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Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
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List of Examples
2-1 Using the OCI_ATTR_USERNAME Attribute to Set the User Name in the Session Handle
2-2 Returning Describe Information in the Statement Handle Relating to Select-List Items
2-3 Using the OCILogon2 Call for a Single User Session
2-4 Enabling a Local User to Serve as a Proxy for Another User
2-5 Connection String to Use for the Proxy User
2-6 Preserving Case Sensitivity When Enabling a Local User to Serve as a Proxy for Another User
2-7 Preserving Case Sensitivity in the Connection String
2-8 Using "dilbert[mybert]" in the Connection String
2-9 Using "dilbert[mybert]"["joe[myjoe]"] in the Connection String
2-10 Setting the Target User Name
2-11 Using OCI to Set the OCI_ATTR_PROXY_CLIENT Attribute and the Proxy dilbert
2-12 Creating and Initializing an OCI Environment
2-13 Getting Locale Information in OCI
2-14 Basic String Manipulation in OCI
2-15 Classifying Characters in OCI
2-16 Converting Character Sets in OCI
2-17 Retrieving a Message from a Text Message File
3-1 OCI Bind and Define Support for 64-Bit Integers
3-2 Binding 8-Byte Integer Data Types for OUT Binds of a DML Returning Statement
4-1 Binding Both Input and Output Variables in Nonquery Operations
4-2 Calling OCIAttrGet() to Retrieve the Number of Errors Encountered During an Array DML Operation
4-3 Retrieving Information About Each Error Following an Array DML Operation
4-4 Using Batch Error Execution Mode
4-5 Implicit Describe - Select List Is Available as an Attribute of the Statement Handle
4-6 Explicit Describe - Returning the Select-List Description for Each Column
4-7 Access on a Scrollable Cursor
5-1 Handle Allocation and Binding for Each Placeholder in a SQL Statement
5-2 Defining a PL/SQL Statement to Be Used in OCI
5-3 Binding the Placeholder and Executing the Statement to Insert a Single Locator
5-4 Binding the Placeholder and Executing the Statement to Insert an Array of Locators
5-5 Demonstrating Some Implicit Conversions That Cannot Be Done
5-6 Allowed: Inserting into C1, C2, and L Columns Up to 8000, 8000, and 2000 Byte-Sized Bind Variable Data Values, Respectively
5-7 Allowed: Inserting into C1 and L Columns up to 2000 and 8000 Byte-Sized Bind Variable Data Values, Respectively
5-8 Allowed: Updating C1, C2, and L Columns up to 8000, 8000, and 2000 Byte-Sized Bind Variable Data Values, Respectively
5-9 Allowed: Updating C1, C2, and L Columns up to 2000, 2000, and 8000 Byte-Sized Bind Variable Data Values, Respectively
5-10 Allowed: Piecewise, Callback, and Array Insert or Update Operations
5-11 Not Allowed: Inserting More Than 4000 Bytes into Both LOB and LONG Columns Using the Same INSERT Statement
5-12 Allowed: Inserting into the CT3 LOB Column up to 2000 Byte-Sized Bind Variable Data Values
5-13 Not Allowed: Binding Any Length Data to a LOB Column in an Insert As Select Operation
5-14 Defining a Scalar Output Variable Following an Execute and Describe Operation
5-15 Defining LOBs Before Execution
5-16 Defining LOBs After Execution
5-17 Using Multiple Bind and Define Buffers
5-18 Binding the REF Output Variable in an OCI Application
5-19 Setting the Client Character Set to OCI_UTF16ID in OCI
5-20 Insert and Select Operations Using the OCI_ATTR_MAXCHAR_SIZE Attribute
5-21 Binding and Defining UTF-16 Data
5-22 Binding the :cursor1 Placeholder to the Statement Handle stm2p as a REF CURSOR
5-23 Defining a Nested Table (Second Position) as a Statement Handle
6-1 Initializing the OCI Process in Object Mode
6-2 Using an Explicit Describe to Retrieve Column Data Types for a Table
6-3 Describing the Stored Procedure
6-4 Using an Explicit Describe on a Named Object Type
6-5 Using an Explicit Describe on a Named Collection Type
6-6 Using a Parameter Descriptor to Retrieve the Data Types, Column Names, and Character-Length Semantics
7-1 Using the LOB Locator and Allocating the Descriptors
7-2 Implementing Read Callback Functions Using OCILobRead2()
7-3 Implementing Write Callback Functions Using OCILobWrite2()
7-4 Using Temporary LOBs
7-5 Prefetching of LOB Data, Length, and Chunk Size
8-1 Defining the OCI_ATTR_SERVER_GROUP Attribute to Pass the Server Group Name
8-2 Defining the OCI_ATTR_PROXY_CREDENTIALS Attribute to Specify the Credentials of the Application Server for Client Authentication
8-3 Defining the OCI_ATTR_DISTINGUISHED_NAME Attribute to Pass the Distinguished Name of the Client
8-4 Defining the OCI_ATTR_CERTIFICATE Attribute to Pass the Entire X.509 Certificate
8-5 Defining the OCI_ATTR_INITIAL_CLIENT_ROLES Attribute to Pass the Client Roles
8-6 Defining the OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER Attribute to Pass the End-User Identity
8-7 Defining the OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD Attribute to Pass the Password for Validation
8-8 OCI Attributes That Let You Specify the External Name and Initial Privileges of a Client
8-9 Defining the OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_SIZE Attribute to Initialize the Context Array Size with the Desired Number of Context Attributes
8-10 Using the OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_LIST Attribute to Get a Handle on the Application Context List Descriptor for the Session
8-11 Calling OCIParamGet() to Obtain an Individual Descriptor for the i-th Application Context Using the Application Context List Descriptor
8-12 Defining Session Handle Attributes to Set Externally Initialized Context
8-13 Using the OCI_ATTR_CALL_TIME Attribute to Get the Elapsed Time of the Last Server Call
8-14 Using OCISessionBegin() with an Externally Initialized Context
8-15 Changing the "responsibility" Attribute Value in the CLIENTCONTEXT Namespace
8-16 Two Ways to Clear Specific Attribute Information in a Client Namespace
8-17 Clearing All the Context Information in a Specific Client Namespace
8-18 Calling OCIAttrSet() to Set the OCI_ATTR_EDITION Attribute
9-1 Setting Session Purity
9-2 Setting the Connection Class as HRMS
9-3 Setting the Connection Class as RECMS
9-4 Specifying :POOLED in the Easy Connect String for Enabling DRCP
9-5 Specifying SERVER=POOLED in a TNS Connect String for Enabling DRCP
9-6 Database Resident Connection Pooling Application
9-7 Connect String to Use for a Deployment in Dedicated Server Mode with DRCP Not Enabled
9-8 Connect String to Use for a Deployment with DRCP Enabled
9-9 Optimizing Bind and Define Operations on Statements in the Cache
9-10 Pseudocode That Describes the Overall Processing of a Typical OCI Call
9-11 Environment Variable Setting for the ORA_OCI_UCBPKG Variable
9-12 Specifying the pkgNInit() and PkgNEnvCallback() Functions
9-13 Using pkgNEnvCallback() to Register Entry, Replacement, and Exit Callbacks
9-14 Registering User Callbacks with the NULL ucbDesc
9-15 Using the OCIStmtPrepare() Call to Call the Callbacks in Order
9-16 User-Defined Failover Callback Function Definition
9-17 Failover Callback Registration
9-18 Failover Callback Unregistration
9-19 Callback Function That Implements a Failover Strategy
9-20 Event Notification
9-21 Enqueue Buffered Messaging
9-22 Dequeue Buffered Messaging
9-23 Setting QOS Levels, the Notification Grouping Class, Value, and Type, and the Namespace Specific Context
9-24 Using AQ Grouping Notification Attributes in an OCI Notification Callback
9-25 Implementing a Publish Subscription Notification
9-26 Registering for Notification Using Callback Functions
9-27 LDAP Registration
10-1 Program Listing That Demonstrates Continuous Query Notification
10-2 Calling OCIDBStartup() to Perform a Database Startup Operation
10-3 Calling OCIDBShutdown() in OCI_DBSHUTDOWN_FINAL Mode
10-4 Calling OCIDBShutdown() in OCI_DBSHUTDOWN_ABORT Mode
10-5 Implicit Fetching of ROWIDs
11-1 SQL Definition of Standalone Objects
11-2 SQL Definition of Embedded Objects
11-3 Pinning an Object
11-4 Manipulating Object Attributes in OCI
11-5 Using Complex Object Retrieval in OCI
11-6 C Representations of Types with Their Corresponding NULL Indicator Structures
11-7 Creating a New Object for an Object View
12-1 Manipulating an Attribute of Type OCIDate
12-2 Manipulating an Attribute of Type OCIDateTime
12-3 Manipulating an Attribute of Type OCINumber
12-4 Converting Values in OCINumber Format Returned from OCIDescribeAny() Calls to Unsigned Integers
12-5 Manipulating an Attribute of Type OCIString
12-6 Manipulating an Attribute of Type OCIRaw
12-7 Using Collection Data Manipulation Functions
12-8 Using Multilevel Collection Data Manipulation Functions
12-9 Using REF Manipulation Functions
12-10 Using Type Interfaces to Construct Object Types
12-11 Using Type Interfaces to Construct Collection Types
12-12 Using Special Construction and Access Calls for Improved Performance
12-13 Method 1 for a Salary Update: Fetch, Convert, and Assign
12-14 Method 2 for a Salary Update: Fetch and Assign, No Convert
12-15 Method 3 for a Salary Update: Direct Fetch
12-16 Using the SQLT_NTY Bind Call Including OCIBindObject()
12-17 Using the SQLT_NTY Define Call Including OCIDefineObject()
13-1 Direct Path Programs Must Include the Header Files
13-2 Passing the Handle Type to Allocate the Function Context
13-3 Explicit Allocation of Direct Path Column Array Handle
13-4 Explicit Allocation of Direct Path Function Column Array Handle
13-5 Allocating a Direct Path Stream Handle
13-6 Data Structures Used in Direct Path Loading Examples
13-7 Contents of the Header File cdemodp.h
13-8 Use of OCI Direct Path Interfaces
13-9 Allocating the Column Array and Stream Handles
13-10 Getting the Number of Rows and Columns
13-11 Setting Input Data Fields
13-12 Resetting the Column Array State
13-13 Resetting the Stream State
13-14 Converting Data to Stream Format
13-15 Loading the Stream
13-16 Finishing the Direct Path Load Operation
13-17 Freeing the Direct Path Handles
13-18 Allocating a Child Column Array for a Column Object
13-19 Allocating a Child Column Array for a SQL String Column
13-20 Allocating a Child Column Array for a REF Column
13-21 Allocating the Column Array for the Object Table
13-22 Specifying Values for the OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_EXPR_TYPE Attribute
13-23 Setting a Function Context as a Column Attribute
13-24 Allocating a Child Column Array for a Function Context
14-1 Object Type Representation of a Department Row
14-2 C Representation of a Department Row
14-3 Initializing and Terminating XML Context with a C API
15-1 Definition of the Employee Object Type Listed in the Intype File
15-2 Contents of the Generated Header File demo.h
15-3 Contents of the demov.c File
15-4 Invoking OTT from the Command Line
15-5 Contents of a User-Created Intype File
15-6 Object Type Definition for Employee
15-7 OTT-Generated Struct Declarations
15-8 Object Type Definitions for the OTT Type Mapping Example
15-9 Various Type Mappings Created by OTT from Object Type Definitions
15-10 Object Type and Subtype Definitions
15-11 Contents of the Intype File
15-12 OTT Generates C Structs for the Types and Null Indicator Structs
15-13 Contents of an Intype File
15-14 Contents of the Outtype File After Running OTT
15-15 Content of an Intype File Named ex2c.typ
15-16 Invoking OTT and Specifying the Initialization Function
15-17 Content of an OTT-Generated File Named ex2cv.c
15-18 Object Type Definition to Demonstrate How OTT Generates Include Files
15-19 Content of the Intype File
15-20 Invoking OTT from the Command Line
15-21 Content of the Header File tott95b.h
15-22 Content of the Header File tott95a.h
15-23 Construct to Use to Conditionally Include the Header File tott95b.h
16-1 Creating a Thread-Safe OCI Environment with N' Substitution Turned On
16-2 Using the OCIServerAttach() Call
16-3 Using the OCISessionBegin() Call
16-4 Using the OCI_ATTR_MODULE Attribute with OCI Session Pooling
16-5 Using the OCI_ATTR_EDITION Attribute with OCI Session Pooling
16-6 Disabling Runtime Load Balancing
16-7 Allocating a Large Number of Descriptors
16-8 Allocating an Array of Descriptors
17-1 Allocating a source_loc Source Locator
17-2 Allocating a dest_loc Destination Locator
17-3 Using OCITransCommit() in a Simple Local Transaction
17-4 Using OCITransStart() in a Single Session Operating on Different Branches
17-5 Using OCITransStart() in a Single Session Operating on Multiple Branches Sharing the Same Transaction
17-6 Using OCIErrorGet() for Error Checking
19-1 Assigning a New Reference to the Pointer to the Collection Element
19-2 Prototype of OCINumberAssign() Call
19-3 Getting the Date for a Specific Day After a Specified Date
19-4 Deleting an Element from a Nested table
19-5 Getting a Count of All Elements Including Deleted Elements from a Nested Table
20-1 Using OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory() to Allocate 1024 Bytes of Memory
20-2 Using OCIFormatString() to Format a Date Two Different Ways for Two Countries
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