
18-25 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating XML using User-Defined Data-Type Instances
18-26 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating an XML Purchase Order
18-27 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating a New Context Handle from a REF Cursor
18-28 DBMS_XMLGEN: Specifying NULL Handling
18-29 DBMS_XMLGEN: Generating Recursive XML with a Hierarchical Query
18-30 DBMS_XMLGEN: Binding Query Variables using SETBINDVALUE()
18-31 Creating XML Data using SYS_XMLGEN
18-32 SYS_XMLGEN: Generating an XML Element from a Database Column
18-33 SYS_XMLGEN: Converting a Scalar Value to XML Element Contents
18-34 SYS_XMLGEN: Default Element Name ROW
18-35 Overriding the Default Element Name using SYS_XMLGEN with XMLFormat
18-36 SYS_XMLGEN: Converting a User-Defined Data-Type Instance to XML
18-37 SYS_XMLGEN: Converting an XMLType Instance
18-38 Using SYS_XMLGEN with Object Views
18-39 Using XMLAGG ORDER BY Clause
18-40 Returning a Rowset using XMLTABLE
19-1 Creating an XMLType View using XMLELEMENT
19-2 Creating an XMLType View using Object Types and SYS_XMLGEN
19-3 Registering XML Schema emp_simple.xsd
19-4 Creating an XMLType View using SQL/XML Publishing Functions
19-5 Querying an XMLType View
19-6 Using Namespace Prefixes with SQL/XML Publishing Functions
19-7 XML Schema with No Target Namespace
19-8 Creating a View for an XML Schema with No Target Namespace
19-9 Using SQL/XML Functions in XML Schema-Based XMLType Views
19-10 Creating Object Types for Schema-Based XMLType Views
19-11 Generating an XML Schema with DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.GENERATESCHEMA
19-12 Registering XML Schema emp_complex.xsd
19-13 Creating XMLType View emp_xml
19-14 Creating an Object View and an XMLType View on the Object View
19-15 Creating Object Types
19-16 Registering XML Schema dept_complex.xsd
19-17 Creating XMLType View dept_xml using Object Type dept_t
19-18 Creating XMLType View dept_xml using Relational Data Directly
19-19 Creating an XMLType View by Restricting Rows from an XMLType Table
19-20 Creating an XMLType View by Transforming an XMLType Table
19-21 Determining Whether an XMLType View is Implicitly Updatable
20-2 Creating and Querying a URI Column
20-3 Using Different Kinds of URI, Created in Different Ways
20-4 Access a Repository Resource by URI using an XDBUri
20-5 Using PL/SQL Method GETXML() with XMLCAST and XMLQUERY
20-6 Targeting a Complete Table using a DBUri
20-7 Targeting a Particular Row in a Table using a DBUri
20-8 Targeting a Specific Column using a DBUri
20-9 Targeting an Object Column with Specific Attribute Values using a DBUri
20-10 Retrieve Only the Text Value of a Node using a DBUri
20-11 Targeting a Collection using a DBUri
20-12 URIFACTORY: Registering the ECOM Protocol
20-13 SYS_DBURIGEN: Generating a DBUri that Targets a Column
20-14 Passing Columns with Single Arguments to SYS_DBURIGEN
20-15 Inserting Database References using SYS_DBURIGEN
20-16 Creating the Travel Story Table
20-17 A Function that Returns the First 20 Characters
20-18 Creating a Travel View for Use with SYS_DBURIGEN
20-19 Retrieving a URL using SYS_DBURIGEN in RETURNING Clause
20-20 Changing the Installation Location of DBUriServlet
20-21 Restricting Servlet Access to a Database Role
20-22 Registering a Handler for a DBUri Prefix
21-1 Querying PATH_VIEW to Determine Link Type
21-2 Obtaining the OID Path of a Resource
21-3 Creating a Weak Link using an OID Path
22-1 Resource Configuration File
22-2 applicationData Element
23-1 XInclude Used in a Book Document to Include Parts and Chapters
23-2 Expanding Document Inclusions using XDBURIType
23-3 Querying Document Links Mapped From XLink Links
23-4 Querying Document Links Mapped From XInclude Links
23-5 Mapping XInclude Links to Hard Document Links, with OID Retrieval
23-6 Mapping XLInk Links to Weak Links, with Named-Path Retrieval
23-7 Configuring XInclude Document Decomposition
23-8 Repository Document, Showing Generated xi:include Elements
24-1 Creating a Repository Resource
24-2 Creating a Version-Controlled Resource
24-3 Retrieving Resource Content by Referencing the Resource ID
24-4 Checking Out a Version-Controlled Resource
24-5 Updating Resource Content
24-6 Checking In a Version-Controlled Resource
24-7 Retrieving Resource Version Content using XDBURITYPE and CREATEOIDPATH
24-8 Retrieving Resource Version Content using GETCONTENTSCLOBBYRESID
24-9 Retrieving Resource Version Metadata using GETRESOURCEBYRESID
24-10 Canceling a Check-Out using UNCHECKOUT
25-1 Determining Paths Under a Path: Relative
25-2 Determining Paths Under a Path: Absolute
25-3 Determining Paths Not Under a Path
25-4 Determining Paths using Multiple Correlations
25-5 Relative Path Names for Three Levels of Resources
25-6 Extracting Resource Metadata using UNDER_PATH
25-7 Using Functions PATH and DEPTH with PATH_VIEW
25-8 Extracting Link and Resource Information from PATH_VIEW
25-9 All Repository Paths to a Certain Depth Under a Path
25-10 Locating a Repository Path using EQUALS_PATH
25-11 Retrieve RESID of a Given Resource
25-12 Obtaining the Path Name of a Resource from its RESID
25-13 Folders Under a Given Path
25-14 Joining RESOURCE_VIEW with an XMLType Table
25-15 Deleting Resources
25-16 Deleting Links to Resources
25-17 Deleting a Nonempty Folder
25-18 Updating a Resource
25-19 Updating a Path in the PATH_VIEW
25-20 Updating Resources Based on Attributes
25-21 Finding Resources Inside a Folder
25-22 Copying Resources
25-23 Find All Resources Containing "Paper"
25-24 Find All Resources Containing "Paper" that are Under a Specified Path
26-1 Managing Resources using DBMS_XDB
27-1 Simple Access Control Entry (ACE) that Grants a Privilege
27-2 Simple Access Control List (ACL) that Grants a Privilege
27-3 Element extends-from
27-4 Element constrained-with
27-5 Complementing a Set of Principals with Element invert
27-6 ACE with Start and End Dates
27-7 Creating an ACL using CREATERESOURCE
27-8 Retrieving an ACL Document, Given its Repository Path
27-9 Setting the ACL of a Resource
27-10 Deleting an ACL
27-11 Updating (Replacing) an Access Control List
27-12 Appending ACEs to an Access Control List
27-13 Deleting an ACE from an Access Control List
27-14 Retrieving the ACL Document for a Resource
27-15 Retrieving Privileges Granted to the Current User for a Particular Resource
27-16 Checking If a User Has a Certain Privileges on a Resource
27-17 Checking User Privileges using ACLCheckPrivileges
27-18 Retrieving the Path of the ACL that Protects a Given Resource
27-19 Retrieving the Paths of All Resources Protected by a Given ACL
27-20 ACL Referencing an LDAP User
27-21 ACL Referencing an LDAP Group
28-1 Navigating Oracle ASM Folders
28-2 Transferring Oracle ASM Files Between Databases with FTP proxy Method
28-3 FTP Connection Using IPv6
28-4 Modifying the Default Timeout Value of an FTP Session
29-1 Register an XML Schema for Technical Photo Information
29-2 Register an XML Schema for Photo Categorization
29-3 Add Metadata to a Resource – Technical Photo Information
29-4 Add Metadata to a Resource – Photo Content Categories
29-5 Delete Specific Metadata from a Resource
29-6 Adding Metadata to a Resource using DML with RESOURCE_VIEW
29-7 Adding Metadata using WebDAV PROPPATCH
29-8 Query XML Schema-Based Resource Metadata
29-9 Add Non-Schema-Based Metadata to a Resource
30-1 Resource Configuration File for Java Event Listeners with Preconditions
30-2 Resource Configuration File for PL/SQL Event Listeners with No Preconditions
30-3 PL/SQL Code Implementing Event Listeners
30-4 Java Code Implementing Event Listeners
30-5 Invoking Event Handlers
31-1 JCR Node Representation of MyFolder
31-2 Code Fragment Showing How to Get a Repository Object
31-3 Uploading a File using Oracle XML DB Content Connector
31-4 Uploading a File Using the Command Line
31-5 XML Document with XML Schema-Based Content
31-6 XML Schema
31-7 JCR Representation of XML Content Not Registered for JCR Use
31-8 JCR Representation of XML Content Registered for JCR Use
31-9 Registering an XML Schema for Use with Oracle XML DB
31-10 Registering an XML Schema for Use with JCR
32-1 An Oracle XML DB Servlet
32-2 Registering and Mapping an Oracle XML DB Servlet
33-1 Adding a Web Services Configuration Servlet
33-2 Verifying Addition of Web Services Configuration Servlet
33-3 XML Schema for Database Queries To Be Processed by Web Service
33-4 Input XML Document for SQL Query using Query Web Service
33-5 Output XML Document for SQL Query using Query Web Service
33-6 Definition of PL/SQL Function Used for Web-Service Access
33-7 WSDL Document Corresponding to a Stored PL/SQL Function
33-8 Input XML Document for PL/SQL Query using Web Service
33-9 Output XML Document for PL/SQL Query using Web Service
34-1 Oracle XML DB Configuration File
34-2 Updating the Configuration File using CFG_UPDATE and CFG_GET
35-1 Data File filelist.dat: List of XML Files to Load
35-2 Control File load_datra.ctl, for Loading Purchase-Order XML Documents
35-3 Loading XML Data Using Shell Command sqlldr
36-1 Exporting XMLType Data in TABLE Mode
36-2 Importing XMLType Data in TABLE Mode
36-3 Creating Table po2
36-4 Exporting XMLType Data in SCHEMA Mode
36-5 Importing XMLType Data in SCHEMA Mode
36-6 Importing XMLType Data in SCHEMA Mode, Remapping Schema
37-1 Creating a Queue Table and Queue
37-2 Creating a Transformation to Convert Message Data to XML
37-3 Applying a Transformation before Sending Messages Overseas
37-4 XMLType and AQ: Dequeuing Messages
A-1 Annotated Purchase-Order XML Schema, purchaseOrder.xsd
A-2 Revised Purchase-Order XML Schema
A-3 PurchaseOrder.xsl Style Sheet
A-4 Inserting XML Data into an XMLType Table using C
A-5 Using OCIXmlDbInitXmlCtx() and OCIXmlDbFreeXmlCtx()
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